diff --git a/library/cdr_generic.php b/library/cdr_generic.php index 550864b..f40c682 100644 --- a/library/cdr_generic.php +++ b/library/cdr_generic.php @@ -1,3360 +1,3360 @@ 'RadAcctId', 'callId' => 'AcctSessionId', 'username' => 'UserName', 'domain' => 'Realm', 'gateway' => 'NASIPAddress', 'duration' => 'AcctSessionTime', 'startTime' => 'AcctStartTime', 'stopTime' => 'AcctStopTime', 'inputTraffic' => 'AcctInputOctets', 'outputTraffic' => 'AcctOutputOctets', 'aNumber' => 'CallingStationId', 'cNumber' => 'CalledStationId', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'BillingPartyId' => 'UserName', 'sipRPID' => 'SipRPID', 'ResellerId' => 'BillingId', 'price' => 'Price', 'DestinationId' => 'DestinationId' ); function _readCDRNormalizationFieldsFromDB() { foreach (array_keys($this->CDRNormalizationFields) as $field) { $mysqlField = $this->CDRNormalizationFields[$field]; $CDRStructure[$mysqlField] = $this->CDRdb->f($mysqlField); } return $CDRStructure; } function _readCDRFieldsFromDB($fields) { foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) { $mysqlField = $this->CDRFields[$field]; $CDRStructure[$mysqlField] = $this->CDRdb->f($mysqlField); } return $CDRStructure; } function initCDRFields() { // init names of CDR fields foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) { $mysqlField = $this->CDRFields[$field]; $_field = $field."Field"; $this->$_field = $mysqlField; } } function initDatabaseConnection() { // connect to the CDR database(s) if(!$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class']) { $log = sprintf("Error: \$DATASOURCES['%s']['db_class'] is not defined (init)", $this->cdr_source); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $_dbClass = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class']; if (is_array($_dbClass)) { if ($_dbClass[0]) $this->primary_database = $_dbClass[0]; if ($_dbClass[1]) $this->secondary_database = $_dbClass[1]; } else { $this->primary_database = $_dbClass; } if(!class_exists($this->primary_database)) { $log = sprintf("Error: database class '%s' is not defined", $this->primary_database); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $this->CDRdb = new $this->primary_database; // check db connectivity if (!$this->CDRdb->query('SELECT 1')) { $log = sprintf("Error: failed to connect to the primary CDR database %s\n", $this->primary_database); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); if ($this->secondary_database) { $this->CDRdb = new $this->secondary_database; if (!$this->CDRdb->query('SELECT 1')) { $log = sprintf("Error: failed to connect to the secondary CDR database %s\n", $this->secondary_database); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } else { $this->CDRdb1 = new $this->secondary_database; $this->db_class = $this->secondary_database; } } else { return 0; } } else { $this->CDRdb1 = new $this->primary_database; $this->db_class = $this->primary_database; } return 1; } function __construct($cdr_source) { global $CDRTool; global $DATASOURCES; global $RatingEngine; if (!$cdr_source) { $log = "Error: cdr_source not defined\n"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if (!$DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]) { $log = sprintf("Error: no such datasource defined (%s)\n", $cdr_source); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $this->initDefaults(); $this->cdrtool = new DB_CDRTool(); $this->cdr_source = $cdr_source; $this->CDRTool = $CDRTool; $this->rating_settings = $RatingEngine; $this->DATASOURCES = $DATASOURCES; $this->cdrtool->Halt_On_Error = "no"; $this->table = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table']; $this->initCDRFields(); if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['rating']) { $this->ratingEnabled = 1; $this->rating = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['rating']; if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['showRate']) $this->showRate = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['showRate']; if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['rateField']) $this->rateField = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['rateField']; if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['priceField']) $this->priceField = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['priceField']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['UserQuotaClass']) { $this->quotaEnabled = 1; $this->quota_init_flag = $this->cdr_source.':quotaCheckInit'; $this->quota_reset_flag = $this->cdr_source.':reset_quota_for'; if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['daily_quota']) { $this->daily_quota=$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['daily_quota']; } } $this->initDatabaseConnection(); if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['DestinationIdField']) { $this->DestinationIdField = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['DestinationIdField']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['normalizedField']) { $this->normalizedField = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['normalizedField']; } if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['intAccessCode'])) { $this->intAccessCode = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['intAccessCode']; } if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['natAccessCode'])) { $this->natAccessCode = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['natAccessCode']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_subscribers']) { if (class_exists($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_subscribers'])) { $this->AccountsDB = new $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_subscribers']; $this->db_subscribers = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_subscribers']; } else { $log = sprintf( "Error: subscribers database class %s is not defined", $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_subscribers'] ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } else if (class_exists('DB_opensips')) { $this->AccountsDB = new DB_opensips(); $this->db_subscribers = 'DB_opensips'; } else { $log = sprintf( "Error: subscribers database is not defined, please define 'db_subscribers' in datasource '%s'", $this->cdr_source ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['BillingIdField']) { $this->BillingIdField = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['BillingIdField']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['E164_class']) { if (class_exists($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['E164_class'])) { $this->E164_class = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['E164_class']; } else { printf( "Error: E164 class '%s' defined in datasource %s does not exist, using default '%s'", $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['E164_class'], $this->cdr_source, $this->E164_class ); } } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['sipTrace']) { $this->sipTrace = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['sipTrace']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace']) { $this->mediaTrace = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domain_table']) { $this->domain_table = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domain_table']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['skipNormalize']) { $this->skipNormalize = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['skipNormalize']; } if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor']) { $this->enableThor = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor']; } if (is_array($this->CDRTool['normalize']['CS_CODES'])) $this->CS_CODES=array_keys($this->CDRTool['normalize']['CS_CODES']); $this->missed_calls = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['missed_calls']; $this->traceInURL = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['traceInURL']; $this->traceOutURL = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['traceOutURL']; $this->protocolTraceURL = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['protocolTraceURL']; $spath = explode("/",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $last = count($spath)-1; $this->scriptFile=$spath[$last]; $this->next = $_REQUEST["next"]; $this->export = $_REQUEST["export"]; $this->trace = $_REQUEST["trace"]; if ($this->export) { $this->maxrowsperpage=10000000; } else { if ($_REQUEST["maxrowsperpage"]) { $this->maxrowsperpage = $_REQUEST["maxrowsperpage"]; } else { $this->maxrowsperpage = "25"; } } $this->LoadDisconnectCodes(); $this->LoadDestinations(); $this->LoadENUMtlds(); $this->LoadDomains(); $this->LoadTrustedPeers(); $this->getCDRtables(); if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['csv_writer_class']) { $csv_writter_class=$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['csv_writer_class']; if (class_exists($csv_writter_class)) { $this->csv_writter = new $csv_writter_class( $this->cdr_source, $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['csv_directory'], $this->db_subscribers ); } } $this->initOK=1; } function initDefaults() { if (is_readable('/etc/default/cdrtool')) { $defaultContentLines = explode("\n", file_get_contents('/etc/default/cdrtool')); foreach ($defaultContentLines as $_line) { list($defaults_key, $defaults_value) = explode("=", $_line); if (strlen($defaults_value)) $this->defaults[trim($defaults_key)]=trim($defaults_value); } } } function LoadDomains() { } function LoadTrustedPeers() { } function LoadAccounts() { } function LoadDestinations() { $_destinations = array(); $_destinations_sip = array(); $this->destinations_count = 0; $this->destinations_sip_count = 0; $query = sprintf("select `value` from memcache where `key` = 'destinations'"); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $b = time(); $this->cdrtool->next_record(); $_destinations = json_decode($this->cdrtool->f('value'),true); foreach (array_keys($_destinations) as $_key1) { foreach(array_keys($_destinations[$_key1]) as $_key2) { $this->destinations_count = $this->destinations_count + count($_destinations[$_key1][$_key2]); } } if (!$this->destinations_count) { $log = "Error: cached destinations key contains no data"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } $query = sprintf("select `value` from memcache where `key` = 'destinations_sip'"); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $this->cdrtool->next_record(); $_destinations_sip = json_decode($this->cdrtool->f('value'), true); foreach (array_keys($_destinations_sip) as $_key1) { foreach (array_keys($_destinations_sip[$_key1]) as $_key2) { $this->destinations_sip_count = $this->destinations_count + count($_destinations_sip[$_key1][$_key2]); } } } /* $e=time(); $log=sprintf("Read %d PSTN destinations from cache in %d seconds",$this->destinations_count,$e-$b); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); if ($this->destinations_sip_count) { $e=time(); $log=sprintf("Read %d SIP destinations from cache in %d seconds",$this->destinations_sip_count,$e-$b); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } */ $this->destinations = $_destinations; $this->destinations_sip = $_destinations_sip; unset($_destinations); unset($_destinations_sip); } else { $this->CacheDestinations(); $this->destinations = $this->_destinations; $this->destinations_sip = $this->_destinations_sip; unset($this->_destinations); unset($this->_destinations_sip); } if (is_array($this->destinations)) { foreach (array_keys($this->destinations) as $_reseller) { foreach ($this->destinations[$_reseller] as $key => $val) { $this->destinations_length[$_reseller][$key] = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($val))); } } } $c = $this->destinations_count + $this->destinations_sip_count; return $c; } function CacheDestinations() { $this->_destinations = array(); $this->_destinations_sip = array(); $this->destinations_count = 0; $this->destinations_sip_count = 0; $b=time(); $query = "select * from destinations"; if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $faNumber=$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']; $query .= sprintf(" where subscriber = '%s' or (subscriber = '' and domain = '' and gateway = '') ", addslashes($faNumber)); } else if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $fdomain=$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']; $query .= sprintf(" where domain = '%s' or (subscriber = '' and domain = '' and gateway = '') ", addslashes($fdomain)); } else if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) { $fgateway=$this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']; $query .= sprintf(" where gateway = '%s' or (subscriber = '' and domain = '' and gateway = '') ",addslashes($fgateway)); } $this->cdrtool->query($query); if (!$this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $log = "Error: could not find any entries in the destinations table"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $destinations_cache = "\n"; $destinations_sip_cache = "\n"; $this->destinations_count = 0; $this->destinations_default_count = 0; $this->destinations_gateway_count = 0; $this->destinations_domain_count = 0; $this->destinations_subscriber_count = 0; $j=0; while ($this->cdrtool->next_record()) { $j++; $reseller_id = $this->cdrtool->Record['reseller_id']; $gateway = trim($this->cdrtool->Record['gateway']); $domain = trim($this->cdrtool->Record['domain']); $subscriber = trim($this->cdrtool->Record['subscriber']); $dest_id = trim($this->cdrtool->Record['dest_id']); - $region = utf8_encode($this->cdrtool->Record['region']); - $name = utf8_encode($this->cdrtool->Record['dest_name']); + $region = iso8859_1_to_utf8($this->cdrtool->Record['region']); + $name = iso8859_1_to_utf8($this->cdrtool->Record['dest_name']); $name_print = $this->cdrtool->Record['dest_name']." (".$dest_id.")"; if (strstr($dest_id, '@')) { // SIP destination if ($subscriber) { $this->_destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$subscriber][$dest_id] = array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_sip_count++; } elseif ($domain) { $this->_destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$domain][$dest_id] = array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_sip_count++; } elseif ($gateway) { $this->_destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$gateway][$dest_id] = array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_sip_count++; } elseif ($dest_id) { $this->_destinations_sip[$reseller_id]["default"][$dest_id] = array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_sip_count++; } } else { // PSTN destination if (!is_numeric($dest_id)) { $log = sprintf( - "Error: cannot load non-numeric destination '%s' from row id %d" - ,$dest_id - ,$this->cdrtool->Record['id'] + "Error: cannot load non-numeric destination '%s' from row id %d", + $dest_id, + $this->cdrtool->Record['id'] ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); continue; } if ($subscriber) { $this->destinations_subscriber_count++; $this->_destinations[$reseller_id][$subscriber][$dest_id]=array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_count++; } elseif ($domain) { $this->destinations_domain_count++; $this->_destinations[$reseller_id][$domain][$dest_id]=array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_count++; } elseif ($gateway) { $this->destinations_gateway_count++; $this->_destinations[$reseller_id][$gateway][$dest_id]=array( 'name' => $name, 'region'=> $region ); $this->destinations_count++; } elseif ($dest_id) { $this->destinations_default_count++; $this->_destinations[$reseller_id]["default"][$dest_id]=array( 'name' => $name, 'region' => $region ); $this->destinations_count++; } } } $destinations_cache = json_encode($this->_destinations); $destinations_sip_cache = json_encode($this->_destinations_sip); $log = sprintf("PSTN destinations cache size: %0.2f MB", strlen($destinations_cache) / 1024 / 1024); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); if ($destinations_sip_cache) { $log = sprintf("SIP destinations cache size: %0.2f MB", strlen($destinations_sip_cache) / 1024 / 1024); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } $query = sprintf("select `value` from memcache where `key` = 'destinations'"); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update memcache set value = '%s' where `key` = 'destinations'", addslashes($destinations_cache) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $log = sprintf( "Cached %d total, %d default, %d gateway, %d domain, %d subscriber destinations", $this->destinations_count, $this->destinations_default_count, $this->destinations_gateway_count, $this->destinations_domain_count, $this->destinations_subscriber_count ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into memcache (`key`,`value`) values ('destinations','%s')", addslashes($destinations_cache) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $log = sprintf( "Cached %d total, %d default, %d gateway, %d domain, %d subscriber destinations", $this->destinations_count, $this->destinations_default_count, $this->destinations_gateway_count, $this->destinations_domain_count, $this->destinations_subscriber_count ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } $query = sprintf("select `value` from memcache where `key` = 'destinations_sip'"); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "update memcache set value = '%s' where `key` = 'destinations_sip'", addslashes($destinations_sip_cache) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $log = sprintf("Cached %d SIP destinations", $this->destinations_sip_count); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } else { $query = sprintf( "insert into memcache (`key`,`value`) values ('destinations_sip','%s')", addslashes($destinations_sip_cache) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $log = sprintf("Updated cache for %d SIP destinations", $this->destinations_sip_count); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } return true; } function LoadENUMtlds() { $_ENUMtlds = array(); $query = "select * from billing_enum_tlds"; $this->cdrtool->query($query); while ($this->cdrtool->next_record()) { $_ENUMtlds[trim($this->cdrtool->Record['enum_tld'])] = array( 'discount' => trim($this->cdrtool->Record['discount']), 'e164_regexp' => trim($this->cdrtool->Record['e164_regexp']) ); } $this->ENUMtlds = $_ENUMtlds; $c = count($this->ENUMtlds); return count($this->ENUMtlds); } function LoadDisconnectCodes() { } function initForm() { } function searchForm() { } function showTableHeader() { } function showTableHeaderStatistics() { } function showResultsMenu($hide_rows = "", $begin_datetime = '', $end_datetime = '') { global $loginname; if (!$this->export) { print "
"; print "
url_edit\" > Refine searchurl_run\"> Refresh"; $log_query = sprintf( "insert into log (date,login,ip,url,results,rerun,reedit,datasource,reseller_id) values (NOW(),'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d)", addslashes($loginname), addslashes($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), addslashes($this->url), addslashes($this->rows), addslashes($this->url_run), addslashes($this->url_edit), addslashes($this->cdr_source), addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['reseller']) ); if ($this->cdrtool->query($log_query)) { $this->cdrtool->query("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as lid"); $this->cdrtool->next_record(); $current_log=$this->cdrtool->f('lid'); } if ($this->rows) { print "url_export\" target=_new> Export results to file
"; } else { print "
"; } print "
"; if (!$hide_rows) { print "
"; if ($this->rows == 0) { print "No records found"; } else { print "$this->rows records found"; } if ($begin_datetime && $end_datetime) { printf(" between %s and %s", $begin_datetime, $end_datetime); } print "
"; } } } function showResultsMenuSubscriber($hide_rows = "", $begin_datetime = '', $end_datetime = '') { global $loginname; if (!$this->export) { print "
"; $log_query = sprintf( "insert into log (date,login,ip,url,results,rerun,reedit,datasource,reseller_id) values (NOW(),'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d)", addslashes($loginname), addslashes($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]), addslashes($this->url), addslashes($this->rows), addslashes($this->url_run), addslashes($this->url_edit), addslashes($this->cdr_source), 0 ); if ($this->cdrtool->query($log_query)) { $this->cdrtool->query("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as lid"); $this->cdrtool->next_record(); $current_log=$this->cdrtool->f('lid'); } if (!$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { if ($this->rows) { print " | url_export\" target=_new>Export results to file"; } print " "; } print "
url_edit\">Refine search | url_run\">Refresh | Save a description for this query:
"; if (!$hide_rows) { print "
"; if ($this->rows == 0) { print "No records found"; } else { print "$this->rows records found"; } if ($begin_datetime && $end_datetime) { printf(" between %s and %s",$begin_datetime,$end_datetime); } print "
"; } } } function showDateTimeElements($f) { print " Start Time
"; $f->show_element("begin_date",""); print "
"; print "Time: "; print "
"; $f->show_element("begin_time",""); print "
Stop Time
"; $f->show_element("end_date",""); print "
"; print "Time: "; print "
"; $f->show_element("end_time",""); print "
"; } function showDataSources($f) { global $perm; print " Data Source "; $f->show_element("cdr_source",""); if (count($this->tables) > 0) { print " Table: "; $this->f->show_element("cdr_table",""); } print " "; } function showPagination($next, $maxrows) { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; if (!$this->export) { print " "; } } function show() { } function dump() { } function unNormalize($where = "", $table) { if ($this->skipNormalize) { return 0; } if (!$this->normalizedField) { return 0; } // do not allow renormalization for readonly accounts global $perm; if (is_object($perm) && $perm->have_perm('readonly')) return false; if (!$where) $where=" (1=1) "; if (!$table) $table=$this->table; $query=sprintf( "update %s set %s = '0' where %s ", addslashes($table), addslashes($this->normalizedField), $where ); $c=0; if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $c = $this->CDRdb->affected_rows(); $this->reNormalize = true; } return $c; } function buildWhereForUnnormalizedSessions() { $this->whereUnnormalized = sprintf(" %s = '0'",$this->normalizedField); if ($this->stopTimeField) $this->whereUnnormalized .= " and $this->stopTimeField not like '0000-00-00 00:00:00%' "; if ($this->CDRFields['MediaTimeout']) { /* If we use MediaProxy information then eliminate all possible raise conditions 1. Session started and is in progress: AcctStopTime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AcctSessionTime = 0 MediaInfo is NULL ConnectInfo_stop is NULL 2. Session closed with a negative response code ([4-6]XX): AcctSessionTime = 0 AcctStopTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' MediaInfo is NULL ConnectInfo_stop is NULL 3. Session received a BYE: ConnectInfo_stop is not NULL AcctStopTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 4. Media has timed-out: MediaInfo = 'timeout' ConnectInfo_stop is NULL AcctStopTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5. MediaProxy update before BYE is received: MediaInfo = '' ConnectInfo_stop is NULL AcctStopTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6. Mofified 5. for the case where the session received a broken BYE that did not generate a STOP while MediaProxy generated an UPDATE */ $this->whereUnnormalized .= " and (ConnectInfo_stop is not NULL or MediaInfo is NULL or MediaInfo != '' or (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStopTime) > 20)) "; } } function getUnNormalized($where = "", $table) { if ($this->skipNormalize) { return 0; } if (!$where) $where=" (1=1) "; if (!$table) $table=$this->table; $ReNormalize = $_REQUEST["ReNormalize"]; if ($ReNormalize) $this->unNormalize($where, $table); if (!$this->normalizedField) { return 0; } $this->buildWhereForUnnormalizedSessions(); $query=sprintf( "select count(*) as c from %s where %s and %s", addslashes($table), $where, $this->whereUnnormalized ); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $c = $this->CDRdb->f('c'); } return $c; } function NormalizeCDRS($where = "", $table = "") { $this->missing_destinations=array(); $b=time(); if (!$where) $where=" (1=1) "; if (!$table) $table=$this->table; if ($this->skipNormalize) { return 1; } if (!$this->normalizedField) { return 1; } $lockName = sprintf("%s:%s", $this->cdr_source, $table); if (!$this->getNormalizeLock($lockName)) { //printf("Cannot get obtain lock %s",$lockName); return true; } $this->buildWhereForUnnormalizedSessions(); $this->status['cdr_to_normalize'] = 0; $this->status['normalized'] = 0; $this->status['normalize_failures'] = 0; $query = sprintf( "select count(*) as c from %s where %s and %s", addslashes($table), $where, $this->whereUnnormalized ); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $c=$this->CDRdb->f('c'); } $this->status['cdr_to_normalize']=$c; //$this->status['cdr_to_normalize']=$this->CDRdb->num_rows(); //print "

$query"; if ($this->status['cdr_to_normalize'] > 0) { if ($this->ratingEnabled) { // Load rating tables $this->RatingTables = new RatingTables(); $this->RatingTables->LoadRatingTables(); } } else { return 0; } $this->usageKeysForDeletionFromCache = array(); // For loop to process 1k records each time for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->status['cdr_to_normalize']; $i=$i+1000) { $query = sprintf( "select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP($this->startTimeField) as timestamp from %s where %s and %s limit 0,1000", addslashes($table), $where, $this->whereUnnormalized ); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)\n", $this->CDRdb->Error, $this->CDRdb->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return false; } while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) { //$Structure=$this->_readCDRNormalizationFieldsFromDB(); $Structure=$this->_readCDRFieldsFromDB(''); if ($this->csv_writter) { if (!$this->csv_file_cannot_be_opened) { if (!$this->csv_writter->ready) { if (!$this->csv_writter->open_file($Structure[$this->CDRNormalizationFields['id']])) { $this->csv_file_cannot_be_opened = true; } else { $this->csv_file_ready = true; } } } } $found++; $CDR = new $this->CDR_class($this, $Structure); if ($CDR->normalize("Save", $table)) { $this->status['normalized']++; if ($this->csv_file_ready) { if (!$this->csv_writter->write_cdr($CDR)) { // stop writing future records if we have a failure $this->csv_file_cannot_be_opened = true; } } if ($CDR->broken_rate) { $this->brokenRates[$CDR->DestinationId]++; } } else { $this->status['normalize_failures']++; } if ($this->reNormalize && !$this->usageKeysForDeletionFromCache[$CDR->BillingPartyId]) { $this->usageKeysForDeletionFromCache[$CDR->BillingPartyId]++; } if ($this->status['cdr_to_normalize'] > 1000) { if ($found > $progress*$this->status['cdr_to_normalize']/100) { $progress++; if ($progress%10==0) { print "$progress% "; flush(); } } } } } if ($this->ratingEnabled && is_array($this->brokenRates) && count($this->brokenRates) > 0) { if ($this->rating_settings['reportMissingRates']) { if (count($this->brokenRates)) { foreach (array_keys($this->brokenRates) as $dest) { $missingRatesBodytext=$missingRatesBodytext."\nDestination id $dest (".$this->brokenRates[$dest]." calls)"; } $to = $this->CDRTool['provider']['toEmail']; $from = $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail']; $log = sprintf( "Mailing missing rates for %d destination(s) to %s", count($this->brokenRates), $to ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); mail($to, "Missing CDRTool rates",$missingRatesBodytext, "From: $from"); } } } if (count($this->missing_destinations)) { $to = $this->CDRTool['provider']['toEmail']; $from = $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail']; $body = ''; foreach ($this->missing_destinations as $_dest) { if (!$seen[$_dest]) { $body .= sprintf("No destination for number %s\n", $_dest); } $seen[$_dest]++; } mail($to, "Missing CDRTool destinations", $body, "From: $from"); } if ($this->status['cdr_to_normalize'] > 0) { $d = time() - $b; $log = sprintf("Normalization done in %d s, memory usage: %0.2f MB", $d, memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if ($this->csv_file_ready) { $this->csv_writter->close_file(); $this->csv_writter->ready = false; } if (count($this->usageKeysForDeletionFromCache)) { $this->resetQuota(array_keys($this->usageKeysForDeletionFromCache)); } return 1; } function NormalizeNumber($Number, $type = "destination", $subscriber = "", $domain = "", $gateway = "", $CountryCode = "", $ENUMtld = "", $reseller_id = 0) { $this->CSCODE=""; $Number = strtolower(quoted_printable_decode($Number)); if ($pos = strpos($Number, "@")) { // this is a SIP URI $NumberStack['username'] = substr($Number, 0, $pos); if (strlen($NumberStack['username']) < 1) { $NumberStack['username'] = "unknown"; } $NumberStack['domain'] = substr($Number,$pos+1); $NumberStack['delimiter'] = "@"; $pos = strpos($NumberStack['username'], ":"); if ($pos) { $NumberStack['protocol'] = substr($NumberStack['username'], 0, $pos+1); $NumberStack['username'] = substr($NumberStack['username'], $pos+1); } if (preg_match("/^(.*)[=:;]/U", $NumberStack['domain'], $p)){ $NumberStack['domain'] = $p[1]; } } else if (preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]+:)(.*)$/i", $Number, $m)) { #$oct=preg_split("/\./",$m[2]); $oct = explode(",", $m[2]); if(sizeof($oct) == 4) { // This is a SIP address without username $NumberStack['username'] = ""; $NumberStack['domain'] = $m[2]; } else { // This is a SIP address without domain $NumberStack['username'] = $m[2]; $NumberStack['domain'] = ""; } $NumberStack['protocol'] = $m[1]; $NumberStack['delimiter'] = ""; } else { // This is a simple address like a phone number $NumberStack['protocol'] = ""; $NumberStack['username'] = $Number; $NumberStack['delimiter'] = ""; $NumberStack['domain'] = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(.*)[=:;]/U", $NumberStack['domain'], $p)){ $NumberStack['domain'] = $p[1]; } // Translate the domain if (is_array($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslationDestination']) && isset($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslationDestination'][$NumberStack['domain']]) ) { $NumberStack['domain'] = $this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslationDestination'][$NumberStack['domain']]; } if ($type=="destination" && is_numeric($NumberStack['username'])) { // strip custom prefix from destination $usernameLength = strlen($NumberStack['username']); if (is_array($this->CS_CODES)) { foreach ($this->CS_CODES as $strip_prefix) { $prefixLength = strlen($strip_prefix); $restLength = $usernameLength-$prefixLength; if ($restLength > 0 and preg_match("/^$strip_prefix(.*)$/", $NumberStack['username'], $m)) { $NumberStack['username'] = $m[1]; $this->CSCODE = $strip_prefix; break; } } } if (!$CountryCode) $CountryCode = $this->CDRTool['normalize']['defaultCountryCode']; $e164class = $this->E164_class; $E164 = new $e164class( $this->intAccessCode, $this->natAccessCode, $CountryCode, $this->ENUMtlds[$ENUMtld]['e164_regexp'] ); $NumberStack['E164'] = $E164->E164Format($NumberStack['username']); } if ($type=="destination" && $NumberStack['E164']) { // lookup destination id for the E164 number $dst_struct = $this->lookupDestination( $NumberStack['E164'], $subscriber, $domain, $gateway,$reseller_id ); $NumberStack['DestinationId'] = $dst_struct[0]; $NumberStack['destinationName'] = $dst_struct[1]; $NumberStack['NumberPrint'] = "+".$NumberStack['E164']; if (!$ENUMtld) { $NumberStack['Normalized'] = $this->intAccessCode. $NumberStack['E164']. $NumberStack['delimiter']. $NumberStack['domain']; } else { $NumberStack['Normalized'] = $NumberStack['username']. $NumberStack['delimiter']. $NumberStack['domain']; } } else { $dst_struct = $this->lookupDestination( $Number, $subscriber, $domain, $gateway, $reseller_id ); $NumberStack['DestinationId'] = $dst_struct[0]; $NumberStack['destinationName'] = $dst_struct[1]; $NumberStack['NumberPrint'] = $NumberStack['username']. $NumberStack['delimiter']. $NumberStack['domain']; $NumberStack['Normalized'] = $NumberStack['username']. $NumberStack['delimiter']. $NumberStack['domain']; } return $NumberStack; } function lookupDestination($destination, $subscriber = "", $domain = "", $gateway = "", $reseller_id = 0) { if (!$destination) return; if (is_numeric($destination)) { return $this->lookupPSTNDestination($destination, $subscriber, $domain, $gateway, $reseller_id); } else { return $this->lookupSipDestination($destination, $subscriber, $domain, $gateway, $reseller_id); } } function lookupSipDestination($destination = '', $subscriber = '', $domain = '', $gateway = '', $reseller_id = 0) { if ($this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$subscriber]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$subscriber]; $fCustomer = "subscriber=$subscriber"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$domain]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$domain]; $fCustomer = "domain=$domain"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$gateway]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id][$gateway]; $fCustomer = "gateway=$gateway"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id]['default']) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[$reseller_id]['default']; $fCustomer = "default"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[0][$subscriber]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[0][$subscriber]; $fCustomer = "subscriber=$subscriber"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[0][$domain]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[0][$domain]; $fCustomer = "domain=$domain"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[0][$gateway]) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[0][$gateway]; $fCustomer = "gateway=$gateway"; } else if ($this->destinations_sip[0]['default']) { $destinations_sip = $this->destinations_sip[0]['default']; $fCustomer = "default"; } $ret = false; if ($destinations_sip[$destination]) { $ret = array($destination,$destinations_sip[$destination]['name']); } else { list($user,$domain) = explode("@", $destination); if ($domain) { $domain = sprintf("@%s", $domain); if ($destinations_sip[$domain]) { $ret = array($domain, $destinations_sip[$domain]['name']); } } } return $ret; } function lookupPSTNDestination($destination = '', $subscriber = '', $domain = '',$gateway = '', $reseller_id = 0) { if ($this->destinations[$reseller_id][$subscriber]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[$reseller_id][$subscriber]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[$reseller_id][$subscriber]; $fCustomer="subscriber=$subscriber"; } else if ($this->destinations[$reseller_id][$domain]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[$reseller_id][$domain]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[$reseller_id][$domain]; $fCustomer="domain=$domain"; } else if ($this->destinations[$reseller_id][$gateway]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[$reseller_id][$gateway]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[$reseller_id][$gateway]; $fCustomer="gateway=$gateway"; } else if ($this->destinations[$reseller_id]['default']) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[$reseller_id]['default']; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[$reseller_id]['default']; $fCustomer="default"; } else if ($this->destinations[0][$subscriber]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[0][$subscriber]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[0][$subscriber]; $fCustomer="subscriber=$subscriber"; } else if ($this->destinations[0][$domain]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[0][$domain]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[0][$domain]; $fCustomer="domain=$domain"; } else if ($this->destinations[0][$gateway]) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[0][$gateway]; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[0][$gateway]; $fCustomer="gateway=$gateway"; } else if ($this->destinations[0]['default']) { $_destinations = $this->destinations[0]['default']; $maxLength = $this->destinations_length[0]['default']; $fCustomer="default"; } else { $log = sprintf( "Error: cannot find destinations for subscriber='%s', domain ='%s', gateway='%s', reseller='%s'\n", $subscriber, $domain, $gateway, $reseller_id ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } if (count($_destinations) > 0) { $length = min(strlen($destination), $maxLength); for ($i = $length; $i > 0; $i--) { $buf = substr($destination, 0, $i); if ($_destinations[$buf]) { return array($buf, $_destinations[$buf]['name']); } } } $log = sprintf( "Error: cannot find destination id for %s of customer = '%s', total destinations = %d\n", $destination, $fCustomer, count($_destinations) ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->missing_destinations[] = $destination; return false; } function import($file) { } function RadiusRecordRead($fp) { $keepreading=1; while ($keepreading) { $contents = fgets($fp, 8192); if (preg_match("/^$/", $contents)) { $keepreading=0; } else { $record[]=$contents; } } return $record; } function RadiusRecordParse($record) { unset($radiusParsed); if (!is_array($record)) { return 0; } foreach ($record as $line) { $line=trim($line); foreach (array_keys($this->radiusAttributes) as $attribute) { if (preg_match("/$attribute = (.*)$/", $line, $m)) { $value = preg_replace("/\"/", "", trim($m[1])); $radiusParsed[$attribute] = $value; } } } return $radiusParsed; } function getCDRtables() { if (!is_object($this->CDRdb)) return 0; $_tables=$this->CDRdb->table_names(); $t=count($_tables); if ($this->table) $this->tables[]=$this->table; while ($t <> 0) { $_table=$_tables[$t-1]["table_name"]; if ($_table=='radacct') $this->tables[]='radacct'; if (preg_match("/^(\w+)(\d{6})$/", $_table, $m)) { if ($list_t > 24) break; $this->tables[] = $_table; $list_t++; } $t--; } $this->tables=array_unique($this->tables); } function rotateTable($sourceTable, $month, $action) { // create a new table tableYYYYMM and copy data from the main table into it // if no month is supplied, the default is the previous month if (!$month) $month=date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") - 1, "01", date("Y"))); if (!$sourceTable) $sourceTable = $this->table; if (preg_match("/^(\w+)\d{6}$/", $sourceTable, $m)) { $destinationTable = $m[1].$month; } else { $destinationTable = $sourceTable.$month; } print("rotateTable($sourceTable, $month, $destinationTable)\n"); if ($sourceTable == $destinationTable) { $log = sprintf("Error: cannot copy records to the same table %s.\n", $destinationTable); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } $createTableFile = $this->CDRTool['Path'].$this->createTableFile; if (!$this->createTableFile || !is_readable($createTableFile)) { $log = sprintf("Error: cannot locate mysql creation file\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } $lockFile="/var/lock/CDRTool_".$this->cdr_source."_rotateTable.lock"; $f = fopen($lockFile, "w"); if (flock($f, LOCK_EX + LOCK_NB, $w)) { if ($w) { $log = sprintf("Another CDRTool rotate table is in progress. Aborting.\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } } else { $log = sprintf("Another CDRTool rotate table is in progress. Aborting.\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } $b=time(); if (!preg_match("/^(\d{4})(\d{2})$/", $month, $m)) { print "Error: Month $month must be in YYYYMM format\n"; return 0; } else { if ($m[2] > 12) { print "Error: Month must be in YYYYMM format\n"; return 0; } $lastMonth = $month; $startSQL = $m[1]."-".$m[2]."-01"; $stopSQL =date('Y-m-01', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2] + 1, "01", $m[1])); } $query = sprintf( "select count(*) as c from %s where %s >='%s' and %s < '%s'\n", addslashes($sourceTable), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($startSQL), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($stopSQL) ); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $rowsSourceTable = $this->CDRdb->f('c'); $log=sprintf("Source table %s has %d records in month %s\n", $sourceTable, $rowsSourceTable, $month); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; if (!$rowsSourceTable) return 1; } else { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)\n", $this->table, $this->CDRdb->Error); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } $query = sprintf("select count(*) as c from %s\n", addslashes($destinationTable)); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $rowsDestinationTable = $this->CDRdb->f('c'); $log = sprintf("Destination table %s has %d records\n", $destinationTable, $rowsDestinationTable); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; if ($rowsDestinationTable != $rowsSourceTable) { $log = sprintf( "Error: source table has %d records and destination table has %d records\n", $rowsSourceTable, $rowsDestinationTable ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; } else { $log = sprintf("Tables are in sync\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; } } else { $log = sprintf("%s (%s)\n", $this->CDRdb->Error, $this->CDRdb->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; if ($this->CDRdb->Errno==1146) { $destinationTableTmp = $destinationTable."_tmp"; $query=sprintf("drop table if exists %s", addslashes($destinationTableTmp)); print($query); $this->CDRdb->query($query); if ($query=file_get_contents($createTableFile)) { $query=preg_replace("/CREATE TABLE.*/", "CREATE TABLE $destinationTableTmp (", $query); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Error creating table %s: %s, %s\n", $destinationTableTmp, $this->CDRdb->Error,$query); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } } else { $log = sprintf("Cannot read file %s\n",$createTableFile); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } // if we reached this point we start to copy records $query = sprintf( "insert into %s select * from %s where %s >='%s' and %s < '%s'", addslashes($destinationTableTmp), addslashes($sourceTable), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($startSQL), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($stopSQL) ); return; if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $e=time(); $d=$e-$b; $rps=0; if ($this->CDRdb->affected_rows() && $d) $rps=$this->CDRdb->affected_rows()/$d; $log = printf("Copied %d CDRs into table %s in %d s @ %.0f rps\n",$this->CDRdb->affected_rows(),$destinationTableTmp,$d,$rps); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); print $log; $query=sprinf("rename table %s to %s", addslashes($destinationTableTmp),addslashes($destinationTableTmp)); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { printf ("Error renaming table %s to %s: %s\n",$destinationTableTmp,$destinationTable,$this->CDRdb->Error); return 0; } } else { printf ("Error copying records in table %s: %s\n",$destinationTable,$this->CDRdb->Error); return 0; } } } } function purgeTable($sourceTable, $month) { // delete records for a given month with minimal locking of database // this function is useful after archive of CDR data using rotate script $begin = time(); if ($month) { if (!preg_match("/^(\d{4})(\d{2})$/", $month, $m)) { print "Error: Month must be in YYYYMM format\n"; return 0; } else { $beginDate=$m[1]."-".$m[2]."-01"; $endDate=date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2]+1, '01', $m[1])); } } else if (is_int($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['purgeCDRsAfter'])) { $beginDate="1970-01-01"; $endDate=date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, Date('m'), Date('d')-$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['purgeCDRsAfter'], Date('Y'))); } else { return 0; } if (!$sourceTable) $sourceTable=$this->table; $query = sprintf( "select min(%s) as min,max(%s) as max from %s where %s >= '%s' and %s < '%s' ", addslashes($this->CDRFields['id']), addslashes($this->CDRFields['id']), addslashes($sourceTable), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($beginDate), addslashes($this->CDRFields['startTime']), addslashes($endDate) ); dprint($query); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { printf("Error: %s", $this->CDRdb->Error); return 0; } $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $min=$this->CDRdb->f('min'); $max=$this->CDRdb->f('max'); if (!$min || !$max) { $log = sprintf("No CDRs found in %s between %s and %s\n", $sourceTable, $beginDate, $endDate); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } $deleted=0; $i=$min; $interval=100; $rows2delete=$max-$min; $found = 0; print "$rows2delete CDRs will be deleted between $min and $max, $interval at a time\n"; while ($i <= $max) { $found=$found+$interval; if ($i + $interval < $max) { $top=$i; } else { $top=$max; } $query=sprintf("delete low_priority from %s where %s <= '%d' and %s >= '%d'", addslashes($sourceTable), addslashes($this->CDRFields['id']), addslashes($top), addslashes($this->CDRFields['id']), addslashes($min) ); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $deleted=$deleted+$this->CDRdb->affected_rows(); } else { $log=sprintf("Error: %s (%s)",$this->CDRdb->Error,$this->CDRdb->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); print $log; return 0; } if ($found > $progress*$rows2delete/100) { $progress++; if ($progress%10==0) { print "$progress% "; flush(); } } print "."; flush(); $i=$i+$interval; } print "\n"; $end = time(); $duration = $end-$begin; $rps=0; if ($deleted && $duration) $rps=$deleted/$duration; $log=sprintf("%s CDRs of month %s deleted from %s in %d s @ %.0f rps\n",$deleted,$month,$sourceTable,$duration,$rps); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); print $log; return 1; } function cacheQuotaUsage($accounts=array()) { if (!$this->quotaEnabled) return true; $saved_keys=0; $failed_keys=0; foreach (array_keys($accounts) as $_key) { $query=sprintf("select id from quota_usage where datasource = '%s' and account = '%s'",addslashes($this->cdr_source),addslashes($_key)); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)){ $log=sprintf ("Database error: %s (%s)",$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print($log); return false; } if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { // sync with quota_usage table $query=sprintf("update quota_usage set calls = calls + %d, duration = duration + %d, cost = cost + '%s', cost_today = cost_today + '%s', traffic = traffic + '%s' where account = '%s' ", addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['calls']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['duration']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['cost']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['cost_today']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['traffic']), addslashes($_key) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)){ $log=sprintf ("Database error: %s (%s)",$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $failed_keys++; } else { $saved_keys++; } } else { $quota=$this->getQuota($_key); $blocked=$this->getBlockedByQuotaStatus($_key); list($_u,$_d)=explode("@",$_key); $query=sprintf("insert into quota_usage (datasource,account,domain,quota,calls,duration,cost,cost_today,traffic,blocked,reseller_id) values ('%s','%s','%s',%d,%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d) ", addslashes($this->cdr_source), addslashes($_key), addslashes($_d), addslashes($quota), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['calls']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['duration']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['cost']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['cost_today']), addslashes($accounts[$_key]['usage']['traffic']), intval($blocked), addslashes($this->localDomains[$_d]['reseller']) ); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)){ $log=sprintf ("Database error: %s (%s)",$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $failed_keys++; } else { $saved_keys++; } } } $this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys'] = $this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys'] + $saved_keys; $this->status['cached_keys']['failed_keys'] = $this->status['cached_keys']['failed_keys'] + $failed_keys; return 1; } function getNormalizeLock($lockname='') { if (!$locker = new DB_Locker()) { $log=sprintf("Error: cannot init locker database. "); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if (!$lockname) { $log=sprintf("Error: no lockname provided. "); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } unset($this->lock_connection_id); register_shutdown_function("unLockNormalization",$locker,$lockname); $query=sprintf("SELECT GET_LOCK('%s',0)",addslashes($lockname)); if ($locker->query($query)) { $locker->next_record(); $return = $locker->Record["GET_LOCK('$lockname',0)"]; $query=sprintf("SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('%s')",addslashes($lockname)); if ($locker->query($query)) { $locker->next_record(); $this->lock_connection_id=$locker->Record["IS_USED_LOCK('$lockname')"]; } if ($return == 0) { $log=sprintf("Lock %s already aquired by another process with id %s ",$lockname,$this->lock_connection_id); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print "$log\n"; return 0; } else { $log=sprintf("Normalize lock id %s aquired for %s ",$this->lock_connection_id,$lockname); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); //print "$log\n"; return 1; } } else { $log = sprintf("Database error: failed to request mysql lock %s (%s)\n", $locker->Error, $locker->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } } function getQuota($account) { } function getBlockedByQuotaStatus($account) { } function resetQuota($accounts = array()) { if (!$this->quotaEnabled) return true; $_reset_array = array_unique($accounts); foreach ($_reset_array as $_el) { if (strlen($_el)) $_accounts[]=$_el; } $_reset_array = $_accounts; $log=sprintf("Next quota check will rebuild the counters for %s accounts",count($_reset_array)); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log ); $query=sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` in ('%s','%s')",addslashes($this->quota_init_flag),addslashes($this->quota_reset_flag)); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $query=sprintf("insert into memcache (`key`,`value`) values ('%s','%s')",addslashes($this->quota_reset_flag),addslashes(json_encode($_reset_array))); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $query="delete from quota_usage where account in ("; $t=0; foreach ($_reset_array as $_el) { if ($t) $query.=","; $query.= sprintf("'%s'",addslashes($_el)); $t++; } $query.=")"; if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log=sprintf ("Database error: %s (%s)",$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); print $log; return 0; } else { return 1; } } } class CDRS_unknown extends CDRS { function searchForm() { return; } } class E164 { // Class that helps normalization of a telephone number in E164 format // Based on this normalization, CDRTool rating engine decides whether // to consider the session a PSTN destination and rate it according // to the PSTN rating plan function E164($intAccessCode='00', $natAccessCode='0',$CountryCode='',$ENUMtldRegexp="") { $this->regexp_international = "/^".$intAccessCode."([0-9]{5,})\$/"; $this->regexp_national = "/^".$natAccessCode."([0-9]{3,})\$/"; $this->CountryCode = trim($CountryCode); $this->ENUMtldRegexp = trim($ENUMtldRegexp); } function E164Format($Number) { //dprint "E164Format($Number,ENUMtldRegexp=$this->ENUMtldRegexp)"; // This function returns the full E164 format for a PSTN number without leading zero or + // E164 = Country Code + Network Code + Subscriber Number // Example: 31208015100 is an E164 number from Holland (country code 31) // If nothing is returned by this function the session is considered an Internet destination if (preg_match($this->regexp_international,$Number,$m)) { return $m[1]; } else if (preg_match($this->regexp_national,$Number,$m)) { // Add default country code return $this->CountryCode.$m[1]; } else if (strlen($this->ENUMtldRegexp)) { $_regexp="/^".$this->ENUMtldRegexp."\$/"; if (preg_match($_regexp,$Number,$m)) { return $m[1]; } } return false; } } class E164_Europe extends E164 { function E164_Europe ($intAccessCode='00', $natAccessCode='0',$CountryCode='',$ENUMtldRegexp="([1-9][0-9]{7,})") { $this->regexp_international = "/^".$intAccessCode."([1-9][0-9]{5,})\$/"; $this->regexp_national = "/^".$natAccessCode."([1-9][0-9]{3,})\$/"; $this->CountryCode = trim($CountryCode); $this->ENUMtldRegexp = trim($ENUMtldRegexp); } } class E164_US extends E164 { function E164_US($intAccessCode='011', $natAccessCode='[1-9][0-9]{2}',$CountryCode='',$ENUMtldRegexp="([1-9][0-9]{7,})") { $this->regexp_international = "/^".$intAccessCode."([1-9][0-9]{5,})\$/"; $this->regexp_national = "/^".$natAccessCode."([0-9]{3,})\$/"; $this->CountryCode = trim($CountryCode); $this->ENUMtldRegexp = trim($ENUMtldRegexp); } } class CDR { // we need two db descriptors to update a CDR // within same result set var $idField = "RadAcctId"; var $callIdField = "AcctSessionId"; var $usernameField = "UserName"; var $domainField = "Realm"; var $gatewayField = "NASIPAddress"; var $gatewayPortField = "CiscoNASPort"; var $timestampField = "timestamp"; var $portIdField = "NASPortId"; var $portTypeField = "NASPortType"; var $startTimeField = "AcctStartTime"; var $stopTimeField = "AcctStopTime"; var $durationField = "AcctSessionTime"; var $inputTrafficField = "AcctInputOctets"; var $outputTrafficField = "AcctOutputOctets"; var $serviceTypeField = "ServiceType"; var $cNumberField = "CalledStationId"; var $aNumberField = "CallingStationId"; var $disconnectField = "H323DisconnectCause"; var $traceIn = ""; var $traceOut = ""; var $defaultApplicationType = "audio"; var $supportedApplicationTypes = array( 'audio', 'message', 'video', 'chat', 'file-transfer' ); function CDR() { } function NormalizeDisconnect() { $causePrint=$this->CDRS->disconnectCodesDescription[$this->disconnect]." (".$this->disconnect.")"; return $causePrint; } function traceOut () { } function traceIn () { } function show() { } function normalize($save="",$table="") { if (!$table) $table = $this->CDRS->table; if ($this->CDRS->CSCODE && $CarrierInfo = $this->CDRS->CDRTool['normalize']['CS_CODES'][$this->CDRS->CSCODE]) { // We found a carrier so we set the BillingId $this->BillingId = $CarrierInfo[BillingPartyId]; } if ($save) { if (!$this->id) { return 0; } $query =""; $query1 =""; $query2 =""; if ($this->CDRS->normalizedField) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s='1' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->normalizedField)); } if ($this->CDRS->BillingPartyIdField && $this->BillingPartyId) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->BillingPartyIdField),addslashes($this->BillingPartyId)); } if (strlen($this->durationNormalized) && $this->durationNormalized != $this->duration) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s ='%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->durationField),addslashes($this->durationNormalized)); $this->duration=$this->durationNormalized; } if ($this->CDRS->DestinationIdField) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->DestinationIdField),addslashes($this->DestinationId)); } if ($this->CDRS->ResellerIdField) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->ResellerIdField),addslashes($this->ResellerId)); } if ($this->usernameNormalized && $this->usernameNormalized!=$this->username) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->usernameField),addslashes($this->usernameNormalized)); } if ($this->aNumberNormalized && $this->aNumberNormalized!=$this->aNumber) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->aNumberField),addslashes($this->aNumberNormalized)); $this->aNumber=$this->aNumberNormalized; } if ($this->CDRS->applicationField && $this->applicationNormalized) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->applicationField), addslashes($this->applicationNormalized)); $this->application=$this->applicationNormalized; } if ($this->CDRS->flowField && $this->flow) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->flowField),addslashes($this->flow)); } if ($this->domainNormalized && $this->domainNormalized != $this->domain) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->domainField),addslashes($this->domainNormalized)); $this->domainNumber=$this->domainNormalized; $this->domain=$this->domainNormalized; } if ($this->cNumberNormalized && $this->cNumberNormalized!=$this->cNumber) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->cNumberField),addslashes($this->cNumberNormalized)); $this->cNumber=$this->cNumberNormalized; } if ($this->CDRS->BillingIdField && $this->BillingId) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->BillingIdField),addslashes($this->BillingId)); } if ($this->CDRS->RemoteAddressField && $this->RemoteAddressNormalized && $this->RemoteAddressNormalized!= $this->RemoteAddress) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->RemoteAddressField),addslashes($this->RemoteAddressNormalized)); } if ($this->CDRS->CanonicalURIField && $this->CanonicalURINormalized && $this->CanonicalURINormalized!= $this->CanonicalURI) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->CanonicalURIField),addslashes($this->CanonicalURINormalized)); } if ($this->stopTimeNormalized) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->stopTimeField),addslashes($this->stopTimeNormalized)); } if ($this->CDRS->ratingEnabled && ($this->duration || $this->application == 'message')) { if ($this->DestinationId) { $Rate = new Rate($this->CDRS->rating_settings, $this->CDRS->cdrtool); if ($this->application == 'message') { $RateDictionary = array( 'callId' => $this->callId, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'DestinationId' => $this->DestinationId, 'BillingPartyId' => $this->BillingPartyId, 'ResellerId' => $this->ResellerId, 'domain' => $this->domain, 'gateway' => $this->gateway, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'aNumber' => $this->aNumber, 'cNumber' => $this->cNumber ); $Rate->calculateMessage($RateDictionary); } else { $RateDictionary = array( 'callId' => $this->callId, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'DestinationId' => $this->DestinationId, 'inputTraffic' => $this->inputTraffic, 'outputTraffic' => $this->outputTraffic, 'BillingPartyId' => $this->BillingPartyId, 'ResellerId' => $this->ResellerId, 'domain' => $this->domain, 'gateway' => $this->gateway, 'RatingTables' => $this->CDRS->RatingTables, 'aNumber' => $this->aNumber, 'cNumber' => $this->cNumber, 'ENUMtld' => $this->ENUMtld, 'application' => $this->application ); $Rate->calculateAudio($RateDictionary); } $this->pricePrint = $Rate->pricePrint; $this->price = $Rate->price; $this->rateInfo = $Rate->rateInfo; $this->rateDuration = $Rate->duration; if ($Rate->broken_rate) { $this->broken_rate = true; } } else { $this->rateInfo = ''; $this->pricePrint = ''; $this->price = ''; } // strict mysql query fails when price is being set to '' if ($this->pricePrint === null || $this->pricePrint === '') { $this->pricePrint = '0.00'; } if ($this->CDRS->priceField) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query .= sprintf( " %s = '%s' ", addslashes($this->CDRS->priceField), addslashes($this->pricePrint) ); if ($this->CDRS->rateField ) { if ($updatedFields) $query .= ", "; $updatedFields++; $query.=sprintf(" %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->CDRS->rateField),addslashes($this->rateInfo)); } } } $query1 = sprintf( "update %s set %s where %s = '%s'", addslashes($table), $query, addslashes($this->idField), addslashes($this->id)); dprint_sql($query1); if ($updatedFields) { if ($this->CDRS->CDRdb1->query($query1)) { if ($this->CDRS->CDRdb1->affected_rows()) { if ( $this->isBillingPartyLocal() && $table == "radacct".date('Ym')) { // cache usage only if current month $_traffic = ($this->inputTraffic + $this->outputTraffic) / 2; $_usage = array( 'calls' => 1, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'cost' => $this->price, 'cost_today' => $this->price, 'traffic' => $_traffic ); $this->cacheQuotaUsage($_usage); } } else { if (preg_match("/^(\w+)(\d{4})(\d{2})$/", $table, $m)) { $previousTable=$m[1].date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[3]-1, "01", $m[2])); $query2 = sprintf("update %s set %s where %s = '%s'",addslashes($previousTable),$query,addslashes($this->idField),addslashes($this->id)); if ($this->CDRS->CDRdb1->query($query2)) { if ($this->CDRS->CDRdb1->affected_rows()) { if ($this->isBillingPartyLocal() && $previousTable == "radacct".date('Ym')) { // cache usage only if current month $_traffic = ($this->inputTraffic + $this->outputTraffic) / 2; $_usage = array( 'calls' => 1, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'cost' => $this->price, 'cost_today' => $this->price, 'traffic' => $_traffic ); $this->cacheQuotaUsage($_usage); } } } else { $log = sprintf( "Database error: %s (%s)", $this->CDRS->CDRdb1->Error, $this->CDRS->CDRdb1->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print($log); return 0; } } } return 1; } else { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query1, $this->CDRS->CDRdb1->Error, $this->CDRS->CDRdb1->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print($log); return 0; } } } else { if ($this->CDRS->BillingPartyIdField && $CarrierInfo['BillingPartyId']) { $this->domain = $CarrierInfo['BillingDomain']; } if ($this->usernameNormalized && $this->usernameNormalized!=$this->username) { $this->username = $this->usernameNormalized; } if ($this->aNumberNormalized && $this->aNumberNormalized!=$this->aNumber) { $this->aNumber = $this->aNumberNormalized; } if ($this->domainNormalized && $this->domainNormalized != $this->domain) { $this->domainNumber = $this->domainNormalized; } if ($this->cNumberNormalized && $this->cNumberNormalized!=$this->cNumber) { $this->cNumber = $this->cNumberNormalized; } if ($this->CDRS->RemoteAddressField && $this->RemoteAddressNormalized && $this->RemoteAddressNormalized!= $this->RemoteAddress) { $this->RemoteAddress = $this->RemoteAddressNormalized; } } return 1; } function cacheQuotaUsage($usage) { if (!is_array($usage)) return ; $accounts[$this->BillingPartyId]['usage'] = $usage; $this->CDRS->cacheQuotaUsage($accounts); } function isCallerLocal() { return false; } function isCalleeLocal() { return false; } function isBillingPartyLocal() { return false; } function obfuscateCallerId() { global $obfuscateCallerId; if ($obfuscateCallerId) { } } function lookupRateFromNetwork($RateDictionary, $fp) { $this->rateInfo=''; $this->pricePrint=''; $this->price=''; $countEndofLines=0; $cmd="ShowPrice"; foreach (array_keys($RateDictionary) as $key) { $cmd .=" ".$key."=".$RateDictionary[$key]." "; } $this->price = 0; $this->pricePrint = ""; $this->rateInfo = ""; if (fputs($fp,"$cmd\n") !== false) { $i=0; while ($i < 100) { $i++; $line = fgets($fp,1024); if (!$line) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error: lookupRateFromNetwork(): connection to network socket died"); break; } if (preg_match("/^\n/",$line) || preg_match("/^END/",$line)) { break; } if ($i == 1) { $this->price = trim($line); $this->pricePrint = number_format($this->price, 4); continue; } $this->rateInfo.=$line; } } } function lookupGeoLocation($ip) { if ($_loc=geoip_record_by_name($ip)) { return $_loc['country_name'].'/'.$_loc['city']; } else if ($_loc=geoip_country_name_by_name($ip)) { return $_loc; } else { return ''; } } } function getLocalTime($timezone,$timestamp) { global $CDRTool; if (!$timezone || $timezone == $CDRTool['provider']['timezone']) { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); } putenv("TZ=$timezone"); $startTimeLocal=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); $timezone=$CDRTool['provider']['timezone']; putenv("TZ=$timezone"); return $startTimeLocal; } function validDay($month,$day,$year) { if (!$month || !$year) { return $day; } while (1) { if (!checkdate($month,$day,$year) && $day) { $day--; next; } else { break; } } return $day; } // include CDRTool modules defined in global.inc if (is_array($CDRToolModules)) { foreach ($CDRToolModules as $module) { $module_filename="cdr_".$module.".php"; include($module_filename); } } function unLockNormalization ($dbid,$lockname) { $query=sprintf("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('%s')",addslashes($lockname)); $log=sprintf("Unlock %s",$lockname); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); if (!$dbid->query($query)) { $log="Error in unLockNormalization()"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } class SIPonline { function SIPonline ($datasource='',$database='db',$table='location') { global $CDRTool; $expandAll = $_REQUEST['expandAll']; $domain = $_REQUEST['domain']; $this->expandAll = $expandAll; $this->domain = $domain; $this->datasource = $datasource; if (strlen($CDRTool['filter']['domain'])) { $this->allowedDomains=explode(" ",$CDRTool['filter']['domain']); $allowed_domains_sql=""; $j=0; foreach ($this->allowedDomains as $_domain) { if ($j>0) $allowed_domains_sql.=","; $allowed_domains_sql.="'".addslashes($_domain)."'"; $j++; } } $this->locationDB = new $database; $this->locationTable = $table; $this->Registered=array(); $this->countUA=array(); $where = " where (1=1) " ; if ($allowed_domains_sql) { $where.= sprintf("and domain in (%s)",addslashes($allowed_domains_sql)) ; } $query=sprintf("select count(*) as c, domain from %s %s group by domain order by domain ASC", addslashes($this->locationTable), $where ); $this->locationDB->query($query); $this->domains=$this->locationDB->num_rows(); while ($this->locationDB->next_record()) { $this->Registered[$this->locationDB->f('domain')]=$this->locationDB->f('c'); $this->total=$this->total+$this->locationDB->f('c'); } $query=sprintf("select count(*) as c, user_agent from %s %s",addslashes($this->locationTable),$where); if ($this->domain) { $query.=sprintf(" and domain = '%s' ",addslashes($this->domain)); } $query.=" group by user_agent order by c DESC"; $this->locationDB->query($query); while ($this->locationDB->next_record()) { $this->countUA[$this->locationDB->f('user_agent')]=$this->locationDB->f('c'); } } function showHeader() { print ""; print " "; if ($this->domain) { print " "; } else { print " "; } print " "; } function showFooter() { print "
User@Domain SIP UA contact NAT address User Agent Expires Remain Users@ Domain
$this->total users@ $this->domains domains
"; } function showAll() { global $found; $this->showHeader(); foreach (array_keys($this->Registered) as $ld) { $onlines=$this->Registered[$ld]; if ($this->expandAll || ($this->domain && $this->domain==$ld)) { $this->show($ld); } else { $found++; $url = sprintf("%s?datasource=%s&domain=%s", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], urlencode($this->datasource), urlencode($ld) ); print " $found $onlines users@ $ld "; if ($this->domain) { print " "; } print " "; } } $this->showfooter(); /* print "

"; $this->showUAdistribution(); */ } function show() { global $found; $query="SELECT *, SEC_TO_TIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expires)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) AS remain FROM location "; if ($this->domain) $query.=sprintf(" where domain = '%s'", addslashes($this->domain)); $query.= " ORDER BY domain ASC, username ASC "; $this->locationDB->query($query); while ($this->locationDB->next_record()) { $found++; $username = $this->locationDB->f('username'); $domain = $this->locationDB->f('domain'); $contact = $this->locationDB->f('contact'); $received = $this->locationDB->f('received'); $user_agent = $this->locationDB->f('user_agent'); $expires = $this->locationDB->f('expires'); $remain = $this->locationDB->f('remain'); $contact_print=substr($contact,4); $c_els=explode(";", $contact); $r_els=explode(";", $received); $transport="UDP"; if ($c_els[1] && preg_match("/transport=(tcp|tls)/i",$c_els[1],$m)) { $transport=strtoupper($m[1]); } $sip_account=$username."@".$domain; print " $found $sip_account $transport $c_els[0] $r_els[0] $user_agent $expires $remain "; $seen[$username]++; $seen[$domain]++; } } function showUAdistribution () { print ""; print " "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print " "; while (list($k,$v) = each($this->countUA)) { $users=$users+$v; $count++; print " "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; } print " "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print " "; print "
User agentUsers
"; } } class PrepaidHistory { function PrepaidHistory() { $this->db = new DB_cdrtool; } function purge($days=7) { $beforeDate=Date("Y-m-d", time()-$days*3600*24); $query=sprintf("delete from prepaid_history where date < '%s' and action like 'Debit balance%s'",addslashes($beforeDate),'%'); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { $log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)\n",$query,$this->db->Error,$this->db->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } else { $log=sprintf ("Purged %d records from prepaid history before %s\n",$this->db->affected_rows(),$beforeDate); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } } } class CSVWritter { var $csv_directory = '/var/spool/cdrtool/normalize'; var $filename_extension = '.csv'; var $fields = array(); var $ready = false; var $cdr_type = array(); var $lines = 0; function CSVWritter($cdr_source='',$csv_directory='') { if ($cdr_source) { $this->cdr_source = $cdr_source; } else { $this->cdr_source = 'unknown'; } if ($csv_directory) { if (is_dir($csv_directory)) { $this->csv_directory = $csv_directory; } else { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: %s is not a directory\n",$csv_directory); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); return false; } } $this->directory=$this->csv_directory."/".date("Ymd"); if (!is_dir($this->directory)) { if (!mkdir($this->directory)) { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: cannot create directory %s\n",$this->directory); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); return false; } chmod($this->directory, 0775); } $this->directory_ready = true; } function open_file ($filename_suffix='') { if ($this->ready) return true; if (!$this->directory_ready) return false; if (!$filename_suffix) { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: no filename suffix provided\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); return false; } $this->filename_prefix = strtolower($this->cdr_source).'-'.date('YmdHi'); $this->full_path=rtrim($this->directory,'/').'/'.$this->filename_prefix.'-'.$filename_suffix.$this->filename_extension; $this->full_path_tmp=$this->full_path.'.tmp'; if (!$this->fp = fopen($this->full_path_tmp, 'w')) { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: cannot open %s for writing\n",$this->full_path_tmp); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); return false; } $this->ready = true; return true; } function close_file () { if (!$this->ready) return false; fclose($this->fp); if (!rename($this->full_path_tmp, $this->full_path)) { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: cannot rename %s to %s\n",$this->full_path_tmp,$this->full_path); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } else { $log=sprintf ("%d normalized CDRs written to %s\n",$this->lines, $this->full_path); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); } } function write_cdr ($CDR) { if (!$this->ready) return false; $line = sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $CDR->id, $CDR->callId, $CDR->flow, $CDR->application, $CDR->username, $CDR->CanonicalURI, $CDR->startTime, $CDR->stopTime, $CDR->duration, $CDR->DestinationId, $CDR->BillingPartyId, $CDR->ResellerId, $CDR->price ); if (!fputs($this->fp,$line)) { $this->ready = false; return false; } $this->lines++; return true; } } class MaxRate extends CSVWritter { var $skip_prefixes = array(); var $skip_numbers = array(); var $skip_domains = array(); var $rpid_cache = array(); var $translate_uris = array(); function MaxRate ($cdr_source='', $csv_directory='', $db_subscribers='') { global $MaxRateSettings; // set in global.inc /* $MaxRateSettings= array( 'translate_uris'=> array( '1233@'=>'+1233', '[1-9][0-9]{4}.*@'=>'+1233'), 'skip_domains' => array('example.net',''), 'skip_numbers' => array('1233'), // skip CDRs that has the username part in this array 'skip_prefixes' => array('0031901') // skip CDRs that begin with any of this prefixes ); */ if (is_array($MaxRateSettings['skip_domains'])) { $this->skip_domains=$MaxRateSettings['skip_domains']; } if (is_array($MaxRateSettings['skip_numbers'])) { $this->skip_numbers=$MaxRateSettings['skip_numbers']; } if (is_array($MaxRateSettings['skip_prefixes'])) { $this->skip_prefixes=$MaxRateSettings['skip_prefixes']; } if (is_array($MaxRateSettings['translate_uris'])) { $this->translate_uris=$MaxRateSettings['translate_uris']; } $this->AccountsDB = new $db_subscribers(); $this->CSVWritter($cdr_source, $csv_directory); } function write_cdr($CDR) { if (!$this->ready) return false; # skip if no audio if ($CDR->application != 'audio') return true; # skip if no duration if (!$CDR->duration && ($CDR->disconnect != 200)) return true; # normalize destination if ($CDR->CanonicalURIE164) { $cdr['destination'] = '+'.$CDR->CanonicalURIE164; } else { $cdr['destination'] = $CDR->CanonicalURI; } list($canonical_username, $canonical_domain)=explode("@",$cdr['destination']); # skip domains if ($canonical_domain && in_array($canonical_domain,$this->skip_domains)) return true; # skip numbers if ($canonical_username && in_array($canonical_username,$this->skip_numbers)) return true; # skip prefixes if ($canonical_username && count($this->skip_prefixes)) { foreach ($this->skip_prefixes as $prefix) { if (preg_match("/^$prefix/",$canonical_username)) return true; } } # get RPID if caller is local if ($CDR->flow != 'incoming') { $CallerRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->aNumberPrint); } if ($CallerRPID) { # normalize RPID $cdr['origin'] = '0031'.ltrim($CallerRPID,'0'); } else { # normalize caller id numbers from PSTN gateway to 00format if (preg_match("/^\+?0([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->aNumberPrint,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\+?00([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->aNumberPrint,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "00".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->aNumberPrint,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\+([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->aNumberPrint,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "00".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^anonymous@(.*)$/",$CDR->aNumberPrint) && $CDR->SipRPID) { if (preg_match("/^\+?0([1-9][0-9]+)$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\+?00([1-9][0-9]+)$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "00".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = $m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\+([1-9][0-9]+)@(.*)$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "00".$m[1]; } else if (preg_match("/^\+?0[0-9]?+@?(.*)?$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031123456789"; } else if (preg_match("/^.*[a-zA-Z].*$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031123456789"; } else if (preg_match("/^ims.imscore.net.*$/",$CDR->SipRPID,$m)) { $cdr['origin'] = "0031123456789"; } else { $cdr['origin'] = $CDR->SipRPID; } } else { $cdr['origin'] = "0031123456789"; //$cdr['origin'] = $CDR->aNumberPrint; } } # normalize short origins if (preg_match("/^\d{1,3}@.*$/",$cdr['origin'])) { $cdr['origin']='+31000000000'; } # normalize anonymous origins if (preg_match("/^anonymous@.*$/",$cdr['origin'])) { $cdr['origin']='+31000000000'; } #translate destination URIs to desired format if ($CDR->CanonicalURINormalized && count($this->translate_uris)) { foreach ($this->translate_uris as $key => $uri) { if ( preg_match("/^$key/", $CDR->CanonicalURINormalized)) { $cdr['destination']=$uri; break; } } } preg_match("/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$/",$CDR->startTime,$m); $cdr['start_date'] = sprintf ("%s/%s/%s %s",$m[3],$m[2],$m[1],$m[4]); $cdr['diversion'] = ''; preg_match("/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$/",$CDR->stopTime,$m); $cdr['stop_date'] = sprintf ("%s/%s/%s %s",$m[3],$m[2],$m[1],$m[4]); $cdr['product'] = $this->product; # normalize duration based on billed duration if ($CDR->rateDuration) { $cdr['duration'] = $CDR->rateDuration; } else { $cdr['duration'] = $CDR->duration; } $rate_info = explode("\n", $CDR->rateInfo); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rate_info); ++$i) { //dprint_r($rate_info[$i]); if (strpos($rate_info[$i], "ProfileId:") !== false) { $cdr['profile'] = ltrim(str_replace("ProfileId: ", '', $rate_info[$i])); } } //$cdr['extra']="$CDR->callId"; list($cdr['username'],$cdr['domain'])= explode('@',$CDR->username); $cdr['charge_info'] = sprintf('"%s","%s","%s"',$CDR->price,$cdr['profile'],$CDR->destinationName); if ($CDR->flow == 'on-net') { # RFP 4.2.1 $CalleeRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->CanonicalURI); if ($CalleeRPID) { $cdr['destination'] = '0031'.ltrim($CalleeRPID,'0'); } $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."$CDR->flow"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'outgoing') { # RFP 4.2.2 $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."$CDR->flow"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'incoming') { # RFP 4.2.3 if ($this->inbound_trunks[$CDR->SourceIP]) { $inbound_trunk = $this->inbound_trunks[$CDR->SourceIP]; } else { $inbound_trunk = 'unknown'; } $cdr['username'] = $canonical_username; $CalleeRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->CanonicalURI); if ($CalleeRPID) { $cdr['destination'] = '0031'.ltrim($CalleeRPID,'0'); } $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."$CDR->flow"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'diverted-on-net') { # RFP 4.2.4 $CalleeRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->CanonicalURI); $DiverterRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->username); if ($DiverterRPID) { $diverter_origin = '0031'.ltrim($DiverterRPID,'0'); } else { $diverter_origin = $CDR->username; } if ($CalleeRPID) { $cdr['c_num'] = '0031'.ltrim($CalleeRPID,'0'); } # Set destination to B-Number $cdr['destination'] = $diverter_origin; $cdr['diversion'] = $cdr['c_num']; $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."incoming-diverted-on-net"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'diverted-off-net') { # RFP 4.2.5 $DiverterRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->username); if ($DiverterRPID) { $diverter_origin = '0031'.ltrim($DiverterRPID,'0'); } else { $diverter_origin = $CDR->username; } $cdr['c_num'] = $cdr['destination']; # Set destination to B-Number $cdr['destination']=$diverter_origin; $cdr['diversion'] = $cdr['c_num']; $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."incoming-diverted-off-net"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'on-net-diverted-on-net') { # RFP 4.2.6 $DiverterRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->username); if ($DiverterRPID) { $diverter_origin = '0031'.ltrim($DiverterRPID,'0'); } else { $diverter_origin = $CDR->username; } $CalleeRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->CanonicalURI); if ($CalleeRPID) { $cdr['c_num'] = '0031'.ltrim($CalleeRPID,'0'); } # Set destination to B-Number $cdr['destination'] = $diverter_origin; $cdr['diversion'] = $cdr['c_num']; $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."$CDR->flow"; } else if ($CDR->flow == 'on-net-diverted-off-net') { # RFP 4.2.7 $DiverterRPID=$this->getRPIDforAccount($CDR->username); if ($DiverterRPID) { $diverter_origin = '0031'.ltrim($DiverterRPID,'0'); } else { $diverter_origin = $CDR->username; } $cdr['c_num']= $cdr['destination']; # Set destination to B-Number $cdr['destination'] = $diverter_origin; $cdr['diversion'] = $cdr['c_num']; $cdr['extra'] = $cdr['extra']."$CDR->flow"; } $cdr['username'] = preg_replace('/caiw0+|test0+/', "", $cdr['username']); $cdr['origin'] = str_replace('+','00',$cdr['origin']); $cdr['destination'] = str_replace('+','00',$cdr['destination']); $cdr['diversion'] = str_replace('+','00',$cdr['diversion']); $line = sprintf('"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s",%s'."\n", $CDR->callId, $cdr['origin'], $cdr['username'], $cdr['destination'], $cdr['diversion'], $cdr['start_date'], $cdr['stop_date'], $cdr['duration'], $cdr['extra'], $cdr['charge_info'] ); if (!fputs($this->fp,$line)) { $log=sprintf ("CSV writter error: cannot append to file %s\n",$this->full_path_tmp); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); $this->close_file(); $this->ready = false; return false; } $this->lines++; return true; } function getRPIDforAccount($account) { if (!$account) return false; if ($this->rpid_cache[$account]) { return $this->rpid_cache[$account]; } list($username,$domain) = explode('@',$account); $query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE,$log); return false; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); $this->rpid_cache[$account]=$_profile->rpid; return $_profile->rpid; } else { return false; } } } ?> diff --git a/library/cdr_opensips.php b/library/cdr_opensips.php index 35bf899..d359817 100644 --- a/library/cdr_opensips.php +++ b/library/cdr_opensips.php @@ -1,5361 +1,5361 @@ 'RadAcctId', 'callId' => 'AcctSessionId', 'duration' => 'AcctSessionTime', 'startTime' => 'AcctStartTime', 'stopTime' => 'AcctStopTime', 'inputTraffic' => 'AcctInputOctets', 'outputTraffic' => 'AcctOutputOctets', 'flow' => 'ServiceType', 'tlscn' => 'AcctAuthentic', 'aNumber' => 'CallingStationId', 'username' => 'UserName', 'domain' => 'Realm', 'cNumber' => 'CalledStationId', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'SipMethod' => 'SipMethod', 'disconnect' => 'SipResponseCode', 'disconnectOrig' => 'AcctTerminateCause', 'SipFromTag' => 'SipFromTag', 'SipToTag' => 'SipToTag', 'RemoteAddress' => 'SipTranslatedRequestURI', 'SipCodec' => 'SipCodecs', 'SipUserAgents' => 'SipUserAgents', 'application' => 'SipApplicationType', 'BillingPartyId' => 'UserName', 'SipRPID' => 'SipRPID', 'SipProxyServer' => 'NASIPAddress', 'MediaProxy' => 'FramedIPAddress', 'gateway' => 'SourceIP', 'SourceIP' => 'SourceIP', 'SourcePort' => 'SourcePort', 'CanonicalURI' => 'CanonicalURI', 'normalized' => 'Normalized', 'rate' => 'Rate', 'price' => 'Price', 'DestinationId' => 'DestinationId', 'ResellerId' => 'BillingId', 'MediaInfo' => 'MediaInfo', 'RTPStatistics' => 'RTPStatistics', 'ENUMtld' => 'ENUMtld', 'UserAgent' => 'UserAgent', 'FromHeader' => 'FromHeader' ); public $CDRNormalizationFields = array( 'id' => 'RadAcctId', 'callId' => 'AcctSessionId', 'username' => 'UserName', 'domain' => 'Realm', 'gateway' => 'SourceIP', 'duration' => 'AcctSessionTime', 'startTime' => 'AcctStartTime', 'stopTime' => 'AcctStopTime', 'inputTraffic' => 'AcctInputOctets', 'outputTraffic' => 'AcctOutputOctets', 'aNumber' => 'CallingStationId', 'cNumber' => 'CalledStationId', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'disconnect' => 'SipResponseCode', 'RemoteAddress' => 'SipTranslatedRequestURI', 'CanonicalURI' => 'CanonicalURI', 'SipRPID' => 'SipRPID', 'SipMethod' => 'SipMethod', 'application' => 'SipApplicationType', 'flow' => 'ServiceType', 'BillingPartyId' => 'UserName', 'ResellerId' => 'BillingId', 'price' => 'Price', 'DestinationId' => 'DestinationId', 'ENUMtld' => 'ENUMtld' ); public $GROUPBY = array( 'UserName' => 'SIP Billing Party', 'CallingStationId' => 'SIP Caller Party', 'SipRPID' => 'SIP Remote Party Id', 'CanonicalURI' => 'SIP Canonical URI', 'DestinationId' => 'SIP Destination Id', 'NASIPAddress' => 'SIP Proxy', 'FramedIPAddress' => 'Media Proxy', 'MediaInfo' => 'Media Information', 'AcctAuthentic' => 'TLS Common Name', 'SourceIP' => 'Source IP', 'Realm' => 'SIP Billing domain', 'UserAgent' => 'User Agent', 'SipCodecs' => 'Codec type', 'SipApplicationType' => 'Application', 'SipResponseCode' => 'SIP status code', 'BillingId' => 'Tech prefix', 'ServiceType' => 'Call Flow', ' ' => '-------------', 'hour' => 'Hour of day', 'DAYOFWEEK' => 'Day of Week', 'DAYOFMONTH' => 'Day of Month', 'DAYOFYEAR' => 'Day of Year', 'BYMONTH' => 'Month', 'BYYEAR' => 'Year' ); public $FormElements = array( "begin_hour","begin_min","begin_month","begin_day","begin_year","begin_datetime","begin_time","end_time", "end_hour","end_min","end_month","end_day","end_year","end_datetime","end_date","begin_date", "call_id","sip_proxy", "media_proxy", "tlscn", "a_number","a_number_comp","UserName","UserName_comp","BillingId", "c_number","c_number_comp","DestinationId","ExcludeDestinations", "NASPortId","Realm","Realms", "SipMethod","SipCodec","SipRPID","UserAgent", "application","sip_status","sip_status_class","gateway", "duration","action","MONTHYEAR", "order_by","order_type","group_by", "cdr_source","trace", "ReNormalize","media_info","cdr_table","maxrowsperpage", "flow" ); function initCDRFields() { // init names of CDR fields foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) { $mysqlField = $this->CDRFields[$field]; $_field = $field."Field"; $this->$_field = $mysqlField; } } function LoadDisconnectCodes() { $query = "select * from sip_status order by code"; $this->disconnectCodesElements[] = array("label"=>"Any Status","value"=>""); $this->disconnectCodesElements[] = array("label"=>"Undefined (0)","value"=>"0"); $this->disconnectCodesClassElements[] = array("label"=>"Any Status Class","value"=>""); if ($this->cdrtool->query($query)) { while ($this->cdrtool->next_record()) { $key = $this->cdrtool->f('code'); $value = $this->cdrtool->f('description'); $value_print = $this->cdrtool->f('description')." (".$this->cdrtool->f('code').")"; if (preg_match("/^[^2-6]/", $key)) { continue; } $this->disconnectCodesElements[] = array("label"=>$value_print,"value"=>$key); $this->disconnectCodesDescription[$key] = $value; $class = substr($key, 0, 1); $class_text = substr($key, 0, 1)."XX (".$this->cdrtool->f('code_type').")"; if (!$seen[$class]) { $this->disconnectCodesClassElements[] = array("label"=>$class_text,"value"=>substr($key, 0, 1)); $this->disconnectCodesClassDescription[substr($key, 0, 1)] = $class_text; $seen[$class]++; } $i++; } } } function showTableHeader() { print " "; } function showExportHeader() { global $perm; $fields = array( "id", "StartTime", "StopTime", "BillingParty", "BillingDomain", "CallerParty", "CalledParty", "DestinationId", "DestinationName", "RemoteAddress", "CanonicalURI", "Duration", "Price", "SIPProxy", "Caller KBIn", "Called KBIn", "CallingUserAgent", "CalledUserAgent", "StatusCode", "StatusName", "Codec", "MediaProxy", "TLSCN" ); if ($perm->have_perm("showCallerId")) { array_push($fields, 'PAssertedIdentity'); } printf("%s\n", implode(',', $fields)); } function showTableHeaderSubscriber() { if (!$this->export) { print "
Id Start Time Media/Flow SIP Caller Caller Location Sip Proxy Media Proxy SIP Destination Dur Price KBIn KBOut Status
"; } else { print "id,StartTime,StopTime,SIPBillingParty,SIPBillingDomain,CallerParty,CalledParty,DestinationId,DestinationName,RemoteAddress,CanonicalURI,Duration,Price,SIPProxy,Applications,Caller KBIn,Called KBIn,CallingUserAgent,CalledUserAgent,StatusCode,StatusName,Codec,Application\n"; } } function showTableHeaderStatistics() { $group_byPrint = $this->GROUPBY[$this->group_byOrig]; if (!$this->export) { print "
Id Start Time SIP Caller Caller Location Sip Proxy SIP Destination Duration Price KBIn KBOut
"; } else { print "id,Calls,Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Price,TrafficIn(MB),TrafficOut(MB),Success(%),Success(calls),Failure(%),Failure(calls),$group_byPrint,Description\n"; } } function initForm() { // form els added below must have global vars foreach ($this->FormElements as $_el) { global ${$_el}; ${$_el} = trim($_REQUEST[$_el]); } $action = "search"; if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) { $gateway = $this->CDRTool["filter"]["gateway"]; } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $UserName = $this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']; } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $Realm = $this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']; } if (!$maxrowsperpage) { $maxrowsperpage = 15; } $this->f = new form; if (isset($this->CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'])) { foreach ($this->CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'] as $k => $v) { if ($this->DATASOURCES[$v]['invisible']) continue; $cdr_source_els[]=array("label"=>$this->DATASOURCES[$v]['name'],"value"=>$v); } } if (!$cdr_source) { $cdr_source=$cdr_source_els[0]['value']; } $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"cdr_source", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$cdr_source_els, "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2 onChange=\"document.datasource.submit.disabled = true; location.href = 'callsearch.phtml?cdr_source=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\"", "value"=>"$cdr_source" ) ); $cdr_table_els = array(); foreach ($this->tables as $_table) { if (preg_match("/^.*(\d{6})$/", $_table, $m)) { $cdr_table_els[]=array("label"=>$m[1],"value"=>$_table); } else { $cdr_table_els[]=array("label"=>$_table,"value"=>$_table); } } $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"cdr_table", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$cdr_table_els, "size"=>"1", "class"=>"span2", "value"=>$cdr_table, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); if ($begin_datetime) { preg_match("/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d)/", "$begin_datetime", $parts); - $begin_year = date(Y, $begin_datetime); - $begin_month = date(m, $begin_datetime); - $begin_day = date(d, $begin_datetime); - $begin_hour = date(H, $begin_datetime); - $begin_min = date(i, $begin_datetime); + $begin_year = date("Y", $begin_datetime); + $begin_month = date("m", $begin_datetime); + $begin_day = date("d", $begin_datetime); + $begin_hour = date("H", $begin_datetime); + $begin_min = date("i", $begin_datetime); } else { $begin_day = $_REQUEST["begin_day"]; $begin_month = $_REQUEST["begin_month"]; $begin_year = $_REQUEST["begin_year"]; $begin_hour = $_REQUEST["begin_hour"]; $begin_min = $_REQUEST["begin_min"]; list($begin_hour, $begin_min)=explode(":", $begin_time); list($begin_year, $begin_month, $begin_day)=explode("-", $begin_date); } if ($end_datetime) { preg_match("/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d)/", "$end_datetime", $parts); - $end_year = date(Y, $end_datetime); - $end_month = date(m, $end_datetime); - $end_day = date(d, $end_datetime); - $end_hour = date(H, $end_datetime); - $end_min = date(i, $end_datetime); + $end_year = date("Y", $end_datetime); + $end_month = date("m", $end_datetime); + $end_day = date("d", $end_datetime); + $end_hour = date("H", $end_datetime); + $end_min = date("i", $end_datetime); } else { $end_day = $_REQUEST["end_day"]; $end_month = $_REQUEST["end_month"]; $end_year = $_REQUEST["end_year"]; $end_hour = $_REQUEST["end_hour"]; $end_min = $_REQUEST["end_min"]; list($end_hour, $end_min)=explode(":", $end_time); list($end_year, $end_month, $end_day)=explode("-", $end_date); } // corect last day of the month to be valid day $begin_day = validDay($begin_month, $begin_day, $begin_year); $end_day = validDay($end_month, $end_day, $end_year); $default_year = Date("Y"); $default_month = Date("m"); $default_day = Date("d"); $default_hour = Date("H", time()); if ($default_hour > 1) { $default_hour=$default_hour-1; } $default_hour = preg_replace("/^(\d)$/", "0$1", $default_hour); $default_min = Date("i"); if ($default_min > 10) { $default_min = $default_min-10; $default_min = preg_replace("/^(\d)$/", "0$1", $default_min); } if (!$begin_hour) $begin_hour = $default_hour; if (!$begin_min) $begin_min = $default_min; if (!$begin_day) $begin_day = $default_day; if (!$begin_month) $begin_month = $default_month; if (!$begin_year) $begin_year = $default_year; if (!$end_hour) $end_hour = 23; if (!$end_min) $end_min = 55; if (!$end_day) $end_day = $default_day; if (!$end_month) $end_month = $default_month; if (!$end_year) $end_year = $default_year; $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"begin_time", "size"=>"1", "type"=>"text", "extrahtml"=>"id='timepicker1' class=\"input-small\" data-show-meridian='false' data-minute-step='1' data-default-time='$begin_hour:$begin_min'" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"end_time", "size"=>"1", "type"=>"text", "extrahtml"=>"id='timepicker2' class=\"input-small\" data-show-meridian='false' data-minute-step='1' data-default-time='$end_hour:$end_min'" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"call_id", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"50", "maxlength"=>"100", "extrahtml"=>"class=span4" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"UserName", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"a_number", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"BillingId", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "extra_html"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"c_number", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name" => "sip_status", "type" => "select", "options" => $this->disconnectCodesElements, "size" => "1", "value" => $sip_status, "extrahtml" => "class=span3" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name" => "sip_status_class", "type" => "select", "options" => $this->disconnectCodesClassElements, "size" => "1", "extrahtml" => "class=span3" ) ); if (!$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $durations_els = array( array("label"=>"All calls","value"=>""), array("label"=>"0 seconds","value"=>"zero"), array("label"=>"non 0 seconds","value"=>"nonzero"), array("label"=>"non 0 seconds without price","value"=>"zeroprice"), array("label"=>"less than 5 seconds","value"=>"< 5"), array("label"=>"more than 5 seconds","value"=>"> 5"), array("label"=>"less than 60 seconds","value"=>"< 60"), array("label"=>"more than 2 minutes","value"=>"> 120"), array("label"=>"greater than 1 hour","value"=>"> 3600"), array("label"=>"one hour","value"=>"onehour"), array("label"=>"greater than 5 hours","value"=>"> 18000"), array("label"=>"Un-normalized calls","value"=>"unnormalized"), array("label"=>"Un-normalized calls > 0s","value"=>"unnormalized_duration"), array("label"=>"One way media","value"=>"onewaymedia"), array("label"=>"No media","value"=>"nomedia") ); } else { $durations_els = array( array("label"=>"All calls","value"=>""), array("label"=>"0 seconds call","value"=>"zero"), array("label"=>"Succesfull calls","value"=>"nonzero"), array("label"=>"less than 60 seconds","value"=>"< 60"), array("label"=>"greater than 1 hour","value"=>"> 3600") ); $this->GROUPBY = array( 'UserName' => 'SIP Billing Party', 'CallingStationId' => 'SIP Caller Party', 'DestinationId' => 'SIP Destination Id', 'SipApplicationType' => 'Application', ' ' => '-------------', 'hour' => 'Hour of day', 'DAYOFWEEK' => 'Day of Week', 'DAYOFMONTH' => 'Day of Month', 'DAYOFYEAR' => 'Day of Year', 'BYMONTH' => 'Month', 'BYYEAR' => 'Year' ); } $flow_els = array( array("label"=>"Any Call Flow","value"=>""), array("label"=>"On Net","value"=>"on-net"), array("label"=>"Incoming","value"=>"incoming"), array("label"=>"Outgoing","value"=>"outgoing"), array("label"=>"Transit","value"=>"transit"), array("label"=>"Diverted On Net","value"=>"diverted-on-net"), array("label"=>"Diverted Off Net","value"=>"diverted-off-net"), array("label"=>"On Net Diverted On Net","value"=>"on-net-diverted-on-net"), array("label"=>"On Net Diverted Off Net","value"=>"on-net-diverted-off-net"), array("label"=>"Unknown Flow","value"=>"Sip-Session") ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"flow", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$flow_els, "value"=>"", "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span3" )); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"duration", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$durations_els, "value"=>"All", "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span3" )); $comp_ops_els = array( array("label"=>"Begins with","value"=>"begin"), array("label"=>"Contains","value"=>"contain"), array("label"=>"Is empty","value"=>"empty"), array("label"=>"Equal","value"=>"equal") ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"a_number_comp", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$comp_ops_els, "value"=>"begin", "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"c_number_comp", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$comp_ops_els, "value"=>"begin", "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"UserName_comp", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$comp_ops_els, "value"=>"begin", "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"Realm", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"25", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $media_info_els=array( array("label"=>"","value"=>""), array("label"=>"Timeout","value"=>"timeout"), array("label"=>"ICE session","value"=>"ICE session") ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"media_info", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$media_info_els, "size"=>"1", "value"=>"", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array("type"=>"submit", "name"=>"submit", "value"=>"Search","extrahtml"=>"class=btn" )); $max_els = array( array("label"=>"5","value"=>"5"), array("label"=>"10","value"=>"10"), array("label"=>"15","value"=>"15"), array("label"=>"25","value"=>"25"), array("label"=>"50","value"=>"50"), array("label"=>"100","value"=>"100"), array("label"=>"500","value"=>"500") ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"maxrowsperpage", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$max_els, "size"=>"1", "value"=>"25", "extrahtml"=>"class = span2" )); $order_type_els = array( array("label"=>"Descending","value"=>"DESC"), array("label"=>"Ascending","value"=>"ASC") ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"order_type", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$order_type_els, "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array("type"=>"hidden", "name"=>"action", "value"=>$action )); $order_by_els = array(array("label"=>"Id","value"=>"RadAcctId"), array("label"=>"Date","value"=>"AcctStopTime"), array("label"=>"Billing Party","value"=>"UserName"), array("label"=>"Remote Party Id","value"=>"SipRPID"), array("label"=>"Caller Party","value"=>"CallingStationId"), array("label"=>"Destination","value"=>"CalledStationId"), array("label"=>"Duration","value"=>"AcctSessionTime"), array("label"=>"Input traffic","value"=>"AcctInputOctets"), array("label"=>"Output traffic","value"=>"AcctOutputOctets"), array("label"=>"Price","value"=>"Price"), array("label"=>"Failures(%)","value"=>"zeroP"), array("label"=>"Success(%)","value"=>"nonzeroP"), array("label"=>"Group by","value"=>"group_by") ); $group_by_els[] = array("label"=>"", "value"=>""); global $perm; if (!$perm->have_perm("showCallerId")) { $order_by_els = array_filter( $order_by_els, function ($element) { return $element['label'] != "Remote Party Id"; } ); unset($this->GROUPBY['SipRPID']); } foreach ($this->GROUPBY as $k => $v) { $group_by_els[]=array("label"=>$v,"value"=>$k); } $this->f->add_element( array( "name" => "order_by", "type" => "select", "options" => $order_by_els, "value" => $order_by, "size" => "1", "extrahtml" => "class=span3" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=> "group_by", "type" => "select", "options" => $group_by_els, "value" => $group_by, "size" => "1", "extrahtml" => "class=span3" ) ); $application_els = array( array( "label" => "Any Application", "value" => "" ), array( "label" => "Audio", "value" => "audio" ), array( "label" => "Video", "value"=>"video" ), array( "label" => "Message", "value" => "message" ), array( "label" => "IM Chat" , "value" => "chat" ), array( "label" => "Audio + Chat" , "value" => "audio=2C chat" ), array( "label" => "File Transfer", "value" => "file-transfer" ) ); $this->f->add_element(array("name"=>"application", "type"=>"select", "options"=>$application_els, "value"=>$application, "size"=>"1", "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array("name"=>"UserAgent", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"50", "value"=>$UserAgent, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element(array("name"=>"SipCodec", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"10", "maxlength"=>"50", "value"=>$SipCodec, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" )); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"sip_proxy", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "value"=>$sip_proxy, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"media_proxy", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "value"=>$media_proxy, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"tlscn", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "value"=>$tlscn, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"gateway", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"25", "maxlength"=>"255", "value"=>$gateway, "extrahtml"=>"class=span2" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"DestinationId", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"10", "extrahtml"=>"class=span3" ) ); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"ExcludeDestinations", "type"=>"text", "size"=>"20", "maxlength"=>"255", "extrahtml"=>"class=span3" ) ); $this->f->load_defaults(); $this->f->add_element( array( "name"=>"begin_date", "size"=>"10", "maxlength"=>"10", "type"=>"text", "value" => "$begin_year-$begin_month-$begin_day", "extrahtml"=>"id='begin_date' data-date-format=\"yyyy-mm-dd\" class=\"span2\"" ) ); $this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"end_date", "size"=>"1", "type"=>"text", "value"=>"$end_year-$end_month-$end_day", "extrahtml"=>"id='end_date' data-date-format=\"yyyy-mm-dd\" class=\"span2\"" )); } public function searchForm() { global $perm; $this->initForm(); $this->f->start("", "POST", "", "", "datasource"); print "
Calls Seconds Minutes Hours Price TrafficIn(MB) TrafficOut(MB) Success Failure $group_byPrint Description Action
"; $this->showDataSources($this->f); $this->showDateTimeElements($this->f); $ff = array(); // freeze some form els if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $ff[]="a_number"; $ff[]="a_number_comp"; $ff[]="UserName"; $ff[]="UserName_comp"; } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $Realm=$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']; $ff[]="Realm"; } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) { $gateway=$this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']; $ff[]="gateway"; } if (count($ff)) { $this->f->freeze($ff); } print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "

"; $this->f->show_element("submit", ""); $this->f->finish(); print "
"; } function searchFormSubscriber() { global $perm; $this->initForm(); $this->f->start("", "POST", "", "", "datasource"); print " "; $this->showDataSources($this->f); $this->showDateTimeElements($this->f); // freeze some form els if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $ff[]="UserName"; } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $ff[]="Realm"; } if ($this->CDRTool["filter"]["gateway"]) { $ff[]="gateway"; } if (count($ff)) { $this->f->freeze($ff); } print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "

"; $this->f->show_element("submit", ""); $this->f->finish(); print "
"; } function show() { global $perm; if (!is_object($this->CDRdb)) { $log = sprintf("Error: CDR database is not initalized"); print $log; return false; } foreach ($this->FormElements as $_el) { ${$_el} = trim($_REQUEST[$_el]); } if ($begin_time) { list($begin_hour, $begin_min)=explode(":", $begin_time); } if ($end_time) { list($end_hour, $end_min)=explode(":", $end_time); } if ($begin_date) { list($begin_year, $begin_month, $begin_day)=explode("-", $begin_date); } if ($end_date) { list($end_year, $end_month, $end_day)=explode("-", $end_date); } // overwrite some elements based on user rights if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) { $gateway =$this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']; } if (!$this->export) { if (!$begin_datetime) { $begin_datetime="$begin_year-$begin_month-$begin_day $begin_hour:$begin_min"; $begin_datetime_timestamp = mktime($begin_hour, $begin_min, 0, $begin_month, $begin_day, $begin_year); } else { $begin_datetime_timestamp=$begin_datetime; $begin_datetime = Date("Y-m-d H:i", $begin_datetime); } if (!$end_datetime) { $end_datetime_timestamp = mktime($end_hour, $end_min, 0, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year); $end_datetime="$end_year-$end_month-$end_day $end_hour:$end_min"; } else { $end_datetime_timestamp=$end_datetime; $end_datetime = Date("Y-m-d H:i", $end_datetime); } } else { $begin_datetime = Date("Y-m-d H:i", $begin_datetime); $end_datetime = Date("Y-m-d H:i", $end_datetime); } if (!$order_by || (!$group_by && $order_by == "group_by")) { $order_by=$this->idField; } if (!$cdr_table) { $cdr_table=$this->table; } $this->url = sprintf("?cdr_source=%s&cdr_table=%s", $this->cdr_source, $cdr_table); if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s", urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain'])); $Realms = explode(" ", $this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']); } elseif ($Realms) { $this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s", urlencode($Realms)); $Realms = explode(" ", $Realms); } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $this->url .= sprintf("&UserName=%s", urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber'])); } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date']) { $where .= sprintf(" and %s >= '%s' ", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date'])); } if ($order_by) { $this->url.=sprintf("&order_by=%s&order_type=%s", addslashes($order_by), addslashes($order_type)); } $this->url.=sprintf("&begin_datetime=%s", urlencode($begin_datetime_timestamp)); $this->url.=sprintf("&end_datetime=%s", urlencode($end_datetime_timestamp)); if (!$call_id && $begin_datetime && $end_datetime) { $where .= sprintf( " (%s >= '%s' and %s < '%s') ", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($begin_datetime), addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($end_datetime) ); } else { $where .= sprintf(" (%s >= '1970-01-01' ) ", addslashes($this->startTimeField)); } if ($MONTHYEAR) { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s' ", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($MONTHYEAR), '%'); $this->url.= sprintf("&MONTHYEAR=%s", urlencode($MONTHYEAR)); } if ($flow) { $this->url.=sprintf("&flow=%s", urlencode($flow)); $where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s' ", addslashes($this->flowField), addslashes($flow)); } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { // force user to see only CDRS with his a_numbers $where .= sprintf( " and ( %s = '%s' or %s = '%s') ", addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']), addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) ); $UserName_comp='equal'; $UserName=$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']; } if ($UserName_comp == "empty") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->usernameField)); $this->url.=sprintf("&UserName_comp=%s", urlencode($UserName_comp)); } elseif (strlen($UserName) && !$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { if (!$UserName_comp) { $UserName_comp='begin'; } if ($UserName_comp=="begin") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($UserName), '%'); } elseif ($UserName_comp=="contain") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), '%', addslashes($UserName), '%'); } elseif ($UserName_comp=="equal") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($UserName)); } else { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->usernameField)); } $this->url.= sprintf("&UserName=%s&UserName_comp=%s", urlencode($UserName), $UserName_comp); } $a_number = trim($a_number); if ($a_number_comp == "empty") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->aNumberField)); $this->url.=sprintf("&a_number_comp=%s", urlencode($a_number_comp)); } elseif (strlen($a_number)) { $a_number = urldecode($a_number); if (!$a_number_comp) { $a_number_comp = "equal"; } $this->url.=sprintf("&a_number=%s", urlencode($a_number)); if ($a_number_comp=="begin") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), addslashes($a_number), '%'); } elseif ($a_number_comp=="contain") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), '%', addslashes($a_number), '%'); } elseif ($a_number_comp=="equal") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), addslashes($a_number)); } $this->url.=sprintf("&a_number_comp=%s", urlencode($a_number_comp)); } $c_number = trim($c_number); if ($c_number_comp == "empty") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField)); $this->url.=sprintf("&c_number_comp=%s", urlencode($c_number_comp)); } elseif (strlen($c_number)) { $c_number = urldecode($c_number); if (!$c_number_comp) { $c_number_comp = "begin"; } if (!$c_number_comp || $c_number_comp == "begin") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($c_number), '%'); } elseif ($c_number_comp=="contain") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), '%', addslashes($c_number), '%'); } elseif ($c_number_comp=="equal") { $where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($c_number)); } $this->url.=sprintf("&c_number=%s&c_number_comp=%s", urlencode($c_number), urlencode($c_number_comp)); } $Realm = trim($Realm); if ($Realms) { $where .= sprintf(" and ("); $count_realms = count($Realms); $j = 1; foreach ($Realms as $realm) { $where .= sprintf(" ( %s like '%%%s' or %s like '%%%s' ) ", $this->domainField, addslashes($realm), $this->CanonicalURIField, addslashes($realm)); if ($j < $count_realms) { $where .= " or "; } $j = $j + 1; } $where .= ") "; } elseif ($Realm) { $Realm = urldecode($Realm); $where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s' ", $this->domainField, addslashes($Realm)); $this->url.=sprintf("&Realm=%s", urlencode($Realm)); } $BillingId = trim($BillingId); if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $BillingId) && $this->BillingIdField) { $where .= " and $this->BillingIdField = '".addslashes($BillingId)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&BillingId=%s", urlencode($BillingId)); } if ($application) { $where .= " and $this->applicationField like '%".addslashes($application)."%'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&application=%s", urlencode($application)); } if ($DestinationId) { if ($DestinationId=="empty") { $DestinationIdSQL = ""; } else { $DestinationIdSQL = $DestinationId; } $where .= " and $this->DestinationIdField = '".addslashes($DestinationIdSQL)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&DestinationId=%s", urlencode($DestinationId)); } if (strlen(trim($ExcludeDestinations))) { $ExcludeDestArray = explode(" ", trim($ExcludeDestinations)); foreach ($ExcludeDestArray as $exclDst) { if (preg_match("/^0+(\d+)$/", $exclDst, $m)) { $exclDest_id = $m[1]; } else { $exclDest_id = $exclDst; } $where .= " and ". $this->CanonicalURIField. " not like '". addslashes(trim($exclDst)). "'"; } $this->url .= sprintf("&ExcludeDestinations=%s", urlencode($ExcludeDestinations)); } $call_id = trim($call_id); if ($call_id) { $call_id = urldecode($call_id); $where .= " and $this->callIdField = '".addslashes($call_id)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&call_id=%s", urlencode($call_id)); } if ($sip_proxy) { $sip_proxy = urldecode($sip_proxy); $where .= " and $this->SipProxyServerField = '".addslashes($sip_proxy)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&sip_proxy=%s", urlencode($sip_proxy)); } if ($media_proxy) { $media_proxy = urldecode($media_proxy); $where .= " and $this->MediaProxyField = '".addslashes($media_proxy)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&media_proxy=%s", urlencode($media_proxy)); } if ($tlscn) { $tlscn = urldecode($tlscn); $where .= " and $this->tlscnField = '".addslashes($tlscn)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&tlscn=%s", urlencode($tlscn)); } if ($SipCodec) { $this->url.=sprintf("&SipCodec=%s", urlencode($SipCodec)); if ($SipCodec != "empty") { $where .= " and $this->SipCodecField = '".addslashes($SipCodec)."'"; } else { $where .= " and $this->SipCodecField = ''"; } } if ($SipRPID) { $this->url.=sprintf("&SipRPID=%s", urlencode($SipRPID)); if ($SipRPID != "empty") { $where .= " and $this->SipRPIDField = '".addslashes($SipRPID)."'"; } else { $where .= " and $this->SipRPIDField = ''"; } } if ($UserAgent) { $where .= " and $this->UserAgentField like '%".addslashes($UserAgent)."%'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&UserAgent=%s", urlencode($UserAgent)); } if (strlen($sip_status)) { $where .= " and $this->disconnectField ='".addslashes($sip_status)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&sip_status=%s", urlencode($sip_status)); } if ($sip_status_class) { $where .= " and $this->disconnectField like '$sip_status_class%'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&sip_status_class=%s", urlencode($sip_status_class)); } if ($this->CDRTool['filter']["gateway"]) { $gatewayFilter=$this->CDRTool[filter]["gateway"]; $where .= " and $this->gatewayField = '".addslashes($gatewayFilter)."'"; } elseif ($gateway) { $gateway = urldecode($gateway); $where .= " and $this->gatewayField = '".addslashes($gateway)."'"; $this->url.=sprintf("&gateway=%s", urlencode($gateway)); } if ($duration) { if (preg_match("/\d+/", $duration)) { $where .= " and ($this->durationField > 0 and $this->durationField $duration) "; } elseif (preg_match("/onehour/", $duration)) { $where .= " and ($this->durationField < 3610 and $this->durationField > 3530) "; } elseif ($duration == "zero") { $where .= " and $this->durationField = 0"; } elseif ($duration == "zeroprice" && $this->priceField) { $where .= " and $this->durationField > 0 and ($this->priceField = '' or $this->priceField is NULL)"; } elseif ($duration == "nonzero") { $where .= " and $this->durationField > 0"; } elseif ($duration == "onewaymedia") { $where .= " and (($this->inputTrafficField > 0 && $this->outputTrafficField = 0) || ($this->inputTrafficField = 0 && $this->outputTrafficField > 0)) " ; } elseif ($duration == "nomedia") { $where .= " and ($this->inputTrafficField = 0 && $this->outputTrafficField = 0) " ; } $this->url.=sprintf("&duration=%s", urlencode($duration)); } if ($media_info) { $this->url.=sprintf("&media_info=%s", urlencode($media_info)); $where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s' ", addslashes($this->MediaInfoField), addslashes($media_info)); } $this->url.=sprintf("&maxrowsperpage=%s", addslashes($this->maxrowsperpage)); $url_calls = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search"; if ($group_by) { $this->url.=sprintf("&group_by=%s", urlencode($group_by)); } $this->url_edit = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=edit"; $this->url_run = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search"; $this->url_export = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].$this->url."&action=search&export=1"; if ($duration == "unnormalized") { $where .= " and $this->normalizedField = '0' "; } if ($duration == "unnormalized_duration") { $where .= " and $this->normalizedField = '0' and $this->durationField > 0 "; } if ($group_by) { $this->group_byOrig=$group_by; if ($group_by=="hour") { $group_by="HOUR(AcctStartTime)"; } elseif (preg_match("/^DAY/", $group_by)) { $group_by="$group_by(AcctStartTime)"; } elseif (preg_match("/BYMONTH/", $group_by)) { $group_by="DATE_FORMAT(AcctStartTime,'%Y-%m')"; } elseif (preg_match("/BYYEAR/", $group_by)) { $group_by="DATE_FORMAT(AcctStartTime,'%Y')"; } elseif ($group_by=="UserAgentType") { $group_by="SUBSTRING_INDEX($this->SipUserAgentsField, ' ', '1')"; } $this->group_by=$group_by; if ($group_by==$this->callIdField) { $having = sprintf(" having count(%s) > 1 ", addslashes($group_by)); } $query= sprintf( " select sum(%s) as duration, SEC_TO_TIME(sum(%s)) as duration_print, count(%s) as calls, %s from %s where %s group by %s %s ", addslashes($this->durationField), addslashes($this->durationField), $group_by, $group_by, addslashes($cdr_table), $where, $group_by, $having ); } else { $query = sprintf("select count(*) as records from %s where ", addslashes($cdr_table)). $where; } dprint_sql($query); if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $this->CDRdb->next_record(); if ($group_by) { $rows = $this->CDRdb->num_rows(); } else { $rows = $this->CDRdb->f('records'); } } else { printf("%s", $this->CDRdb->Error); $rows = 0; } $this->rows=$rows; if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $this->showResultsMenuSubscriber('0', $begin_datetime, $end_datetime); } else { $this->showResultsMenu('0', $begin_datetime, $end_datetime); } if (!$this->next) { $i=0; $this->next=0; } else { $i = intval($this->next); } $j=0; $z=0; if ($rows > 0) { if ($call_id && $ReNormalize) { $query = sprintf( " update %s set %s = '0' where %s = '%s' ", addslashes($cdr_table), addslashes($this->normalizedField), addslashes($this->callIdField), addslashes($call_id) ); $this->CDRdb->query($query); } if ($UnNormalizedCalls = $this->getUnNormalized($where, $cdr_table)) { if (!$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['skipNormalizeOnPageLoad']) { if ($UnNormalizedCalls < $this->maxCDRsNormalizeWeb) { $this->NormalizeCDRS($where, $cdr_table); if (!$this->export && $this->status['normalized']) { print "
"; print "  "; printf("%d CDRs normalized. ", $this->status['normalized']); if ($this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']) { printf("Quota usage updated for %d accounts. ", $this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']); } print "
"; } } } } if ($rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) { $maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage + $this->next; if ($maxrows > $rows) { $maxrows = $rows; $prev_rows = $maxrows; } } else { $maxrows = $rows; } if ($duration == "unnormalized") { // if display un normalized calls we must substract // the amount of calls normalized above $maxrows=$maxrows-$this->status['normalized']; } if ($group_by) { if ($order_by == "group_by") { $order_by1 = $group_by; } else { if ($order_by == $this->inputTrafficField || $order_by == $this->outputTrafficField || $order_by == $this->durationField || $order_by == $this->priceField || $order_by == "zeroP" || $order_by == "nonzeroP" ) { $order_by1 = $order_by; } else { $order_by1 = "calls"; } } $this->SipMethodField = $this->CDRFields['SipMethod']; $query = " select sum($this->durationField) as $this->durationField, SEC_TO_TIME(sum($this->durationField)) as hours, count($group_by) as calls, $this->SipMethodField, 2*sum($this->inputTrafficField)/1024/1024 as $this->inputTrafficField, 2*sum($this->outputTrafficField)/1024/1024 as $this->outputTrafficField, SUM($this->durationField = '0') as zero, SUM($this->durationField > '0') as nonzero,"; if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") { $query .= " SUM($this->durationField = '0')/count($group_by)*100 as zeroP, SUM($this->durationField > '0')/count($group_by)*100 as nonzeroP,"; } $query .= " sum($this->inputTrafficField)*8*2/1024/sum($this->durationField) as netrate_in, sum($this->outputTrafficField)*8*2/1024/sum($this->durationField) as netrate_out"; if ($this->priceField) { $query .= ", sum($this->priceField) as $this->priceField "; } $_max_rows = intval($this->maxrowsperpage); if (!$_max_rows) { $_max_rows = 10; } /* $query.= " , $group_by as mygroup from $cdr_table where $where group by $group_by $having order by $order_by1 $order_type limit $i,$_max_rows "; */ $query.= sprintf( " , %s as mygroup from %s where %s group by %s %s order by %s %s limit %d, %d ", $group_by, addslashes($cdr_table), $where, $group_by, addslashes($having), addslashes($order_by1), addslashes($order_type), $i, $_max_rows ); dprint_sql($query); $this->CDRdb->query($query); $this->showTableHeaderStatistics(); while ($i<$maxrows) { $found = $i + 1; $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $calls = $this->CDRdb->f('calls'); $seconds = $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField); $seconds = $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField); $seconds_print = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField), 0); $minutes = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField)/60, 0, "", ""); $minutes_print = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField)/60, 0); $hours = $this->CDRdb->f('hours'); $AcctInputOctets = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->inputTrafficField), 2, ".", ""); $AcctOutputOctets = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->outputTrafficField), 2, ".", ""); $NetRateIn = $this->CDRdb->f('netrate_in'); $NetRateOut = $this->CDRdb->f('netrate_out'); $SipMethod = $this->CDRdb->f($this->callTypeField); $AcctTerminateCause = $this->CDRdb->f($this->disconnectField); $mygroup = $this->CDRdb->f('mygroup'); $zero = $this->CDRdb->f('zero'); $nonzero = $this->CDRdb->f('nonzero'); $success = number_format($nonzero/$calls*100, 2, ".", ""); $failure = number_format($zero/$calls*100, 2, ".", ""); $NetworkRateIn = number_format($NetRateIn, 2); $NetworkRateOut = number_format($NetRateOut, 2); $NetworkRate = max($NetworkRateIn, $NetworkRateOut); if ($this->priceField) { $price = $this->CDRdb->f($this->priceField); } $rr = floor($found/2); $mod=$found-$rr*2; if ($mod ==0) { $inout_color="lightgrey"; } else { $inout_color="white"; } $traceValue=""; $mygroup_print = quoted_printable_decode($mygroup); if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->DestinationIdField) { if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain'] && $this->destinations[$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']]) { list($_dst_id, $_dst_name) = $this->getPSTNDestinationId($mygroup, '', $this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']); $description=$_dst_name; } else { $description=$this->destinations[0]["default"][$mygroup]["name"]; //list($_dst_id,$_dst_name)=$this->getPSTNDestinationId($mygroup); //$description=$_dst_name; } if ($mygroup) { $traceValue=$mygroup; } else { $traceValue="empty"; } } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->aNumberField) { // Normalize Called Station Id $N=$this->NormalizeNumber($mygroup); $mygroup_print=$N['username']."@".$N[domain]; $description=""; $traceField="a_number"; $traceValue = urlencode($mygroup); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->CanonicalURIField) { $traceField="c_number"; $traceValue = urlencode($mygroup); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipProxyServerField) { $traceField="sip_proxy"; $traceValue = urlencode($mygroup); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->MediaProxyField) { $traceField="media_proxy"; $traceValue = urlencode($mygroup); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->tlscnField) { $traceField="tlscn"; $traceValue = urlencode($mygroup); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipCodecField) { $traceField="SipCodec"; } elseif (preg_match("/UserAgent/", $this->group_byOrig)) { $traceField="UserAgent"; } elseif (preg_match("/^BY/", $this->group_byOrig)) { $traceField="MONTHYEAR"; } elseif ($this->group_byOrig==$this->callIdField) { $traceField="call_id"; } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFWEEK") { if ($mygroup == "1") { $description="Sunday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "2") { $description="Monday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "3") { $description="Tuesday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "4") { $description="Wednesday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "5") { $description="Thursday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "6") { $description="Friday"; } elseif ($mygroup == "7") { $description="Saturday"; } } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFMONTH") { $description =$this->CDRdb->f('day'); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFYEAR") { $description =$this->CDRdb->f('day'); } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="SourceIP") { $traceField="gateway"; } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="SipResponseCode") { $description =$this->disconnectCodesDescription[$mygroup]; $traceField="sip_status"; } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="SipApplicationType") { $traceField="application"; } elseif ($this->group_byOrig=="ServiceType") { $traceField="flow"; } else { $description=""; } if (!$traceField) { $traceField = $group_by; } if (!$traceValue) { $traceValue = $mygroup; } if (!$traceValue) { $traceValue=""; $comp_type="empty"; } else { $comp_type="begin"; } $traceValue_enc = urlencode($traceValue); if (!$this->export) { print " $found $calls $seconds_print $minutes_print $hours "; if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) { $pricePrint = number_format($price, 4, ".", ""); } else { $pricePrint = 'x.xxx'; } print " $pricePrint $AcctInputOctets $AcctOutputOctets $success% ($nonzero calls) $failure% ($zero calls) $mygroup_print $description "; printf( "Display calls", $url_calls, $traceField, $traceValue_enc, $traceField, $comp_type ); print ""; } else { print "$found,"; print "$calls,"; print "$seconds,"; print "$minutes,"; print "$hours,"; if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) { $pricePrint=$price; } else { $pricePrint='x.xxx'; } print "$pricePrint,"; print "$AcctInputOctets,"; print "$AcctOutputOctets,"; print "$success,"; print "$nonzero,"; print "$failure,"; print "$zero,"; print "$mygroup_print,"; print "$description"; print "\n"; } $i++; } if (!$this->export) { print ""; } } else { if (!$this->export) { // printf ("
For more information about each call click on its Id column.
"); } if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") { $order_by="timestamp"; } $_max_rows = intval($this->maxrowsperpage); if (!$_max_rows) { $_max_rows = 10; } $query = sprintf( "select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP($this->startTimeField) as timestamp from %s where %s order by %s %s limit %d, %d", addslashes($cdr_table), $where, addslashes($order_by), addslashes($order_type), intval($i), $_max_rows ); $this->CDRdb->query($query); if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $this->showTableHeaderSubscriber(); } else { if (!$this->export) { $this->showTableHeader(); } else { $this->showExportHeader(); } } while ($i<$maxrows) { global $found; $found = $i + 1; $this->CDRdb->next_record(); $Structure=$this->_readCDRFieldsFromDB(''); //dprint_r($Structure); $CDR = new $this->CDR_class($this, $Structure); if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $CDR->showSubscriber(); } else { if (!$this->export) { $CDR->show(); } else { $CDR->export(); } } $i++; } if (!$this->export) { print ""; } } $this->showPagination($this->next, $maxrows); } } function LoadDomains() { if (!$this->db_subscribers) { $log = printf("Error: Cannot load domains because db_subscribers is not defined in datasource %s", $this->cdr_source); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) { $log = printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object"); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) { $this->domain_table = "sip_domains"; } else { $this->domain_table = "domain"; } $query = sprintf("select * from %s", $this->domain_table); if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) { $els = explode("@", $this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']); $query.= sprintf(" where domain = '%s' ", addslashes($els[1])); } elseif ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) { $fdomain = $this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']; $query.=sprintf(" where domain = '%s' ", addslashes($fdomain)); } if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log=sprintf("Database %s error: %s (%d) %s\n", $this->db_subscribers, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno, $query); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { if ($this->AccountsDB->f('domain')) { $this->localDomains[$this->AccountsDB->f('domain')] = array( 'name' => $this->AccountsDB->f('domain'), 'reseller' => intval($this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id')) ); } } return count($this->localDomains); } function LoadTrustedPeers() { if (!$this->db_subscribers) { $log = printf( "Error: Cannot load trusted peers because db_subscribers is not defined in datasource %s", $this->cdr_source ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) { $log = printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object"); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) { $this->trusted_table = "sip_trusted"; } else { $this->trusted_table = "trusted_peers"; } $query=sprintf("select * from %s", addslashes($this->trusted_table)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database %s error: %s (%d) %s\n", $this->db_subscribers, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno, $query); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { if ($this->AccountsDB->f('ip')) { $this->trustedPeers[$this->AccountsDB->f('ip')] = array( 'ip' => $this->AccountsDB->f('ip'), 'reseller' => intval($this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id')) ); } } return count($this->trustedPeers); } function getQuota($account) { if (!$this->quotaEnabled) { return true; } if (!$account) { return; } if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) { $log = printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object"); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query 1 %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); return $_profile->quota; } else { return 0; } } else { $query=sprintf("select quota from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); return $this->AccountsDB->f('quota'); } else { return 0; } } } function getBlockedByQuotaStatus($account) { if (!$this->quotaEnabled) { return true; } if (!$account) { return 0; } if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) { $log = printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object"); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } list($username, $domain) = explode("@", $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $query = sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query2 %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); if (in_array('quota', $_profile->groups)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } else { $query=sprintf("select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account from grp where grp = 'quota' and username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } return 0; } function notifyLastSessions($count='200', $account='') { // send emails with last missed and received sessions to subscribers in group $this->missed_calls_group $lockName = sprintf("%s:notifySessions", $this->cdr_source); if (!$this->getNormalizeLock($lockName)) { return true; } if (strlen($account)) { list($username, $domain) = explode('@', $account); if (!strlen($username) || !strlen($domain)) { return false; } } else { $query=sprintf("select * from memcache where `key` = '%s'", 'notifySessionsLastRun'); $this->cdrtool->query($query); if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $this->cdrtool->next_record(); $lastRun=$this->cdrtool->f('value'); if (Date('Y-m-d') == $lastRun) { $log=sprintf("Notify sessions script already run for date %s\n", $lastRun); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return true; } } } $this->notifySubscribers=array(); require_once('Mail.php'); require_once('Mail/mime.php'); if ($this->enableThor) { $query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts"); if (strlen($account)) { $query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); } if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); if (in_array($this->missed_calls_group, $_profile->groups)) { $this->notifySubscribers[$this->AccountsDB->f('username').'@'.$this->AccountsDB->f('domain')]=array('email'=>$this->AccountsDB->f('email'),'timezone' => $_profile->timezone); } } } else { return 0; } } else { $query = sprintf( "select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account,email_address,timezone from grp join subscriber on grp.subscriber_id =subscriber.id where grp = '%s'", addslashes($this->missed_calls_group) ); if (strlen($account)) { $query.= sprintf(" and username = '%s' and domain = '%s' ", $username, $domain); } if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return 0; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { $this->notifySubscribers[$this->AccountsDB->f('account')]=array('email'=>$this->AccountsDB->f('email_address'),'timezone' => $this->AccountsDB->f('timezone')); } } else { return 0; } } if (!count($this->notifySubscribers)) { return 0; } $j = 0; foreach (array_keys($this->notifySubscribers) as $_subscriber) { $j++; $_last_sessions=array(); unset($textBody); unset($htmlBody); $query = sprintf( " SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s) as timestamp FROM %s where (%s = '%s' or %s = '%s') and %s > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 day) order by %s desc limit 200", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($this->table), addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($_subscriber), addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($_subscriber), addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($this->startTimeField) ); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->CDRdb->Error, $this->CDRdb->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } if (Date('d') == 1) { while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) { $_last_sessions[] = array( 'duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField), 'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField), 'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField), 'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField), 'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField), 'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'], $this->CDRdb->f('timestamp')) ); } if (preg_match("/^(\w+)(\d{4})(\d{2})$/", $this->table, $m)) { $previousTable=$m[1].date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[3]-1, "01", $m[2])); $query = sprintf( " SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s) as timestamp FROM %s where %s = '%s' and %s > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 day) order by %s desc limit 200 ", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($previousTable), addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($_subscriber), addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($this->startTimeField) ); if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->CDRdb->Error, $this->CDRdb->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return 0; } while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) { $_last_sessions[] = array( 'duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField), 'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField), 'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField), 'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField), 'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField), 'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'], $this->CDRdb->f('timestamp')) ); } } } else { while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) { $_last_sessions[] = array( 'duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField), 'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField), 'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField), 'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField), 'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField), 'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'], $this->CDRdb->f('timestamp')) ); } } if (!count($_last_sessions)) { continue; } $sessions=array( 'missed' => array(), 'received' => array(), 'diverted' => array() ); $have_sessions=0; foreach ($_last_sessions as $_s) { if ($_s['duration'] == 0 && $_s['canonical'] == $_subscriber) { $sessions['missed'][]=$_s; $have_sessions++; continue; } if ($_s['duration'] > 0 && $_s['canonical'] == $_subscriber) { $sessions['received'][]=$_s; $have_sessions++; continue; } if ($_s['from'] != $_subscriber && $_s['canonical'] != $_subscriber) { $sessions['diverted'][]=$_s; $have_sessions++; continue; } } if (!$have_sessions) { continue; } if (count($sessions['missed'])) { // missed sessions $textBody .= sprintf( " Missed sessions\n\n Id,Date,From,Duration\n " ); $htmlBody .= sprintf("

Missed Calls

"); $i=0; foreach ($sessions['missed'] as $_session) { $i++; if ($i >= $count) { break; } $htmlBody .= sprintf( " ", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['from'] ); $txtBody.=sprintf( "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['to'] ); } $htmlBody.="
Date and Time Caller
%s %s sip:%s
"; } if (count($sessions['diverted'])) { // diverted sessions $textBody .= sprintf("Diverted Calls\n\n Id,Date,From,Diverted to\n "); $htmlBody .= sprintf("

Diverted Calls

"); $i=0; foreach ($sessions['diverted'] as $_session) { $i++; if ($i >= $count) break; $htmlBody.=sprintf( " ", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['from'], $_session['canonical'] ); $txtBody .= sprintf( "%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['canonical'] ); } $htmlBody.="
Date and Time Caller Diverted to
%s %s sip:%s %s
"; } if (count($sessions['received'])) { // received sessions $textBody .= sprintf("Received Calls\n\nId,Date,From,Duration\n"); $htmlBody .= sprintf( "

Received Calls

" ); $i=1; foreach ($sessions['received'] as $_session) { if ($i >= $count) { break; } $htmlBody .= sprintf( "", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['from'], $_session['duration'] ); $txtBody .= sprintf( "%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $i, $_session['date'], $_session['from'], $_session['duration'] ); $i++; } $htmlBody.="
Date and Time Caller Duration
"; } $htmlBody.="

This is an automatically generated message, do not reply."; $txtBody.="\nThis is an automatically generated message, do not reply.\n"; $crlf = "\n"; $hdrs = array( 'From'=> $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail'], 'Subject' => sprintf("Incoming Calls for %s on %s", $_subscriber, date('Y-m-d')) ); $mime = new Mail_mime($crlf); $mime->setTXTBody($textBody); $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlBody); $body = $mime->get(); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $mail =& Mail::factory('mail'); $mail->send($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['email'], $hdrs, $body); $log=sprintf( "Notify %s at %s with last %d sessions\n", $_subscriber, $this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['email'], count($_last_sessions) ); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } $query = sprintf("update memcache set `value` = '%s' where `key` = '%s'", Date('Y-m-d'), 'notifySessionsLastRun'); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { $log = sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if (!$this->cdrtool->affected_rows()) { $query=sprintf("insert into memcache (`value`,`key`) values ('%s','%s')", Date('Y-m-d'), 'notifySessionsLastRun'); if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) { if ($this->cdrtool->Errno != 1062) { $log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->cdrtool->Error, $this->cdrtool->Errno); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } } } function getCallerId($account) { if (!$account) { return null; } if ($this->callerid_cache[$account]) { return $this->callerid_cache[$account]; } list($username, $domain) = explode('@', $account); if ($this->enableThor) { $query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return null; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $_profile=json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); $this->callerid_cache[$account]=$_profile->rpid; return $_profile->rpid; } } else { $query=sprintf("select rpid from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return null; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { $this->AccountsDB->next_record(); $rpid = $this->AccountsDB->f('rpid'); $this->callerid_cache[$account]=$rpid; return $rpid; } } return null; } function rate_on_net_enabled($username, $domain) { if ($this->enableThor) { $query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain)); if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) { $log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->AccountsDB->Error, $this->AccountsDB->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) { while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) { $_profile = json_decode(trim($this->AccountsDB->f('profile'))); if (in_array($this->rate_on_net_group, $_profile->groups)) { return true; } } } } return false; } } class CDR_opensips extends CDR { function __construct($parent, $CDRfields) { $this->CDRS = $parent; $this->cdr_source = $this->CDRS->cdr_source; foreach (array_keys($this->CDRS->CDRFields) as $field) { $this->$field = $CDRfields[$this->CDRS->CDRFields[$field]]; } if ($this->CanonicalURI) { $this->CanonicalURI = quoted_printable_decode($this->CanonicalURI); } if ($this->RemoteAddress) { $this->RemoteAddress = quoted_printable_decode($this->RemoteAddress); } if ($this->BillingPartyId) { $this->BillingPartyId = quoted_printable_decode($this->BillingPartyId); } if ($this->aNumber) { $this->aNumber = quoted_printable_decode($this->aNumber); } if ($this->cNumber) { $this->cNumber = quoted_printable_decode($this->cNumber); } if ($this->SipRPID) { $this->SipRPID = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipRPID); } if (!$this->application && $this->SipMethod) { $_method=strtolower($this->SipMethod); if ($_method == 'message') { $this->application = 'message'; $this->stopTimeNormalized=$this->startTime; } else { $this->application = 'audio'; } } if ($this->application == 'message') { $this->stopTimeNormalized=$this->startTime; } $this->application=strtolower($this->application); $this->application_print=quoted_printable_decode($this->application); $this->FromHeaderPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->FromHeader); if (strstr($this->FromHeaderPrint, ';')) { $_els=explode(";", $this->FromHeaderPrint); $this->FromHeaderPrint = $_els[0]; } $this->FromHeaderPrint = htmlentities($this->FromHeaderPrint); $this->UserAgentPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->UserAgent); $app_prefix = preg_replace('/[.].*$/', '', $this->application); if (!in_array($app_prefix, $this->supportedApplicationTypes)) { $log=sprintf("Changing application from %s to %s\n", $this->application, $this->defaultApplicationType); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->application = $this->defaultApplicationType; } //$this->applicationNormalized=$this->application; if ($this->aNumber) { $NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($this->aNumber, "source"); $this->aNumberPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint']; $this->aNumberNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized']; $this->aNumberUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username']; $this->aNumberDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain']; } if (!$this->BillingPartyId || $this->BillingPartyId == 'n/a') { $this->BillingPartyId=$this->aNumberPrint; } $this->ResellerId=0; // calculate reseller $_billing_party_els=explode("@", $this->BillingPartyId); if ($this->isBillingPartyLocal()) { $this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']; } else { if (!strlen($_billing_party_els[0])) { $this->BillingPartyId=$_billing_party_els[1]; } if (count($_billing_party_els) == 2) { if (!$this->domain) { $this->domain=$_billing_party_els[1]; } if ($this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']) { $this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']; } elseif ($this->CDRS->trustedPeers[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']) { $this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->trustedPeers[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']; } } elseif (count($_billing_party_els)==1) { $this->ResellerId=$this->CDRS->trustedPeers[$_billing_party_els[0]]['reseller']; } } if (!strlen($this->ResellerId)) { $this->ResellerId = 0; } $this->BillingPartyId=strtolower($this->BillingPartyId); $this->BillingPartyIdPrint = $this->BillingPartyId; $this->domainNormalized = $this->domain; if (is_array($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP']) && isset($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP'][$this->SourceIP]) && strlen($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP'][$this->SourceIP]) ) { $this->domainNormalized=$this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP'][$this->SourceIP]; } elseif (is_array($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation']) && isset($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation'][$this->domain]) && strlen($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation'][$this->domain]) ) { $this->domainNormalized=$this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation'][$this->domain]; } $this->domainNormalized=strtolower($this->domainNormalized); $this->RemoteAddressPrint=quoted_printable_decode($this->RemoteAddress); $_timestamp_stop=$this->timestamp+$this->duration; $this->dayofweek = date("w", $this->timestamp); $this->hourofday = date("G", $this->timestamp); $this->dayofyear = date("Y-m-d", $this->timestamp); // Called Station ID or cNumber should not be used for rating purposes because // it is chosen by the subscriber but the Proxy rewrites it into a different // final destination (the Canonical URI) // Canonical URI is the final logical SIP destination after all // lookups like aliases, usrloc , call forwarding, ENUM // mappings or PSTN gateways but before the DNS lookup // Canonical URI must be saved in the SIP Proxy and added as an extra // Radius attribute in the Radius START packet if (!$this->CanonicalURI) { if ($this->RemoteAddress) { $this->CanonicalURI=$this->RemoteAddress; } elseif ($this->cNumber) { $this->CanonicalURI=$this->cNumber; } } if ($this->CanonicalURI) { $this->CanonicalURIPrint = $this->CanonicalURI; $NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber( $this->CanonicalURI, "destination", $this->BillingPartyId, $this->domain, $this->gateway, '', $this->ENUMtld, $this->ResellerId ); $this->CanonicalURINormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized']; $this->CanonicalURIUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username']; $this->CanonicalURIDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain']; $this->CanonicalURIPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint']; $this->CanonicalURIDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter']; $this->CanonicalURIE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164']; // Destination Id is used for rating purposes $this->DestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId']; $this->destinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName']; $this->region = $NormalizedNumber['region']; } if ($this->cNumber) { $NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber( $this->cNumber, "destination", $this->BillingPartyId, $this->domain, $this->gateway, '', $this->ENUMtld, $this->ResellerId ); $this->cNumberNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized']; $this->cNumberUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username']; $this->cNumberDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain']; $this->cNumberPrint = $NormalizedNumber['username'].$NormalizedNumber['delimiter'].$NormalizedNumber['domain']; $this->cNumberDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter']; $this->cNumberE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164']; } if ($this->RemoteAddress) { // Next hop is the real destination after all lookups including DNS $NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber( $this->RemoteAddress, "destination", $this->BillingPartyId, $this->domain, $this->gateway, '', $this->ENUMtld, $this->ResellerId ); $this->RemoteAddressPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint']; $this->RemoteAddressNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized']; $this->RemoteAddressDestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId']; $this->RemoteAddressDestinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName']; $this->RemoteAddressUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username']; $this->RemoteAddressDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter']; $this->RemoteAddressE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164']; $this->remoteGateway = $NormalizedNumber['domain']; $this->remoteUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username']; } $this->isCalleeLocal(); $this->isCallerLocal(); if ($this->CallerIsLocal) { if ($this->aNumberPrint == $this->BillingPartyId) { // call is not diverted if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) { $this->flow = 'on-net'; } else { $this->flow = 'outgoing'; } } else { // call is diverted if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) { $this->flow = 'on-net-diverted-on-net'; } else { $this->flow = 'on-net-diverted-off-net'; } } } else { if ($this->isBillingPartyLocal()) { // call is diverted by local user if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) { $this->flow = 'diverted-on-net'; } else { $this->flow = 'diverted-off-net'; } } elseif ($this->CalleeIsLocal) { $this->flow = 'incoming'; } else { // transit from trusted peer $this->flow = 'transit'; } } if (( $this->flow == 'on-net' || $this->flow == 'diverted-on-net' || $this->flow == 'on-net-diverted-on-net' ) && $this->application == 'audio' && $this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_calls'] && $this->CDRS->rate_on_net_enabled($_billing_party_els[0], $_billing_party_els[1]) && !$this->DestinationId && $this->CalleeCallerId ) { $_dest = preg_replace("/^\+(\d+)$/", "00$1", $this->CalleeCallerId); $NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber( $_dest, "destination", $this->BillingPartyId, $this->domain, $this->gateway, '', $this->ENUMtld, $this->ResellerId ); $this->DestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId']; $this->destinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName']; } if ($this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_calls'] && $this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_diverted_calls'] && ( $this->flow == 'on-net-diverted-off-net' || $this->flow == 'on-net-diverted-on-net' || $this->flow == 'diverted-on-net' || $this->flow == 'diverted-off-net' ) && !$this->normalized && $this->duration != '0' && $this->disconnect == $this->disconnectOrig ) { $query = sprintf( " update %s set AcctStopTime ='%s', Normalized='0', AcctSessionTime='%s', SipResponseCode='200' where AcctSessionId='%s' and SipFromTag='%s' and SipToTag!='%s' and ( ServiceType='on-net' or ServiceType='on-net-diverted-on-net' or ServiceType='diverted-on-net' or ServiceType='incoming') and AcctSessionTime='' ", $this->CDRS->table, $this->stopTime, $this->duration, $this->callId, $this->SipFromTag, $this->SipToTag ); $this->tdb = new DB_radius; dprint_sql($query); $this->tdb->query($query); } if ($this->application == "presence") { $this->destinationPrint = $this->cNumberUsername.$this->cNumberDelimiter.$this->cNumberDomain; $this->DestinationForRating = $this->cNumberNormalized; } else { if (!$this->DestinationId) { if ($this->CanonicalURIDomain) { $this->destinationPrint = $this->CanonicalURIUsername.$this->CanonicalURIDelimiter.$this->CanonicalURIDomain; } else { $this->destinationPrint = $this->cNumberUsername.$this->cNumberDelimiter.$this->cNumberDomain; } if (strstr($this->CanonicalURINormalized, '@')) { $this->DestinationForRating = $this->CanonicalURINormalized; } else { $this->DestinationForRating = $this->RemoteAddressNormalized; } } else { $this->DestinationForRating = $this->CanonicalURINormalized; $this->destinationPrint = $this->CanonicalURIPrint; } } if ($this->inputTraffic) { $this->inputTrafficPrint = number_format($this->inputTraffic/1024, 2); } else { $this->inputTrafficPrint = 0; } if ($this->outputTraffic) { $this->outputTrafficPrint = number_format($this->outputTraffic/1024, 2); } else { $this->outputTrafficPrint = 0; } if (!$CDRfields['skip_fix_prepaid_duration']) { if (!$this->normalized && $this->callId) { // fix the duration of prepaid sessions if the prepaid duration is different than radius calculated duration $query = sprintf( " select duration from prepaid_history where session = '%s' and destination = '%s' order by id desc limit 1 ", addslashes($this->callId), addslashes($this->destinationPrint) // must be synced with maxsession time ); if ($this->CDRS->cdrtool->query($query)) { if ($this->CDRS->cdrtool->num_rows()) { $this->CDRS->cdrtool->next_record(); $this->durationNormalized = $this->CDRS->cdrtool->f('duration'); $this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->durationNormalized); } else { $this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration); } } else { $log = sprintf( "Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->CDRS->cdrtool->Error, $this->CDRS->cdrtool->Errno ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } else { $this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration); } } else { $this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration); } if ($this->disconnect) { $this->disconnectPrint = $this->NormalizeDisconnect($this->disconnect); } if ($this->disconnectOrig != $this->disconnect && $this->disconnect && $this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_diverted_calls']) { $this->disconnectOrigPrint = $this->CDRS->disconnectCodesDescription[$this->disconnectOrig]." (".$this->disconnectOrig.")"; } $this->traceIn(); $this->traceOut(); $this->obfuscateCallerId(); if ($this->CDRS->rating) { global $perm; if (is_object($perm) && $perm->have_perm("showPrice")) { $this->pricePrint=$this->price; } else { $this->pricePrint='x.xxx'; } } } private function buildCDRdetail() { global $perm; global $found; if (!is_object($perm)) return; $this->geo_location = $this->lookupGeoLocation($this->SourceIP); $this->cdr_details = "

SIP Signalling
"; $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "Click here to show only this call id", $this->CDRS->url_run, urlencode($this->callId) ); if ($this->CDRS->sipTrace) { $trace_query = array( 'cdr_source' => $this->CDRS->sipTrace, 'callid' => quoted_printable_decode($this->callId), 'fromtag' => quoted_printable_decode($this->SipFromTag), 'totag' => quoted_printable_decode($this->SipToTag), 'proxyIP' => $this->SipProxyServer ); $this->traceLink = sprintf( " Click here for the SIP trace  ", http_build_query($trace_query) ); $this->cdr_details .= "
Call id:
"; } $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
", $this->traceLink ); $this->cdr_details .= "
From tag:
To tag:
Start Time:
$this->startTime $providerTimezone
Stop Time:
"; $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
", $this->geo_location ); $this->cdr_details .= "
$this->SipMethod from $this->SourceIP:$this->SourcePort
From Header:
User Agent:
To (dialed URI):
"; if ($perm->have_perm("showCallerId") && $this->SipRPID) { $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
PAI Header:
", htmlentities($this->SipRPIDPrint) ); } if ($this->tlscn) { $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
TLS Common Name:
", htmlentities($this->tlscn) ); } if ($this->CanonicalURI) { $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
Canonical URI:
", htmlentities($this->CanonicalURI) ); } $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
Next Hop URI:
", htmlentities($this->RemoteAddress) ); if ($this->DestinationId) { $this->cdr_details .= "
$this->destinationName ($this->DestinationId)
"; } if ($this->ENUMtld && $this->ENUMtld != 'none' && $this->ENUMtld != 'N/A') { $this->cdr_details .= "
"; } if ($this->CalleeCallerId) { $this->cdr_details .= "
Called ID:
"; } $this->cdr_details .= "
Billing Party:
"; $this->cdr_details .= "
"; if ($this->application != 'message') { $this->cdr_details .= "
Media Streams
"; if ($this->CDRS->mediaTrace) { $media_query = array( 'cdr_source' => $this->CDRS->mediaTrace, 'callid' => quoted_printable_decode($this->callId), 'fromtag' => quoted_printable_decode($this->SipFromTag), 'totag' => quoted_printable_decode($this->SipToTag), 'proxyIP' => $this->SipProxyServer ); $this->mediaTraceLink = sprintf( "Click here for media information  ", http_build_query($media_query) ); $this->cdr_details .= sprintf( "
", $this->mediaTraceLink ); } $sessionId = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('md5', $this->callId, true)), "="); $this->cdr_details .= "
Session ID:
"; $this->SipCodec = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipCodec); if ($this->SipCodec) { $this->cdr_details .= "
"; } $this->cdr_details .= "
Caller RTP:
$this->inputTrafficPrint KB
Called RTP:
$this->outputTrafficPrint KB
"; if ($this->MediaInfo) { $this->cdr_details .= "
Media Info:
"; } $this->cdr_details .= "
"; } if ($this->SipUserAgents) { $this->SipUserAgents = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipUserAgents); $callerAgents = explode("+", $this->SipUserAgents); $callerUA = htmlentities($callerAgents[0]); $calledUA = htmlentities($callerAgents[1]); $this->cdr_details.= "
Caller SIP UA:
Called SIP UA:
"; } $this->cdr_details.= "
"; if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice") && $this->normalized) { $this->cdr_details.= "
"; if ($this->price > 0 || $this->rate) { $this->ratePrint=nl2br($this->rate); $this->cdr_details.= "
"; } else { $this->cdr_details.= "
Free call
"; } $this->cdr_details.= "
"; } $this->cdr_details.= "
"; } function traceIn() { $datasource=$this->CDRS->traceInURL[$this->SourceIP]; global $DATASOURCES; if (!$datasource || !$DATASOURCES[$datasource]) { return; } $tplus = $this->timestamp+$this->duration+300; $tmin = $this->timestamp-300; $c_number = $this->remoteUsername; $cdr_table = Date('Ym', time($this->timestamp)); $this->traceIn = "". "In". ""; } function traceOut() { $datasource = $this->CDRS->traceOutURL[$this->remoteGateway]; global $DATASOURCES; if (!$datasource || !$DATASOURCES[$datasource]) { return; } $tplus = $this->timestamp+$this->duration+300; $tmin = $this->timestamp-300; $c_number = preg_replace("/^(0+)/", "", $this->remoteUsername); $cdr_table = Date('Ym', time($this->timestamp)); $this->traceOut= "". "Out". ""; } public function show() { $this->buildCDRdetail(); global $found; global $perm; $rr = floor($found / 2); $mod = $found - $rr * 2; if ($mod == 0) { $inout_color = "#F9F9F9"; } else { $inout_color = "white"; } $this->ratePrint = nl2br($this->rate); if ($this->CDRS->Accounts[$this->BillingPartyId]['timezone']) { $timezone_print = $this->CDRS->Accounts[$this->BillingPartyId]['timezone']; } else { $timezone_print = $this->CDRS->CDRTool['provider']['timezone']; } $found_print = $found; if ($this->normalized) { $found_print .= 'N'; } $providerTimezone = $this->CDRS->CDRTool['provider']['timezone']; print " $found_print $this->startTime $this->application $this->flow $this->aNumberPrint $this->geo_location $this->SipProxyServer $this->MediaProxy $this->destinationPrint "; if ($this->DestinationId) { if ($this->DestinationId != $this->CanonicalURI) { print " ($this->destinationName $this->DestinationId)"; } else { print " ($this->destinationName)"; } } print ""; if (!$this->normalized) { if ($this->duration > 0) { print "$this->duration(s)"; } else { print "in progress"; } } else { print " $this->durationPrint $this->pricePrint $this->inputTrafficPrint $this->outputTrafficPrint "; } $SIPclass=substr($this->disconnect, 0, 1); if ($SIPclass=="6") { $status_color=""; } elseif ($SIPclass == "5") { $status_color=""; } elseif ($SIPclass == "4") { $status_color=""; } elseif ($SIPclass == "3") { $status_color=""; } elseif ($SIPclass == "2") { $status_color=""; } else { $status_color=""; } if ($this->disconnectOrig != $this->disconnect && $this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_diverted_calls']) { $disclass = substr($this->disconnectOrig, 0, 1); if ($disclass == "6" || $disclass == "5") { $status1_color=""; } elseif ($disclass == "4") { $status1_color=""; } elseif ($disclass == "3") { $status1_color=""; } elseif ($disclass == "2") { $status1_color=""; } else { $status1_color=""; } } print " $status_color $this->disconnectPrint"; if ($this->disconnectOrig != $this->disconnect && $this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_diverted_calls']) { print "$status1_color $this->disconnectOrigPrint"; } print " $this->cdr_details "; } function export() { global $found; global $perm; $disconnectName = $this->CDRS->disconnectCodesDescription[$this->disconnect]; $UserAgents = explode("+", $this->SipUserAgents); $CallingUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[0]); $CalledUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[1]); print "$found"; print ",$this->startTime"; print ",$this->stopTime"; print ",$this->BillingPartyIdPrint"; print ",$this->domain"; print ",$this->aNumberPrint"; print ",$this->destinationPrint"; print ",$this->DestinationId"; print ",$this->destinationName"; print ",$this->RemoteAddressPrint"; print ",$this->CanonicalURIPrint"; print ",$this->duration"; print ",$this->price"; print ",$this->SipProxyServer"; print ",$this->inputTraffic"; print ",$this->outputTraffic"; printf(",%s", preg_replace("/,/", "/", quoted_printable_decode($CallingUserAgent))); printf(",%s", preg_replace("/,/", "/", quoted_printable_decode($CalledUserAgent))); print ",$this->disconnect"; print ",$disconnectName"; printf(",%s", preg_replace("/,/", "/", quoted_printable_decode($this->SipCodec))); print ",$this->application"; print ",$this->MediaProxy"; print ",$this->tlscn"; if ($perm->have_perm("showCallerId")) { print ",$this->SipRPIDPrint"; } print "\n"; } function showSubscriber() { $this->buildCDRdetail(); global $found; $rr=floor($found/2); $mod=$found-$rr*2; if ($mod ==0) { $inout_color="lightgrey"; } else { $inout_color="white"; } if (!$this->CDRS->export) { $timezone_print=$this->CDRS->CDRTool['provider']['timezone']; $found_print=$found; if ($this->normalized) { $found_print.='N'; } print " $found_print $this->startTime $timezone_print $this->aNumberPrint $this->geo_location $this->SipProxyServer $this->destinationPrint $this->destinationName $this->durationPrint "; if ($this->CDRS->rating) { print "$this->pricePrint"; } print " $this->inputTrafficPrint $this->outputTrafficPrint "; print " $this->cdr_details "; } else { $disconnectName = $this->CDRS->disconnectCodesDescription[$this->disconnect]; $UserAgents = explode("+", $this->SipUserAgents); $CallingUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[0]); $CalledUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[1]); print "$found"; print ",$this->startTime"; print ",$this->stopTime"; print ",$this->BillingPartyId"; print ",$this->domain"; print ",$this->aNumberPrint"; print ",$this->cNumberPrint"; print ",$this->DestinationId"; print ",$this->destinationName"; print ",$this->RemoteAddressPrint"; print ",$this->duration"; print ",$this->price"; print ",$this->SipProxyServer"; print ",$this->inputTraffic"; print ",$this->outputTraffic"; print ",$CallingUserAgent"; print ",$CalledUserAgent"; print ",$this->disconnect"; print ",$disconnectName"; print ",$this->SipCodec"; print ",$this->application\n"; } } function isBillingPartyLocal() { $els = explode("@", $this->BillingPartyId); if ($els[1] && isset($this->CDRS->localDomains[$els[1]])) { return true; } return false; } function isCallerLocal() { if (isset($this->CDRS->localDomains[$this->aNumberDomain])) { $this->CallerIsLocal = true; $this->SipRPID = $this->CDRS->getCallerId($this->BillingPartyId); #$this->SipRPIDPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipRPID); } $this->SipRPIDPrint = $this->SipRPID; } function isCalleeLocal() { if (isset($this->CDRS->localDomains[$this->CanonicalURIDomain]) && !preg_match("/^0/", $this->CanonicalURIUsername)) { $this->CalleeIsLocal = true; $this->CalleeCallerId = $this->CDRS->getCallerId($this->CanonicalURI); } } function obfuscateCallerId() { global $obfuscateCallerId; if ($obfuscateCallerId) { //Caller party $caller_els=explode("@", $this->aNumberPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'caller'; } if (count($caller_els) == 2) { $this->aNumberPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; } else { $this->aNumberPrint = $_user; } //Billing party $caller_els = explode("@", $this->BillingPartyIdPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'party'; } $this->BillingPartyIdPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; // Destination $caller_els = explode("@", $this->destinationPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'destination'; } if (count($caller_els) == 2) { $this->destinationPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; } else { $this->destinationPrint = $_user; } $caller_els = explode("@", $this->cNumberPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'dialedNumber'; } if (count($caller_els) == 2) { $this->cNumberPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; } else { $this->cNumberPrint = $_user; } $caller_els = explode("@", $this->RemoteAddressPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'remoteAddress'; } if (count($caller_els) == 2) { $this->RemoteAddressPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; } else { $this->RemoteAddressPrint = $_user; } // Canonical URI $caller_els = explode("@", $this->CanonicalURIPrint); if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) { $_user = substr($caller_els[0], 0, strlen($caller_els[0])-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'canonicalURI'; } if (count($caller_els) == 2) { $this->CanonicalURIPrint = $_user.'@'.$caller_els[1]; } else { $this->CanonicalURIPrint = $_user; } if (is_numeric($this->SipRPIDPrint) && strlen($this->SipRPIDPrint) > 3) { $this->SipRPIDPrint = substr($this->SipRPID, 0, strlen($this->SipRPID)-3).'xxx'; } else { $_user = 'callerId'; } // IP address $this->SourceIP = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'; } } } class SIP_trace { public $enableThor = false; public $trace_array = array(); public $traced_ip = array(); public $SIPProxies = array(); public $mediaTrace = false; public $thor_nodes = array(); public $hostnames = array(); public function __construct($cdr_source) { global $DATASOURCES, $auth; require_once 'errors.php'; $this->cdr_source = $cdr_source; $this->cdrtool = new DB_CDRTool(); if (!is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source])) { $log = sprintf("Error: datasource '%s' is not defined\n", $this->cdr_source); print $log; throw new DataSourceUndefinedError($log); return 0; } if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) { $this->enableThor = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor']; } if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace'])) { $this->mediaTrace = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace']; } if ($this->enableThor) { require '/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc'; require_once 'ngnpro_soap_library.php'; if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'] && in_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'], array_keys($soapEngines))) { $this->soapEngineId=$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']; $this->SOAPlogin = array( "username" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SOAPurl=$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['url']; $this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); // Instantiate the SOAP client $this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); if (is_array($soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['hostnames'])) { $this->hostnames=$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['hostnames']; } } else { printf("

Error: soapEngineID not defined in datasource %s", $this->cdr_source); return false; } } else { $this->table = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table']; $db_class = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class']; $this->purgeRecordsAfter = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['purgeRecordsAfter']; if (class_exists($db_class)) { $this->db = new $db_class; } else { printf("

Error: database class '%s' is not defined", $db_class); return false; } } if (is_object($auth)) { $this->isAuthorized=1; } if (is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['SIPProxies'])) { $this->SIPProxies = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['SIPProxies']; } } private function isProxy($ip, $sip_proxy = '') { if (!$ip) { return false; } if (!$this->enableThor) { if (!is_array($this->SIPProxies)) { return false; } if (in_array($ip, array_keys($this->SIPProxies))) { return true; } } elseif ($sip_proxy) { if (isset($this->thor_nodes[$ip])) { return true; } else { if (isThorNode($ip, $sip_proxy) || isThorNode($ip, $sip_proxy, 'msteams_gateway')) { $this->thor_nodes[$ip]=1; return true; } else { return false; } } } return false; } private function getTrace($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag) { if ($this->enableThor) { // get trace using soap request if (!$proxyIP || !$callid || !$fromtag) { return false; } global $DATASOURCES; if (is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP']) && isset($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]) && strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]) ) { $proxyIP = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]; } if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) { print "Error: soap client is not defined."; return false; } $filter = array( 'nodeIp' => $proxyIP, 'callId' => $callid, 'fromTag' => $fromtag, 'toTag' => $totag ); $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->getSipTrace($filter); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); printf( "

Error from %s

%s (%s)
", $this->SOAPurl, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode ); return false; } $columns = 0; $traces = json_decode($result); $trace_array = array(); foreach ($traces as $_trace) { if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/", $_trace->to_ip, $m)) { $toip = $m[2]; $transport = $m[1]; $toport = $m[3]; } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/", $_trace->to_ip, $m)) { $toip = $m[1]; $transport = 'udp'; $toport = $m[2]; } else { $toip = $_trace->to_ip; $transport = $_trace->to_proto; $toport = $_trace->to_port; } if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/", $_trace->from_ip, $m)) { $fromip = $m[2]; $fromport = $m[3]; } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/", $_trace->from_ip, $m)) { $fromip = $m[1]; $fromport = $m[2]; } else { $fromip = $_trace->from_ip; $fromport = $_trace->from_port; } if (!isset($this->column[$fromip])) { $this->column[$fromip] = $columns + 1; $this->column_port[$fromip] = $fromport; $columns++; } if (!isset($this->column[$toip])) { $this->column[$toip] = $columns+1; $this->column_port[$toip] = $toport; $columns++; } preg_match("/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/", $_trace->time_stamp, $m); $timestamp = mktime($m[4], $m[5], $m[6], $m[2], $m[3], $m[1]); $idx=$proxyIP.'_'.$_trace->id; $trace_array[$idx] = array ( 'id' => $idx, 'direction' => $_trace->direction, 'fromip' => $fromip, 'toip' => $toip, 'fromport' => $fromport, 'toport' => $toport, 'method' => $_trace->method, 'transport' => $transport, 'date' => $_trace->time_stamp, 'status' => $_trace->status, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'msg' => $_trace->message, 'md5' => md5($_trace->message) ); } $this->trace_array=$trace_array; $this->rows = count($this->trace_array); } else { // get trace from SQL if (!is_object($this->db)) { print "

Error: no database connection defined"; return false; } $query = sprintf( " select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_stamp) as timestamp from %s where callid = '%s' order by id asc ", addslashes($this->table), addslashes($callid) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { printf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno); return false; } $this->rows = $this->db->num_rows(); $columns = 0; while ($this->db->next_record()) { if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/", $this->db->f('toip'), $m)) { $toip = $m[2]; $transport = $m[1]; $toport = $m[3]; } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/", $this->db->f('toip'), $m)) { $toip = $m[1]; $transport = 'udp'; $toport = $m[2]; } else { $toip = $this->db->f('toip'); $toport = '5060'; } if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/", $this->db->f('fromip'), $m)) { $fromip = $m[2]; $fromport = $m[3]; } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/", $this->db->f('fromip'), $m)) { $fromip = $m[1]; $fromport = $m[2]; } else { $fromip = $this->db->f('fromip'); $transport = 'udp'; $fromport = '5060'; } if (!$this->column[$fromip]) { $this->column[$fromip]=$columns+1; $this->column_port[$fromip]=$fromport; $columns++; } if (!$this->column[$toip]) { $this->column[$toip] = $columns + 1; $this->column_port[$toip]=$toport; $columns++; } $this->trace_array[$this->db->f('id')] = array ( 'id' => $this->db->f('id'), 'direction' => $this->db->f('direction'), 'fromip' => $fromip, 'toip' => $toip, 'method' => $this->db->f('method'), 'fromport' => $fromport, 'toport' => $toport, 'transport' => $transport, 'date' => $this->db->f('time_stamp'), 'status' => $this->db->f('status'), 'timestamp' => $this->db->f('timestamp'), 'msg' => $this->db->f('msg'), 'md5' => md5($this->db->f('msg')) ); } } } private function printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $port) { echo ''; if ($transport == 'tls') { echo " "; } printf('%s: %d', strtoupper($transport), $port); echo ''; } public function show($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; $toggleVisibility = $_REQUEST['toggleVisibility']; if ($action == 'toggleVisibility') { $this->togglePublicVisibility($callid, $fromtag, $toggleVisibility); } if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") { $protocolURL = "https://"; } else { $protocolURL = "http://"; } $this->getTrace($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag); /* No trace can be found */ if (!count($this->trace_array)) { echo "

SIP trace for session id $callid is not available.

"; return; } echo "

CDRTool SIP trace
Call ID: $callid $authorize

"; $basicURL = $protocolURL.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $fullURL = $basicURL; print "URLs for this trace: HTML | TEXT"; if ($this->mediaTrace) { $media_query = array( 'cdr_source' => $this->mediaTrace, 'callid' => $callid, 'fromtag' => $fromtag, 'totag' => $totag, 'proxyIP' => $proxyIP ); $this->mediaTraceLink = sprintf( "

Click here for RTP media information

", http_build_query($media_query) ); } print "

Click on each packet to expand its body content

"; foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) { $this->trace_array[$key]['isProxy'] = 0; if ($this->trace_array[$key]['direction'] == 'in') { if (is_array($this->SIPProxies)) { $thisIP=explode(":", $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']); if ($this->isProxy($thisIP[0], $proxyIP)) { $this->trace_array[$key]['isProxy'] = 1; } } $this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']]; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'] = $arrow_direction; // handle self-generated BYE if ($this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] == $this->trace_array[$key]['toip']) { if ($this->trace_array[$key]['method'] == 'BYE') { $bye_ip = $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']; $bye_lines = preg_split('/\n|\r\n?/', $this->trace_array[$key]['msg']); $bye_line = $bye_lines[0]; $fi=$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']; $fp=$this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']; $ti=$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']; $tp=$this->trace_array[$key]['toport']; if (preg_match("/^BYE (sip:|sips:)(.*)\@(.*):(\d*)(.*)$/", $bye_line, $m)) { $bye_ip = $m[3]; $bye_port = $m[4]; if ($this->column[$bye_ip]){ $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] = $bye_ip; $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport'] = $bye_port; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$bye_ip]; } else { $found_bye_ip = false; foreach ($bye_lines as $_line) { if (preg_match("/^Route:(.*)$/", $_line, $mr)) { $line = str_replace(array('<', '>'), "", $mr[1]); $routes = explode(",", $line); foreach ($routes as $r) { if (preg_match("/(.*sip:|sips:)(.*):(\d+)(.*)$/", $r, $mm)) { $bye_ip = $mm[2]; $bye_port = $mm[3]; if ($this->column[$bye_ip]){ $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] = $bye_ip; $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport'] = $bye_port; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$bye_ip]; $found_bye_ip = true; break; } } } if ($found_bye_ip){ break; } } } } } else { $arrow_direction = "loop"; } if ($this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']] < $this->column[$proxyIP]) { $arrow_direction = "left"; } else { $arrow_direction = "right"; } } else { $arrow_direction = "loop"; } } elseif ($this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']] < $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]) { $arrow_direction = "right"; } else { $arrow_direction = "left"; } $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'] = $arrow_direction; } else { if ($this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] == $this->trace_array[$key]['toip']) { $arrow_direction = "loop"; } elseif ($this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']] < $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]) { $arrow_direction = "right"; } else { $arrow_direction = "left"; } $this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']]; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]; $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'] = $arrow_direction; } } echo " "; $_seen_timeline = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->column) as $_key) { $IPels = explode(":", $_key); if (isset($this->hostnames[$IPels[0]])) { $_hostname = $this->hostnames[$IPels[0]]; } else { $_hostname = $_key; } print ""; } print ""; /* Rows */ $i=0; foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) { $i++; $id = $this->trace_array[$key]['id']; $msg = $this->trace_array[$key]['msg']; $fromip = $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']; $toip = $this->trace_array[$key]['toip']; $date = substr($this->trace_array[$key]['date'], 11); $status = $this->trace_array[$key]['status']; $direction = $this->trace_array[$key]['direction']; $timestamp = $this->trace_array[$key]['timestamp']; $method = $this->trace_array[$key]['method']; $isProxy = $this->trace_array[$key]['isProxy']; $transport = $this->trace_array[$key]['transport']; $msg_possition = $this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition']; $arrow_possition = $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition']; $arrow_direction = $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction']; $md5 = $this->trace_array[$key]['md5']; if ($i == 1) { $begin_timestamp = $timestamp; } $timeline = $timestamp - $begin_timestamp; $sip_phone_img = getImageForUserAgent($msg); if ($seen_msg[$md5]) { continue; } $SIPclass = substr($status, 0, 1); switch ($SIPclass) { case 6: $status_color = "red"; break; case 5: $status_color = "red"; break; case 4: $status_color = "red"; break; case 3: $status_color = "green"; break; case 2: $status_color = "green"; break; case 1: $status_color = "orange"; break; default: $status_color = "blue"; if ($method == "ACK") { $status_color = 'cyan'; } else if ($method == "CANCEL") { $status_color = 'magenta'; } break; } $_lines = explode("\n", $msg); if (preg_match("/^(.*) SIP/", $_lines[0], $m)) { $_lines[0] = $m[1]; } elseif (preg_match("/^SIP\/2\.0 (.*)/", $_lines[0], $m)) { $_lines[0] = $m[1]; } unset($media); unset($diversions); $media_index=0; $search_ice=0; $search_ip=0; $contact_header=''; foreach ($_lines as $_line) { if (preg_match("/^(Diversion: ).*;(.*)$/", $_line, $m)) { $diversions[]=$m[1].$m[2]; } if (preg_match("/^Cseq:\s*\d+\s*(.*)$/i", $_line, $m)) { $status_for_method=$m[1]; } if (preg_match("/^c=IN \w+ ([\d|\w\.]+)/i", $_line, $m)) { $media['ip']=$m[1]; } if (preg_match("/^m=(\w+) (\d+) /i", $_line, $m)) { $media_index++; $search_ice=1; $search_ip=1; $media['streams'][$media_index] = array( 'type' => $m[1], 'ip' => $media['ip'], 'port' => $m[2], 'ice' => '' ); } if ($search_ip && preg_match("/^c=IN \w+ ([\d|\w\.]+)/i", $_line, $m)) { $media['streams'][$media_index]['ip']=$m[1]; $search_ip=0; } if ($search_ice && preg_match("/^a=ice/i", $_line, $m)) { $media['streams'][$media_index]['ice']="ICE"; $search_ice=0; } } $_els = explode(";", $_lines[0]); $cell_content = "
$_els[0]"; if ($status) { $cell_content .= " for ".$status_for_method.""; } if (is_array($diversions)) { foreach ($diversions as $_diversion) { $cell_content.="
$_diversion"; } } if (is_array($media['streams'])) { foreach (array_keys($media['streams']) as $_key) { $_stream = sprintf( "%s: %s:%s %s", $media['streams'][$_key]['type'], $media['streams'][$_key]['ip'], $media['streams'][$_key]['port'], $media['streams'][$_key]['ice'] ); if ($media['streams'][$_key]['port']) { $cell_content.="
$_stream"; } else { $cell_content.="
$_stream"; } } } $cell_content.="
"; print " "; $packet_length = strlen($msg); print " "; $column_current = 1; while ($column_current <= count($this->column)) { if ($arrow_possition == $column_current) { /* First cell, first port, append extra cell */ if ($column_current < count($this->column) && $column_current < $msg_possition) { print ""; } $arrowColor = $status_color; if ($arrow_direction == 'loop') { print ""; } if ($arrow_possition >= 2 * $msg_possition) { $arrow_span = ($arrow_possition * 2) - 4; echo ""; if ($column_current < count($this->column) && $column_current > $msg_possition) { print ""; } } else { if ($msg_possition == $column_current) { if ($msg_possition < $arrow_possition) { print ""; #} elseif ($column_current != $this->column[$fromip] && $column_current != $this->column[$toip]) { # echo ""; } echo ""; } if ($arrow_possition == $column_current && $column_current == count($this->column)) { echo ""; } $column_current++; if ($arrow_direction == 'loop') { $seen_msg[$md5]++; } } echo ""; if (is_array($this->SIPProxies)) { $IPels = explode(":", $fromip); $justIP = $IPels[0]; foreach (array_keys($this->SIPProxies) as $localProxy) { if ($localProxy == $justIP) { $direction="out"; break; } } } /* Details */ $trace_span = count($this->column) * 2 + 3; print " "; } print "
Packet Time"; if ($proxyIP != $IPels[0] && $this->isProxy($IPels[0], $proxyIP)) { $trace_query = array( 'cdr_source' => $this->cdr_source, 'callid' => $callid, 'fromtag' => $fromtag, 'totag' => $totag, 'proxyIP' => $IPels[0] ); $trace_link = sprintf( "%s:%s", http_build_query($trace_query), $_hostname, $this->column_port[$_key] ); printf("%s", $trace_link); } else { printf("%s", $_hostname); } print "
$i/$this->rows  $date"; if ($timeline && !isset($_seen_timeline[$timeline])) { printf("  +%ds", $timeline); $_seen_timeline[$timeline] = 1; } print "
$packet_length bytes
"; if ($direction == 'in') { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']); } else { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['toport']); } echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if ($arrow_direction != 'loop') { print "
"; } if ($arrow_direction == "left") { print "
"; } else { print "
"; } echo "
"; if ($direction == 'in') { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']); } else { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['toport']); } echo ""; if ($direction == 'out') { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']); } else { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['toport']); } } else { print ""; if ($direction == 'out') { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']); } else { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['toport']); } } } elseif ($arrow_possition != $column_current && ( $column_current == 1 || ( $arrow_possition < $column_current && $arrow_possition != $msg_possition) )) { print ""; print ""; print " "; } elseif ($arrow_possition == $msg_possition) { echo ""; if ($direction == 'in') { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']); } else { $this->printLabelProtocolPort($transport, $this->trace_array[$key]['toport']); } echo "
"; if ($direction == "out" or $isProxy) { print "

SIP Proxy

"; } else { if ($sip_phone_img && $sip_phone_img!='unknown.png') { print ""; } else { print ""; } } print "
"; if ($timeline > 0) { printf("

+%s s

", $timeline, sec2hms($timeline)); } print "
"; $msg = nl2br(htmlentities($msg)); print "$msg
"; echo "
"; } public function showText($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag) { $this->getTrace($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag); print "
         if (!count($this->trace_array)) {
             print "SIP trace for session id $callid is not available.";
             return false;
         printf("SIP trace on proxy %s for session %s\n--\n\n", $proxyIP, $callid);
         foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) {
                 "Packet %d at %s from %s to %s (%s)\n",
             print "---\n";
         print "
"; } public function togglePublicVisibility($callid, $fromtag, $public = '0') { $key="callid-".trim($callid).trim($fromtag); if (!$public) { $query = sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` = '%s'", addslashes($key)); $this->cdrtool->query($query); } else { $query = sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` = '%s'", addslashes($key)); $this->cdrtool->query($query); $query = sprintf("insert into memcache values ('%s','public')", addslashes($key)); $this->cdrtool->query($query); } } public function purgeRecords($days = '') { if ($this->enableThor) { return true; } $b=time(); if ($days) { $this->purgeRecordsAfter = $days; } elseif (!$this->purgeRecordsAfter) { $this->purgeRecordsAfter = 15; } $beforeDate=Date("Y-m-d", time()-$this->purgeRecordsAfter*3600*24); $query = sprintf( "SELECT id as min, time_stamp FROM %s ORDER BY id ASC limit 1", addslashes($this->table) ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $min=$this->db->f('min'); $begindate=$this->db->f('date'); } else { $log = sprintf("No records found in %s\n", $this->table); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } } else { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)\n", $this->db->Error, $query); print $log; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } $query=sprintf( "select id as max from %s where time_stamp < '%s' order by id DESC limit 1", addslashes($this->table), addslashes($beforeDate) ); if ($this->db->query($query) && $this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $max=$this->db->f('max'); } else { $log=sprintf( "No records found in %s before %s, records start after %s\n", $this->table, $beforeDate, $begindate ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return false; } $deleted = 0; $i = $min; $interval = 1000; $rows2delete = $max - $min; $found = 0; print "$rows2delete traces to delete between $min and $max\n"; while ($i<=$max) { $found=$found+$interval; if ($i + $interval < $max) { $top=$i; } else { $top=$max; } $query=sprintf( "delete low_priority from %s where id >= '%d' and id <='%d'", addslashes($this->table), addslashes($min), addslashes($top) ); if ($this->db->query($query)) { $deleted = $deleted + $this->db->affected_rows(); } else { $log = sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($found > $progress * $rows2delete / 100) { $progress++; if ($progress % 10 == 0) { print "$progress% "; } flush(); } $i = $i + $interval; } print "\n"; $e = time(); $d = $e - $b; $rps = 0; if ($deleted && $d) { $rps=$deleted/$d; } $log = sprintf( "%s records before %s from %s deleted in %d s @ %.0f rps\n", $deleted, $beforeDate, $this->table, $d, $rps ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; return true; } } class Media_trace { public $enableThor = false; public $table = 'media_sessions'; function __construct($cdr_source) { global $DATASOURCES; require_once 'errors.php'; $this->cdr_source = $cdr_source; $this->cdrtool = new DB_CDRTool(); if (!is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source])) { $log = sprintf("Error: datasource '%s' is not defined", $this->cdr_source); print $log; throw new DataSourceUndefinedError($log); return 0; } if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) { $this->enableThor = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor']; } if ($this->enableThor) { require '/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc'; require_once 'ngnpro_soap_library.php'; if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'] && in_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'], array_keys($soapEngines))) { $this->soapEngineId=$DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId']; $this->SOAPlogin = array( "username" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SOAPurl=$soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['url']; $this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); // Instantiate the SOAP client $this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); } else { print "Error: soapEngineID not defined in datasource $this->cdr_source"; return false; } } else { if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table']) { $this->table = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table']; } $db_class = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class']; if (class_exists($db_class)) { $this->db = new $db_class; } else { printf("

Error: database class %s is not defined in datasource %s", $db_class, $this->cdr_source); return false; } } } private function getTrace($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag) { if ($this->enableThor) { // get trace using soap request if (!$proxyIP || !$callid || !$fromtag) { echo "

Error: proxyIP or callid or fromtag are not defined

"; return false; } global $DATASOURCES; if (is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP']) && isset($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]) && strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]) ) { $proxyIP = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['proxyTranslation_IP'][$proxyIP]; } if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) { print "

Error: soap client is not defined"; return false; } $filter = array( 'nodeIp' => $proxyIP, 'callId' => $callid, 'fromTag' => $fromtag, 'toTag' => $totag ); $this->soapclient->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->soapclient->getMediaTrace($filter); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault = $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); if ($error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode != 1060) { printf( "

Error from %s

%s (%s)
", $this->SOAPurl, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode ); } return false; } $this->info = json_decode($result); } else { if (!is_object($this->db)) { print "

Error: no database connection defined"; return false; } // get trace from SQL $query = sprintf( "select info from %s where call_id = '%s' and from_tag = '%s' and to_tag= '%s'", addslashes($this->table), addslashes($callid), addslashes($fromtag), addslashes($totag) ); if (!$this->db->query($query)) { printf( "

Database error for query %s: %s (%s)", $query, $this->db->Error, $this->db->Errno ); return false; } if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $this->info = json_decode($this->db->f('info')); } } } public function show($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag) { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") { $protocolURL = "https://"; } else { $protocolURL = "http://"; } $this->getTrace($proxyIP, $callid, $fromtag, $totag); if (!is_object($this->info)) { echo "

No information available
"; return false; } if (empty($this->info->streams)) { echo "
No RTP media streams have been established
"; return; } print "
"; $sessionId = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('md5', $callid, true)), "="); print "

CDRTool Media Trace
Call ID: $callid
Media Session ID: $sessionId

"; foreach (array_values($this->info->streams) as $_val) { $_diff=$_val->end_time-$_val->timeout_wait; $seen_stamp[$_val->start_time]++; $seen_stamp[$_val->end_time]++; $seen_stamp[$_diff]++; $media_types[]=$_val->media_type; } print "

Media Information

"; print ""; printf("", $this->info->duration); list($relay_ip, $relay_port)=explode(":", $this->info->streams[0]->caller_local); printf("", $relay_ip); print "
Call duration%s
Media relay%s
"; print "

Media Streams

"; print ""; print ""; foreach (array_values($media_types) as $_type) { printf("", ucfirst($_type)); } print ""; foreach ($this->info->streams[0] as $_val => $_value) { printf("", ucfirst(preg_replace("/_/", " ", $_val))); $j=0; while ($j < count($media_types)) { printf("", $this->info->streams[$j]->$_val); $j++; } printf("\n"); } print "
"; print "

Stream Succession

"; $w_legend_bar = 500; $w_text = 30; $stamps = array_keys($seen_stamp); sort($stamps); $w_table = $w_legend_bar + $w_text; print ""; $j = 0; $_index = 0; foreach (array_values($this->info->streams) as $_val) { if ($_val->status == 'unselected ice candidate') { continue; } $_index = $_index+$_val->start_time; $_duration = $_val->end_time-$_val->start_time; $_timeout = $_val->timeout_wait; $duration_print = $_duration; if ($_val->status == 'conntrack timeout') { $w_duration = intval(($_duration-$_timeout)*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration); $w_timeout = intval($_timeout*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration); $duration_print = $_duration - $_timeout; } elseif ($_val->status == 'no-traffic timeout') { $w_duration = intval($_duration*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration); $w_timeout = intval($_timeout*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration); } elseif ($_val->status == 'closed') { $w_duration = intval($_duration * $w_legend_bar / $this->info->duration); $w_timeout = 0; } $w_start_time = intval($_index*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration); $w_rest = $w_legend_bar-$w_duration-$w_timeout-$w_start_time; $w_duration_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_duration) * 100; $w_timeout = 0; if ($w_timeout > 0) { $w_timeout_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_timeout) * 100; } $w_start_p = 0; if ($w_start_time > 0) { $w_start_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_start_time)* 100; } //printf ("%s, %s, %s, %s
\n",$w_start_p,$w_duration_p,$w_timeout_p,$w_rest); if ($_val->caller_packets != '0' && $_val->callee_packets != '0') { print ""; print ""; } elseif ($_val->status == 'unselected ICE candidate') { print ""; } else { print ""; } } print "
$_val->media_type\n"; //print "\n"; print "
"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; if ($_val->timeout_wait) { print "
\n"; } else { print "
\n"; } //print "
\n"; //print "
\n"; print "
ICE session
No stream data found
"; print "
Legend"; print "

Session data
Timeout period

"; } } include_once "phone_images.php"; function getImageForUserAgent($msg) { global $userAgentImages; $msg_lines = explode("\n", $msg); foreach ($msg_lines as $line) { $els = explode(":", $line); if (strtolower($els[0]) == 'user-agent' || strtolower($els[0]) == 'server') { foreach ($userAgentImages as $agentRegexp => $image) { if (preg_match("/^(user-agent|server):.*$agentRegexp/i", $line)) { return $image; } } } } return "unknown.png"; } function isThorNode($ip, $sip_proxy, $role="sip_proxy") { if (!$ip || !$sip_proxy) { return false; } $socket = fsockopen($sip_proxy, 9500, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$socket) { return false; } $request=sprintf("is_online %s as %s", $ip, $role); if (fputs($socket, "$request\r\n") !== false) { $ret = trim(fgets($socket, 4096)); fclose($socket); } else { fclose($socket); return false; } if ($ret == 'Yes') { return true; } else { return false; } } ?> diff --git a/library/rating_server.php b/library/rating_server.php index ccaf4e2..92db93f 100644 --- a/library/rating_server.php +++ b/library/rating_server.php @@ -1,711 +1,717 @@ pidFile = $pidFile; } public function start() { if ($this->pidFile !== false && file_exists($this->pidFile)) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'r'); if (!$pf) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } $c = fgets($pf); fclose($pf); if ($c === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to read pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } $pid = intval($c); if (posix_kill($pid, 0) === true) { $log = sprintf("Error: Another process is already running on pid %d\n", $pid); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } } // do the Unix double fork magic $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log=sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // decouple from the parent environment chdir('/'); if (posix_setsid() == -1) { $log=sprintf("Error: Could not detach from terminal\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } umask(022); // and now the second fork $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { $log = sprintf("Error: Couldn't fork!\n"); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } if ($pid > 0) { // this is the parent. nothing to do exit(0); } // this doesn't really work. it seems php is unable to close these //fclose(STDIN); //fclose(STDOUT); //fclose(STDERR); if ($this->pidFile) { $pf = fopen($this->pidFile, 'w'); if ($pf === false) { $log = sprintf("Error: Unable to write pidfile %s\n", $this->pidFile); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); print $log; exit(-1); } fwrite($pf, sprintf("%d\n", posix_getpid())); fclose($pf); register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "removePid")); } //pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); //pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, array(&$this, 'signalHandler')); // for some reason these interfere badly with socket_select() pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "signalHandler", true); // pcntl_signal(SIGKILL, "signalHandler", true); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, "signalHandler", true); } private function removePid() { if (file_exists($this->pid)) unlink($this->pid); } } /* phpSocketDaemon 1.0 Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Chabot See http://www.chabotc.nl/ for more information This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ -class socketClient extends socket { +class socketClient extends socketCDR +{ public $remote_address = null; public $remote_port = null; public $connecting = false; public $disconnected = false; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->connecting = true; try { parent::connect($remote_address, $remote_port); } catch (socketException $e) { echo "Caught exception: ".$e->getMessage()."\n"; } } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { $this->write_buffer .= $buffer; $this->do_write(); } public function do_write() { $length = strlen($this->write_buffer); try { $written = parent::write($this->write_buffer, $length); if ($written < $length) { $this->write_buffer = substr($this->write_buffer, $written); } else { $this->write_buffer = ''; } $this->on_write(); return true; } catch (socketException $e) { $old_socket = (int)$this->socket; $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->on_disconnect(); return false; } return false; } public function read($length = 4096) { try { $this->read_buffer .= parent::read($length); $this->on_read(); } catch (socketException $e) { $old_socket = (int)$this->socket; $this->close(); $this->socket = $old_socket; $this->disconnected = true; $this->on_disconnect(); } } public function on_connect() {} public function on_disconnect() {} public function on_read() {} public function on_write() {} public function on_timer() {} } -class socketServer extends socket { +class socketServer extends socketCDR +{ protected $client_class; public function __construct($client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { parent::__construct($bind_address, $bind_port, $domain, $type, $protocol); $this->client_class = $client_class; $this->listen(); if (!$bind_address) { $bind_address_print=''; } else { $bind_address_print=$bind_address; } $this->startTime=time(); $log=sprintf("Rating Engine listening on %s:%s", $bind_address_print, $bind_port); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } public function accept() { $client = new $this->client_class(parent::accept(), $this); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'socketServerClient')) { throw new socketException("Invalid serverClient class specified! Has to be a subclass of socketServerClient"); } $this->on_accept($client); return $client; } // override if desired public function on_accept(socketServerClient $client) {} } -class socketServerClient extends socketClient { +class socketServerClient extends socketClient +{ public $socket; public $remote_address; public $remote_port; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public function __construct($socket, $parentServer) { $this->socket = $socket; $this->parentServer = &$parentServer; - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new socketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } elseif (!socket_getpeername($this->socket, $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port)) { throw new socketException("Could not retrieve remote address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } global $RatingEngineServer, $RatingEngine; $this->ratingEngine = & $RatingEngineServer; $this->ratingEngineSettings = $RatingEngine; $this->set_non_block(); $this->on_connect(); } } -class socketDaemon { +class socketDaemon +{ public $servers = array(); public $clients = array(); public function create_server($server_class, $client_class, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $server = new $server_class($client_class, $bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($server, 'socketServer')) { throw new socketException("Invalid server class specified! Has to be a subclass of socketServer"); } $this->servers[(int)$server->socket] = $server; return $server; } public function create_client($client_class, $remote_address, $remote_port, $bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0) { $client = new $client_class($bind_address, $bind_port); if (!is_subclass_of($client, 'socketClient')) { throw new socketException("Invalid client class specified! Has to be a subclass of socketClient"); } $client->set_non_block(true); $client->connect($remote_address, $remote_port); $this->clients[(int)$client->socket] = $client; return $client; } private function create_read_set() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function create_write_set() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer) || $socket->connecting) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { if (!empty($socket->write_buffer)) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } } return $ret; } private function create_exception_set() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } foreach ($this->servers as $socket) { $ret[] = $socket->socket; } return $ret; } private function clean_sockets() { foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { if ($socket->disconnected || !is_resource($socket->socket)) { if (isset($this->clients[(int)$socket->socket])) { unset($this->clients[(int)$socket->socket]); } } } } private function get_class($socket) { if (isset($this->clients[(int)$socket])) { return $this->clients[(int)$socket]; } elseif (isset($this->servers[(int)$socket])) { return $this->servers[(int)$socket]; } else { throw (new socketException("Could not locate socket class for $socket")); } } public function process() { // if socketClient is in write set, and $socket->connecting === true, set connecting to false and call on_connect $read_set = $this->create_read_set(); $write_set = $this->create_write_set(); $exception_set = $this->create_exception_set(); $event_time = time(); while (($events = socket_select($read_set, $write_set, $exception_set, 2)) !== false) { if ($events > 0) { foreach ($read_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->get_class($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'socketServer')) { $client = $socket->accept(); $this->clients[(int)$client->socket] = $client; } elseif (is_subclass_of($socket, 'socketClient')) { // regular on_read event $socket->read(); } } foreach ($write_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->get_class($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'socketClient')) { if ($socket->connecting === true) { $socket->on_connect(); $socket->connecting = false; } $socket->do_write(); } } foreach ($exception_set as $socket) { $socket = $this->get_class($socket); if (is_subclass_of($socket, 'socketClient')) { $socket->on_disconnect(); if (isset($this->clients[(int)$socket->socket])) { unset($this->clients[(int)$socket->socket]); } } } } if (time() - $event_time > 1) { // only do this if more then a second passed, else we'd keep looping this for every bit received foreach ($this->clients as $socket) { $socket->on_timer(); } $event_time = time(); } $this->clean_sockets(); $read_set = $this->create_read_set(); $write_set = $this->create_write_set(); $exception_set = $this->create_exception_set(); } } } class socketException extends Exception { } -class socket { +class socketCDR +{ public $socket; public $bind_address; public $bind_port; public $domain; public $type; public $protocol; public $local_addr; public $local_port; public $read_buffer = ''; public $write_buffer = ''; public function __construct($bind_address = 0, $bind_port = 0, $domain = AF_INET, $type = SOCK_STREAM, $protocol = SOL_TCP) { $this->bind_address = $bind_address; $this->bind_port = $bind_port; $this->domain = $domain; $this->type = $type; $this->protocol = $protocol; if (($this->socket = @socket_create($domain, $type, $protocol)) === false) { throw new socketException("Could not create socket: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) { throw new socketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR: ".$this->get_error()); } if (!@socket_bind($this->socket, $bind_address, $bind_port)) { throw new socketException("Could not bind socket to [$bind_address - $bind_port]: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } if (!@socket_getsockname($this->socket, $this->local_addr, $this->local_port)) { throw new socketException("Could not retrieve local address & port: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket))); } $this->set_non_block(true); } public function __destruct() { - if (is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { $this->close(); } } public function get_error() { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket)); socket_clear_error($this->socket); return $error; } public function close() { - if (is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof \Socket) { @socket_shutdown($this->socket, 2); @socket_close($this->socket); } $this->socket = (int)$this->socket; } public function write($buffer, $length = 4096) { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_write($this->socket, $buffer, $length)) === false) { throw new socketException("Could not write to socket: ".$this->get_error()); } return $ret; } public function read($length = 4096) { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($ret = @socket_read($this->socket, $length, PHP_BINARY_READ)) == false) { throw new socketException("Could not read from socket: ".$this->get_error()); } return $ret; } public function connect($remote_address, $remote_port) { $this->remote_address = $remote_address; $this->remote_port = $remote_port; - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_connect($this->socket, $remote_address, $remote_port)) { throw new socketException("Could not connect to {$remote_address} - {$remote_port}: ".$this->get_error()); } } public function listen($backlog = 128) { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_listen($this->socket, $backlog)) { throw new socketException("Could not listen to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->get_error()); } } public function accept() { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (($client = socket_accept($this->socket)) === false) { throw new socketException("Could not accept connection to {$this->bind_address} - {$this->bind_port}: ".$this->get_error()); } return $client; } public function set_non_block() { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_nonblock($this->socket)) { throw new socketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->get_error()); } } public function set_block() { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_block($this->socket)) { throw new socketException("Could not set socket non_block: ".$this->get_error()); } } public function set_recieve_timeout($sec, $usec) { - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array("sec" => $sec, "usec" => $usec))) { throw new socketException("Could not set socket recieve timeout: ".$this->get_error()); } } public function set_reuse_address($reuse = true) { $reuse = $reuse ? 1 : 0; - if (!is_resource($this->socket)) { + if (!is_resource($this->socket) && !($this->socket instanceof \Socket)) { throw new socketException("Invalid socket or resource"); } elseif (!@socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, $reuse)) { throw new socketException("Could not set SO_REUSEADDR to '$reuse': ".$this->get_error()); } } } -class ratingEngineServer extends socketServer { +class ratingEngineServer extends socketServer +{ public $requests = array(); public $connected_clients = array(); } -class ratingEngineClient extends socketServerClient { - +class ratingEngineClient extends socketServerClient +{ private function handle_request($request) { $this->parentServer->requests[$this->remote_address]++; $b = microtime(true); $output = $this->ratingEngine->processNetworkInput($request); $output .= "\n\n"; if ($this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $e=microtime(true); $d=$e-$b; if ($d >= $this->ratingEngineSettings['log_delay']) { $log = sprintf("%s request took %.4f seconds", $this->ratingEngine->method, $d); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } } return $output; } public function on_read() { $tinput = trim($this->read_buffer); if ($tinput == 'exit' || $tinput =='quit') { $this->on_disconnect(); $this->close(); } elseif (strtolower($tinput) == 'showclients') { $output = ''; $j = 0; $uptime=time()-$this->parentServer->startTime; if (count($this->parentServer->connected_clients)) { $output .= "\nClients:\n\n"; foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $j++; $myself=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_client == $myself) { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s (myself)\n", $j, $_client); } else { $output .= sprintf("%d. %s\n", $j, $_client); } } } if (count($this->parentServer->requests)) { $output .= "\nRequests:\n\n"; $requests=0; foreach (array_keys($this->parentServer->requests) as $_client_ip) { $output .= sprintf("%d requests from %s\n", $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip], $_client_ip); $requests = $requests + $this->parentServer->requests[$_client_ip]; } } $output .= "\nStatistics:\n\n"; $output .= sprintf("Total requests: %d\n", $requests); $output .= sprintf("Uptime: %d seconds\n", $uptime); if ($uptime) $output .= sprintf("Load: %0.2f/s\n", $requests / $uptime); $output .= "\n\n"; $this->write($output); $this->read_buffer = ''; } elseif ($tinput) { $this->write($this->handle_request($tinput)); $this->read_buffer = ''; } } public function on_connect() { if ($this->remote_address != '') { if (is_array($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'])) { $allow_connection = false; foreach ($this->ratingEngineSettings['allow'] as $_allow) { if (preg_match("/^$_allow/", $this->remote_address)) { $log = sprintf("Client %s allowed by server configuration %s", $this->remote_address, $_allow); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $allow_connection = true; break; } } if (!$allow_connection) { $log = sprintf("Client %s disallowed by server configuration", $this->remote_address); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); $this->close(); return true; } } } $_client = $this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; $this->parentServer->connected_clients[] = $_client; $this->parentServer->connected_clients = array_unique($this->parentServer->connected_clients); $log = sprintf("Client connection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } public function on_disconnect() { $new_clients = array(); foreach ($this->parentServer->connected_clients as $_client) { $_connected_client=$this->remote_address.":".$this->remote_port; if ($_connected_client == $_client) continue; $new_clients[]=$_client; } $this->parentServer->connected_clients=array_unique($new_clients); $log = sprintf("Client disconnection from %s:%s", $this->remote_address, $this->remote_port); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } public function on_write() { } public function on_timer() { } } ?> diff --git a/phplib/local.inc b/phplib/local.inc index 42615e8..d5b2b18 100644 --- a/phplib/local.inc +++ b/phplib/local.inc @@ -1,1519 +1,1535 @@ register("challenge"); if (!$challenge) { $challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic)); } $query=sprintf("select * from spam where ip = '%s'", addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $this->db->query($query); if ($this->db->num_rows()) { $this->db->next_record(); $spam_login_ip = $this->db->f('ip'); $spam_login_tries = $this->db->f('tries'); $spam_login_stamp = $this->db->f('stamp'); $next_try = $spam_login_stamp+120; $remains = $next_try-time(); $next_try = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $next_try); $now = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); } if ($remains < 0) { $query=sprintf("delete from spam where ip = '%s'", addslashes($spam_login_ip)); if ($this->db->query($query)) { unset($spam_login_tries); } } if ($spam_login_tries < $max_login_attempts) { $title="Login"; if (is_readable("/etc/cdrtool/local/header.phtml")) { include("/etc/cdrtool/local/header.phtml"); } else { include("$CDRTool[Path]/header.phtml"); } $layout = new pageLayoutLocal(); $layout->showLoginForm($this); $layout->showFooter(); } else { if ($spam_login_tries == $max_login_attempts) { $log_time=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $log_query=sprintf( "insert into log (date,login,ip,description,results) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s attempts to wrong login', 'IP blocked until %s')", addslashes($log_time), addslashes($username), addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), addslashes($spam_login_tries), addslashes($next_try) ); $this->db->query($log_query); } $new_stamp=time(); $query=sprintf( "update spam set tries = tries + 1 where ip = '%s' ", addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ); $this->db->query($query); print "

The current time on this system is $now.

Too many wrong attempts to login, wait until $next_try (over $remains seconds) and try again.

If you forgot your password please contact your system administrator for obtaining a new one.

"; exit; } } function auth_validatelogin() { global $d_cli, $d_card, $prepaid_login, $cust_form, $codeFilter, $aNumberFilter,$login_for; global $CDRTool; global $otp_error, $otpasswd; global $verbose; global $DATASOURCES; $username = isset($_POST["username"]) ? $_POST["username"] : ''; $sendotp = isset($_POST["sendotp"]) ? $_POST["sendotp"] : ''; $password = isset($_POST["password"]) ? $_POST["password"] : ''; $challenge = isset($_POST["challenge"]) ? $_POST["challenge"] : ''; $response = isset($_POST["response"]) ? $_POST["response"] : ''; $response_ha1 = isset($_POST["response_ha1"]) ? $_POST["response_ha1"] : ''; $REMOTE_ADDR = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //dprint_r("response: $response"); require_once 'PEAR.php'; if ($username) { $this->auth["uname"]=$username; ## This provides access for "loginform.ihtml" } $uid = false; if ($username) { $username = trim($username); if (preg_match ("/\@/",$username)) { $a = explode("@", $username); $domainAuth = new DomainAuthLocal(); $ret=$domainAuth->validate($a[0], $a[1], $password, $response_ha1, $otp_yubikey); //dprint("here"); //dprint_r($ret); if ($ret[0]) { foreach ($ret[2] as $allowedDS) { $CDRTool[dataSourcesAllowed][]=$allowedDS; } if ($ret[1] == "subscriber") { $CDRTool[filter][aNumber] = $username; $this->auth["perm"] = "callsearch,statistics,showPrice,showCallerId"; } else { $CDRTool[filter][domain] = $a[1]; $this->auth["perm"] = "callsearch,statistics,showPrice,showCallerId"; } } return $ret[0]; } else { $query = sprintf( "select * from auth_user where (username = '%s' or (yubikey='%s' and yubikey !='')) and expire > NOW()", addslashes($username), addslashes($yubi_id) ); $this->db->query($query); $this->db->next_record(); $otp_enabled_db = $this->db->f('otp_enable'); $otp_email = $this->db->f('email'); $otp_tel = $this->db->f('tel'); $otp_passwd = $this->db->f('otp_passwd'); $otp_passwd_md5 = md5($this->db->f('otp_passwd')); if ($sendotp) { if ($otp_email || $otp_tel) { $interval="15"; print "

Sending OneTimePassword "; $random_otp = random_passwd_gen(); $expire_otp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"), date("i") + $interval, 0, date("m") ,date("d"), date("Y"))); $update = sprintf( "UPDATE auth_user SET otp_passwd='%s', otp_expire = '%s' WHERE username = '%s'", addslashes($random_otp), addslashes($expire_otp), addslashes($username) ); if ($this->db->query($update)) { if ($otp_email) { $body=sprintf("%s valid until %s CET (GMT+1) requested from %s", $random_otp, $expire_otp, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); mail($otp_email, "OTP for CDRTool", $body, "From: support@ag-projects.com"); } if ($otp_tel) { $body = sprintf("Password is %s valid until %s CET (GMT+1) from %s", $random_otp, $expire_otp, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $otp_tel=preg_replace("/[^0-9+]/", "", $otp_tel); otp_sms($otp_tel, $body, "1"); } print "

Password will expire at: $expire_otp (in $interval minutes)

"; } } else { print "

No OTP recipient exists for this account. "; } } $this->db->query( sprintf( "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(otp_expire) as timestamp_otp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() as timestamp_now FROM %s WHERE (username = '%s' OR (yubikey='%s' AND yubikey != '')) AND expire > NOW()", addslashes($this->database_table), addslashes($username), addslashes($yubi_id) ) ); $this->db->next_record(); $uid = $this->db->f("user_id"); $perm = $this->db->f("perms"); $yubikey = $this->db->f("yubikey"); $auth_method = $this->db->f("auth_method"); $user_db = $this->db->f("username"); $aclFilter = array(); foreach (explode(" ", $this->db->f("aclFilter")) as $ip) { $ip = trim($ip); if ($ip) { $aclFilter[] = $ip; } } $acl_filter = false; if ($aclFilter) { $acl_filter = true; foreach ($aclFilter as $f) { if (startsWith($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $f)) { $acl_filter = false; break; } } } if ($acl_filter) { $log = sprintf("CDRTool login with username %s using method %s from IP %s denied by ACL", $username, $auth_method, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } if ($CDRTool['provider']['clear_text_passwords'] != 1) { // Update hashed pass if none set and we need hashed ones if ($this->db->f("password_hashed") == '' && $this->db->f("password") != '') { $newpassmd5=md5($this->db->f("password")); $this->db->query( sprintf( "UPDATE %s SET password_hashed='%s', password='' WHERE username='%s'", addslashes($this->database_table), addslashes($newpassmd5), addslashes($username) ) ); $pass = $newpassmd5; $pass_md5 = $newpassmd5; } else { $pass = $this->db->f("password_hashed"); $pass_md5 = $this->db->f("password_hashed"); } } else { $pass = $this->db->f("password"); $pass_md5 = md5($this->db->f("password")); } $otp_passwd = $this->db->f("otp_passwd"); if (strlen($this->db->f('otp_passwd'))) { $otp_passwd_md5 = md5($this->db->f('otp_passwd')); } else { $otp_passwd_md5 = "garbage"; } $timestamp_otp = $this->db->f("timestamp_otp"); $timestamp_now = $this->db->f("timestamp_now"); $CDRTool['loginName'] = $this->db->f("name"); $CDRTool['loginEmail'] = $this->db->f("email"); $_dataSourcesAllowed = explode(",", $this->db->f("sources")); $_datasourceDefined = array_keys($DATASOURCES); $CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'] = array_intersect($_dataSourcesAllowed, $_datasourceDefined); // limits per CDRTool login account $CDRTool['filter']['user_id'] = $this->db->f("user_id"); $CDRTool['filter']['aNumber'] = $this->db->f('aNumberFilter'); $CDRTool['filter']['displayA'] = $this->db->f('display_cli'); $CDRTool['filter']['domain'] = $this->db->f('domainFilter'); $CDRTool['filter']['gateway'] = $this->db->f('gatewayFilter'); $CDRTool['filter']['compid'] = $this->db->f('compidFilter'); $CDRTool['filter']['cscode'] = $this->db->f('cscodeFilter'); if (preg_match("/^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/", $this->db->f('impersonate'), $m)) { $CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = $m[1]; $CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = $m[2]; } else if (preg_match("/^(\d+)$/", $this->db->f('impersonate'), $m)) { $CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = $m[1]; $CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = $m[1]; } else { $CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = ''; $CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = ''; } $CDRTool['impersonate'] = $this->db->f('impersonate'); if ($this->db->f('afterDateFilter') && $this->db->f('afterDateFilter') != "0000-00-00") { $CDRTool['filter']['after_date']=$this->db->f('afterDateFilter'); } if ($CDRTool['filter']['customer']) { // get soap credentials from NGNPro database global $soapEngines ; require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); require("/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc"); require_once("ngnpro_soap_library.php"); $this->SOAPlogin=array( "username" => $soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); $this->CustomerPort = new WebService_NGNPro_CustomerPort($soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['url']); $this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $filter = array('customer' => intval($CDRTool['filter']['customer'])); $range = array('start' => 0,'count' => 1); $orderBy = array('attribute' => 'customer', 'direction' => 'ASC'); $Query=array('filter' => $filter,'orderBy' => $orderBy,'range' => $range); // Call function $this->CustomerPort->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->CustomerPort->getCustomers($Query); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault= $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); $log = sprintf( "SOAP request error from %s: %s (%s): %s", $this->SoapEngine->SOAPurl, $error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } else { if (count($result->accounts) == 1) { if ($result->accounts[0]->impersonate) { // get the credentials of the impersonate field $filter = array('customer' => intval($result->accounts[0]->impersonate), 'reseller' => intval($result->accounts[0]->reseller)); $range = array('start' => 0,'count' => 1); $orderBy = array('attribute' => 'customer', 'direction' => 'ASC'); $Query=array('filter' => $filter,'orderBy' => $orderBy,'range' => $range); // Call function $this->CustomerPort->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->CustomerPort->getCustomers($Query); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault= $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); $log = sprintf( "SOAP request error from %s: %s (%s): %s", $this->SoapEngine->SOAPurl, $error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); } else { if (count($result->accounts) == 1) { $CDRTool["soap_username"] = $result->accounts[0]->username; $CDRTool["soap_password"] = $result->accounts[0]->password; } else { print "

Error retrieving customer data from the provisioning server, there is no such impersonate id. "; } } } else { $CDRTool["soap_username"] = $result->accounts[0]->username; $CDRTool["soap_password"] = $result->accounts[0]->password; } } else { print "

Error retrieving customer data from the provisioning server, there is no such customer id. "; } } } $expected_response = md5("$username:$pass_md5:$challenge"); $expect_otp=md5("$username:$otp_passwd_md5:$challenge"); //print_r($result); ## True when JS is disabled if ($response == "") { if ($CDRTool['provider']['clear_text_passwords']!= 1) { $password=md5($password); } if ($password == $pass || ($password == $otp_passwd && $timestamp_otp > $timestamp_now) ) { $log=sprintf("CDRTool login with username %s using method %s from IP %s", $username, $auth_method, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); if ($this->db->f("yubikey") == '' && $otp_yubikey != '') { $this->db->query( sprintf( "UPDATE %s SET yubikey='%s' WHERE username='%s'", addslashes($this->database_table), addslashes($otp_yubikey), addslashes($username) ) ); } $this->auth["perm"] = $perm; return $uid; } else { return false; } } else { ## Response is set, JS is enabled // we check if either otp or normal password match //print "

$response == $expected_response

$response == $expect_otp"; if ($expected_response == $response || ($response == $expect_otp && $timestamp_otp > $timestamp_now) ) { $log=sprintf("CDRTool login with username %s using method %s from IP %s", $username, $auth_method, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); if ($this->db->f("yubikey") == '' && $otp_yubikey != '') { $this->db->query( sprintf( "UPDATE %s SET yubikey='%s' WHERE username='%s'", addslashes($this->database_table), addslashes($otp_yubikey), addslashes($username) ) ); } $this->auth["perm"] = $perm; return $uid; } else { return false; } } } } } } class CDRTool_Perm extends Perm { public $classname = "CDRTool_Perm"; public $permissions = array( "admin" => 1, "callsearch" => 2, "statistics" => 4, "sqlquery" => 8, "soapclient" => 16, "rates" => 32, "showCallerId" => 64, "showPrice" => 128, "provisioning" => 256, "readonly" => 512, "sessions" => 1024 ); function perm_invalid($does_have, $must_have) { global $perm, $auth, $sess; global $_PHPLIB; include($_PHPLIB["libdir"] . "perminvalid.phtml"); } } class SIP_Subscriber_Session extends Session { public $classname = "SIP_Subscriber_Session"; public $auto_init = "SIP_setup.inc"; public $cookiename = "SIPCookie2"; ## defaults to classname public $magic = "3333jhjjjss13"; ## ID seed public $mode = "cookie"; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies public $fallback_mode = "get"; public $allowcache = "public"; public $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes public $that_class = "CDRTool_CT_Sql"; ## name of data storage container public $gc_probability = 5; } class SIP_Subscriber_Auth extends Auth { // use this auth for SIP accounts public $classname = "SIP_Subscriber_Auth"; public $lifetime = 0; public $magic = "d66mmmg111dsgzz"; ## Challenge seed function auth_loginform() { global $sess; global $max_login_attempts; $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $challenge = $_POST["challenge"]; $step = $_POST["step"]; $REMOTE_ADDR = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $yubikey_p = $_POST['yubikey']; $sess->register("challenge"); if (!$challenge) { $challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic)); } include("sip_login.phtml"); } function auth_validatelogin() { global $SIP; $username = isset($_POST["username"]) ? $_POST["username"] : ''; $password = isset($_POST["password"]) ? $_POST["password"] : ''; $challenge = isset($_POST["challenge"]) ? $_POST["challenge"] : ''; $response = isset($_POST["response"]) ? $_POST["response"] : ''; $response_ha1= isset($_POST["response_ha1"]) ? $_POST["response_ha1"] : ''; require_once 'PEAR.php'; if ($username) { $this->auth["uname"]=$username; } $a = explode("@", $username); $domain = $a[1]; if (count($a) != 2) { return false; } global $domainFilters, $resellerFilters, $soapEngines ; require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); require("/etc/cdrtool/ngnpro_engines.inc"); require_once("ngnpro_soap_library.php"); $SIP['account'] = $username; if ($domainFilters[$domain]['sip_engine']) { $SIP['engine'] = $domainFilters[$domain]['sip_engine']; } else if ($domainFilters['default']['sip_engine']) { $SIP['engine']=$domainFilters['default']['sip_engine']; } else { print "Error: cannot authenticate SIP subscriber, no domainFilter defined in ngnpro_engines.inc"; return false; } $this->SOAPlogin=array( "username" => $soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['username'], "password" => $soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['password'], "admin" => true ); $this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, ''); $this->SipPort = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['url']); $this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $this->SipPort->addHeader($this->SoapAuth); $result = $this->SipPort->getAccount(array("username" =>$a[0],"domain" =>$domain)); if ((new PEAR)->isError($result)) { $error_msg = $result->getMessage(); $error_fault= $result->getFault(); $error_code = $result->getCode(); $log = printf( "SOAP error from %s (SipPort): %s (%s): %s", $soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['url'], $error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring ); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return false; } //dprint_r($result->properties); $web_password=''; foreach ($result->properties as $_property) { if ($_property->name == 'web_password') { $web_password=$_property->value; break; } if ($_property->name == 'yubikey') { $yubikey=$_property->value; break; } } if (!$web_password) $web_password=$result->password; $pass_md5 = md5($web_password); $expected_response = md5("$username:$pass_md5:$challenge"); $SIP['customer'] = $result->customer; $SIP['reseller'] = $result->reseller; $parts=explode(':', $pass_md5); dprint_r($result); dprint($expected_response); dprint($parts['0']); if ($result->ha1 && $result->ha1 == $response_ha1) { $log=sprintf("SIP settings page: %s logged in from %s", $username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return true; } if ($pass_md5 && $parts[0] == $response_ha1) { $log=sprintf("SIP settings page: %s logged in from %s", $username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return true; } if ($expected_response == $response) { $log=sprintf("SIP settings page: %s logged in from %s", $username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log); return true; } return false; } } function otp_sms($tel, $message, $hideoutput) { $tel=preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $tel); $tel="+".$tel; $message = substr($message, 0, 135); if (!$tel || !$message) { return 0; } $cmd="/usr/bin/sms --destination $tel --message \"$message\""; exec($cmd, $output, $returnCode); if ($returnCode == "0") { if (!$hideoutput) { print "

"; printf(_("SMS sent succesfully to %s. "), $tel); } } else { print "

"; print ""; print "OTP "; print _("Error"); } } function random_passwd_gen() { # Calculating random password $alf=array("a","b","c","d","e","f", "h","i","j","k","l","m", "n","p","r","s","t","w", "x","y","1","2","3","4", "5","6","7","8","9"); while ($i < 5) { srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); $randval = rand(0, 28); $random_otp="$random_otp"."$alf[$randval]"; $i++; } return $random_otp; } function dprint($msg = "") { global $verbose; if ($verbose) { print "
$msg\n"; } } function dprint_r($obj) { global $verbose; if ($verbose) { print "

         print "
\n"; } } function dprint_sql($sql = "") { global $verbose; require_once('SqlFormatter.php'); if ($verbose) { echo SqlFormatter::format($sql); } } +function iso8859_1_to_utf8($s) +{ + $s .= $s; + $len = \strlen($s); + + for ($i = $len >> 1, $j = 0; $i < $len; ++$i, ++$j) { + switch (true) { + case $s[$i] < "\x80": $s[$j] = $s[$i]; break; + case $s[$i] < "\xC0": $s[$j] = "\xC2"; $s[++$j] = $s[$i]; break; + default: $s[$j] = "\xC3"; $s[++$j] = \chr(\ord($s[$i]) - 64); break; + } + } + + return substr($s, 0, $j); +} + function checkEmail($email) { global $verbose; dprint("checkEmail($email)"); if (stristr($email, "-.") || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*@([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/i", $email) ) { return 0; } return 1; } function checkSipAccount($account) { $regexp = "/^\+?[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]/i"; dprint($regexp); if (!preg_match($regexp, $account)) { return false; } return true; } class OpenSIPS_DomainAuth { function OpenSIPS_DomainAuth() { $this->userDB = new DB_opensips; $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber = array('opensips_radius','sip_trace','media_trace'); } function validate($user, $domain, $password) { $ha1 = md5($user. ':' . $domain . ':' . $password); $query = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM subscriber WHERE username = '%s' AND domain = '%s' AND (password = '%s' or ha1 = '%s') ", addslashes($user), addslashes($domain), addslashes($password), addslashes($ha1) ); if ($this->userDB->query($query)) { $this->userDB->next_record(); $uid = $this->userDB->f('username'); if ($uid) { return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber); } } } } class SipThor_DomainAuth { function SipThor_DomainAuth() { $this->userDB = new DB_sipthor; $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber = array('sipthor','sip_trace_thor','media_trace_thor'); } function validate($user, $domain, $password, $response, $otp_yubikey) { $query = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM sip_accounts WHERE username = '%s' AND domain = '%s'", addslashes($user), addslashes($domain) ); require_once 'PEAR.php'; if ($this->userDB->query($query)) { $this->userDB->next_record(); $profile = json_decode($this->userDB->f('profile'), 'true'); $check_password = $profile['password']; $check_password_ha1=$profile['ha1']; if ($profile['properties']['web_password']) { $web_pass=$profile['properties']['web_password']; if (strstr($web_pass, ":")) { $split = explode(":", $web_pass); //if (preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/', split[0])) { $check_web_password=$split[0]; //} } else { $check_web_password = $profile['properties']['web_password']; } } $check_password_md5 = md5("$check_password"); $expected_response_pass = md5("$user:$domain:$check_password"); $expected_response_pass_ha1 = md5("$user:$domain:$check_password_ha1"); $expected_response_web = $check_password; //dprint($expected_response_pass_ha1); if ($expected_response_pass == $response) { $uid = $this->userDB->f('username'); if ($uid) { return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber); } } else if ($check_password == $password) { $uid = $this->userDB->f('username'); if ($uid) { return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber); } } else if ($expected_response_web == $response) { $uid = $this->userDB->f('username'); if ($uid) { return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber); } } else if ($expected_response_pass_ha1 == $response) { $uid = $this->userDB->f('username'); if ($uid) { return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber); } } } } } class pageLayout { function showLoginForm(&$parentAuth) { global $username, $otp_error, $CDRTool; $auth=$parentAuth; $username = $auth->auth["uname"]; print " "; $url = $auth->url(); print "

"; $this->hasAGProjectslogo = 1; $logo = $CDRTool['tld']."/images/CDRTool.png"; print "

"; print "

"; if ($CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginSubscriber']) { $sampleLoginSubscriber = $CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginSubscriber']; } else { $sampleLoginSubscriber = "account@sip2sip.info"; } if ($CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginDomain']) { $sampleLoginDomain = $CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginDomain']; } else { $sampleLoginDomain = "sip2sip.info"; } $web_username = $auth->auth["uname"]; print "

"; print "

"; if (isset($username)) { if (!$sendotp || $username) { print "

Invalid username/password combination.

"; $spam = new DB_CDRTool; $query = sprintf("select * from spam where ip = '%s'", addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $spam->query($query); if (!$spam->num_rows()) { $query = sprintf( "insert into spam (ip,tries,login,stamp) values ('%s','1','%s','%s') ", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], addslashes($username), time() ); } else { $query = sprintf( "update spam set tries = tries +1 where ip = '%s'", addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ); } $spam->query($query); } else { print "Please fill in your One Time Password!"; } } print "
"; print ""; print ""; print " "; } function showHeader($title = '') { } function showTopMenu($title = '') { global $DATASOURCES, $CDRTool, $cdr_source, $perm; $version = trim(file_get_contents('version')); print ' '; print "
"; print "
"; print "

"; print "$title"; if (isset($DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name'])) { print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name']; } // Dirty hack if ($title == 'Provisioning' && $perm->have_perm("provisioning")) { print "
Usage statistics"; } print "

"; // print " // // "; // if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.gif")) { // printf ("",$CDRTool['tld']); // } else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.jpg")) { // printf ("",$CDRTool['tld']); // } else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.png")) { // printf ("",$CDRTool['tld']); // } else { // $this->hasAGProjectslogo=1; // print ""; // } // print " // // //
"; // printf ("",$CDRTool['tld']); // print " // // // //
"; // print "

$title"; // print " "; // print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name']; // print "

"; // print "

"; // print "
// "; // print " // // // //
// // // "; // if ($perm->have_perm("callsearch")) { // print " "; // } // if ($perm->have_perm("rates")) { // print " "; // print " "; // print " "; // } // if ($perm->have_perm("statistics")) { // print " "; // print " "; // print " "; // } // if ($perm->have_perm("admin")) { // print " "; // } // if ($perm->have_perm("provisioning")) { // print " "; // } // print " "; // print " "; // $now_print=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); // $tz=$CDRTool['provider']['timezone']; // //print " "; // print " "; // print " // //
CDRsRatingPrepaidQuotaNetworkSessionsUsageReplicationProvisioningAccountsLogs$now_print | v. $versionv. $version
// "; // printf ("Logout %s",$CDRTool['loginName']); // print " //

//"; } function showTopMenuSubscriber($title = "") { global $DATASOURCES, $CDRTool, $cdr_source, $perm; $version=trim(file_get_contents(version)); $now_print=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $tz=getenv('TZ'); print '

'; print "
"; print "
"; print "

"; print "$title"; print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name']; print "

"; } function showLegalNotice() { global $loginname, $CDRTool; $CDRTool_company = $CDRTool['provider']['name']; $legalNotice="Legal Notice". "\n\n". "This software is intended for the use of $CDRTool_company, ". "resellers of $CDRTool_company and the customers of $CDRTool_company. ". "The use of this software by any natural or legal person that does ". "not belong to $CDRTool_company, its Resellers or is a not a ". "customer of $CDRTool_company or its resellers is therefore ". "expressly prohibited.". "\n\n". "All the information stored on, and accessible through this software ". "are personal data protected as such by international and domestic ". "legislation relating to the processing of personal data and ". "the protection of the right to privacy. For these reasons: ". "1. This software shall exclusively be used to the extent that it ". "is necessary for the provision of services to $CDRTool_company ". "customers and its resellers; ". "2. No information displayed on, and accessible through this software ". "shall be communicated to any natural or legal person outside ". "$CDRTool_company and its resellers, without prejudice to the ". "possibility for competent authorities (namely government bodies, ". "courts, regulatory authorities) to be informed of billing or ". "traffic data in conformity with the applicable legislation. ". "\n\n"; $loginName=$CDRTool['loginName']; $this->hasAGProjectslogo=1; print "

You are currently logged in as $loginname

If you agree with the Terms and Conditions,
press on I agree button to continue.

"; } function showFooter() { global $CDRTool; if (!$CDRTool['filter']['aNumber'] && !$this->hasAGProjectslogo) { $thisYear = date("Y", time()); print "

"; } } function showLogout($loginname) { print "


You have been logged in as $loginname.

You have been logged out.

Login again

"; } } function unLockTables($dbid) { $dbid->query("unlock tables"); } function changeLanguage($lang = 'en', $domain = 'cdrtool') { // run dpkg-reconfigure locales and select support languages .utf8 $lang = languageCodeFor(isset($lang) ? $lang : 'en'); $lang.='.utf8'; setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); bindtextdomain($domain, '/var/www/CDRTool/po/locale'); bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8'); textdomain($domain); } // return full language code for given 2 letter language code function languageCodeFor($lang='en') { $lang = isset($lang) ? strtolower($lang) : 'en'; switch ($lang) { case 'en': return 'en_US'; // this can be C or en_US case 'ja': return 'ja_JP'; default : return ($lang . '_' . strtoupper($lang)); } return 'C'; // this will never be reached } function RandomString($len=11) { $alf=array("a","b","c","d","e","f", "h","i","j","k","l","m", "n","p","r","s","t","w", "x","y","1","2","3","4", "5","6","7","8","9"); $i=0; $string = ''; while($i < $len) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randval = rand(0,28); $string = "$string"."$alf[$randval]"; $i++; } return $string; } function RandomNumber($len=5,$skipzero=false) { $alf=array("1","2","3","4","5", "9","8","7","6"); if (!$skipzero) $alf[]="0"; $i=0; while($i < $len) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randval = rand(0,9); $string="$string"."$alf[$randval]"; $i++; } return $string; } function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function sec2hms($duration) { // return seconds in HH:MM:SS format $sum1=$duration; $duration_print=""; $duration_hour=floor($sum1/3600); if ($duration_hour > 0) { $sum1=$sum1-($duration_hour*3600); $duration_print="$duration_hour:"; } $duration_min=floor($sum1/60); if ($duration_min > 0) { $sum1=$sum1-($duration_min*60); if ($duration_min < 10) { $duration_min="0"."$duration_min"; } $duration_print="$duration_print"."$duration_min:"; } else { $duration_print="$duration_print"."00:"; } if ($sum1< 10) { $duration_sec="0"."$sum1"; } else { $duration_sec=$sum1; } $duration_print="$duration_print"."$duration_sec"; return $duration_print; } function get_location($ip) { $geo_location=array(); $geo_location['country'] = ''; $geo_location['city'] = '' ; $geo_location['code'] = ''; $geo_location['region'] = ''; if ($_loc=geoip_record_by_name($ip)) { if ($_loc['city']) { $geo_location['city'] = $_loc['city']; } $geo_location['country'] = $_loc['country_name']; $geo_location['code'] = $_loc['country_code']; $geo_location['region'] = $_loc['region']; } return json_encode($geo_location); } function startsWith($haystack, $needle, $case=true) { if ($case) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0; } return stripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0; } ?>